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The Public Eye
The Public Eye
Part of the Luck of the Irish series.
Three men and a leprechaun? When Dermot, Greg and Zev meet at the wedding of a past
lover, the little green guy offers each man a golden opportunity to possess his greatest desire.
Unfortunately, figuring out what that greatest desire amounts to isn’t as easy as it sounds.
Greg Tennerson figures the leprechaun was just an elaborate prank, but quickly
changes his mind when he wakes up with Vivian in his bed. She’s gorgeous. She’s sexy.
She’s very much naked. In fact, she’s Greg’s vision of absolute female perfection. She’s
also more than willing to satisfy his every physical desire. Anything he wants. Any time
he wants. As often as he wants. It’s a fantasy come true for this successful attorney with
his heart set on a career in politics…but there’s a catch.
Vivian will only have sex with him in public. And only if there’s danger of getting
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
The Public Eye
ISBN 9781419924835
The Public Eye Copyright © 2003 Chris Tanglen
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book Publication 2003
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Chris Tanglen
The Public Eye
Ireland, present day
“This isn’t how I envisioned present-day Ireland,” said the nerd at the table.
Dermot Stone wished he would quit talking. Every moment Dermot had to spend
responding was one less moment available for the task of getting shit-faced drunk.
“So what were you envisioning?” asked the other guy, Greg something. A lawyer.
The nerd shrugged and took another drink of Guinness. “I don’t know. More
people wearing green, I guess. A few more redheaded wee Irish lasses. Where are the
pet leprechauns?”
Dermot really needed to switch tables. He was far from sober himself, but at least
alcohol didn’t turn him into a babbling idiot. He sighed and looked around the
wedding reception. A huge number of people, probably hundreds, having themselves a
grand old time and here he was sitting at a table with a lawyer and an intoxicated nerd.
Greg the Lawyer took a sip from his beer, grimacing a bit. The guy clearly wasn’t a
drinker. “So, Zev, are you here for the bride or groom?” he asked the nerd.
“The bride. Tami’s an ex-girlfriend.”
That caught Dermot’s attention. “Really?”
“Yeah. We were together for about a month when she was living in the states.”
“She was my nanny,” said Dermot. “I lost my virginity to her.”
“Your nanny ?” asked Greg. “How old are you?”
“Never mind,” said Dermot, immediately wishing he’d kept his mouth shut. “It’s a
long story.”
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