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Future is a thoroughly filtered present time

Future is a thoroughly filtered present time
Strugatzki Bros.


We watch things every time not only from the other side, but, with the altered eyes as well, — so we believe the things are altered.


     The way to esoterics may be different for everyone. Some of them graduate all sorts of schools and seminars, enter sects, or get initiation into magic orders and clans. Others keep their own way, ignoring stabled dogmata of civilization’s thousand-years experience and refuting laws of classical sciences. These men and women act like a May beetles who do not know aero-dynamic laws that forbid them an ability to fly. So, at every spring time, those chocolate-colored creations buzz in gardens to make children happy.

     The book you are reading right now is, first of all, oriented to those who has already noted for himself an uncongruency among things on-going and the laws men and women have created on the Earth. I have at first developed my own hypothesis of civilization’s “phase transition”, in our changing eras from Pisces to Aquarius. Then, like well-known Munchausen, I have pulled myself out into an esoteric practice.

     A stymulus to develop the hypothesis were gaps in generally accepted theories, which occurred unable to explain the things going on in our multi-dimensional universe. In their book of “Quantum mechanics” (Moscow, “Science”, 1989, p.15), L.Landau and E.Lifshitz wrote: “… In such a connection, the “classical object” is usually named as “a device”, and, its interaction with an electron is named as “a measuring”. However, one have to emphasize that this is not a process of measuring the observer-physicist is taking part in. In quantum mechanics, “a measuring” means each and every interaction among classical and quantum objects, which goes independently on any observer.”

     So I think that just the above-mentioned statement made me — as a former physicist in an area of developments in satellites’ solar batteries — to understand silliness going now on in all the classical physics. I understood that operator impacted on physical processes and, then, understood something about a multi-dimensionality in universe processes. After this, the everyday practice in patients’ enio-correction made me able to accumulate a serious statistical base to create a new paradigm.

     The book you are reading now is not in any way a manual on ESP (Extra-Sensory-Perception) or on a healing despite of the fact that it contains some chapters appropriate to this. Spontaneous emerging of those abilities, in last two decades, pushed many men and women to the way of healing others. A sort of schools have emerged — to open a third eye, to develop ESP, to master astral karate, and so on. From East and West, a wave of guru, teachers and preachers has flood into Russia. A sort of literature on magic, healing and astrology was brought onto the stalls. Pay money, and, after corresponding learning course, you are a healer of international level, a master of white or black magic… Wave three times with your hand, and the patient becames healthy. However, what was it? Why this given malady has caught this given man? What may be the results of your healing for yourself and for your patient?

     That way, in this book I try to form an understanding of multi-dimensional cause-and-result connections of different pathogenouse patient’s and social media’s conditions, to find out an interconnection between earthen and outer reason evolutions. And, first of all, I try to find an exit from on-going critical situation on the Earth.

     In further way, I am keeping a hope that an experience accumulated by colleagues of mine in our research center “ENIO” in Rostov-on-Don, as well as an experience of my own, will help you in cognizing this world in somehow different aspects to reveal your own way of realization of your own potential. As Blais Pascal has said, “The arguments a man has got for himself, make him usually more convinced as to those occurred to the others’ heads”.

     Some fundamental scientific discoveries have been made since a first publication of this book in March, 2000. These are, firstly, the experiments in light stopping inside a cooled gas media; then, decoding of a human genome, evidence of life on Mars… However, the most grandiose thing was the official acknowledge of an existence of an outer reason. After mass UFO sightings in 1999-2000, the presence of alien reason on the Earth has been officially corroborated by China government and, then, by Pope.

     In June, 2000, Russian academician Vladimir G. Azhazha has been handed a patent No.000360, from International Chamber for New Inventions, as to his discovery of mankind’s not-aloneness in the universe. The patent was subscripted by an academician A.G.Khariton. In particular, there was stated in the patent, that “there has been empirically demonstrated: on the Earth and in the near-Earth space, the impact of alien reason on the mankind, on the nature and on the techniques, — the reason being superlative as to the one belonging the Earth and resulting in technical potential watching in UFO and like phenomena, — may serve a hard evidence of mankind’s not-aloneness in the universe.”

     However, all the results of those discoveries have already been predetermined in the first edition of our book. One has to embody them in our world, the thing that is now being accomplished, indeed.

     In spite of a meager printing of its first edition, the book found itself, in fact, in all Russia and “near abroad” towns, as well as in towns of USA. The great role plays our web-site, where the book is placed, too. We constantly get everyday comments, both critical and rapturous. In other words, the book was noticed and did not disappear itself among many other publications. It means, in particular, that many-years workings of our Center’s stuff was not a vain thing. So we decided to re-edit the book, for which goal we set a bookhouse “ENIO”, in the Center.

     In that way, I am keeping a hope that this second edition will serve as a means of the deeper change in men and women consciousness for the way of the constructive processes; and, that an obscurantism, a taking and a stupidity will become a thing of an everyone’s scom.


Chapter 1

Eniology as a most ancient science of modernity

There are no miracles on the Earth. A self-consciousness of the Nature, which is a man on the Earth, should possess an universal sight, oriented not only to the Space, but also to the Time. The core of a matter lies behind the level of a planetary reason’s evolution.


     Eniology is a science studying the processes of energy and informational exchanging in the universe. In 1989, an “ENIO” Association was set, on the base of which was registered (in April, 1995; No.2693) the International Academy for Energy and Informational Sciences, for a president of which was elected Firjaz R. Khantzeveroff. It was he who, for a long time, headed the one of the most serious war department, has thought of that new term. Now, the Academy unites many science centers both in Russia and abroad.

     The term of “eniology” is a modern idea for the most ancient esoteric knowledge of our civilization. Hermes Trismagistus who lived in 2nd-3rd millennium until our era is being considered as a founder of that knowledge. He leaved us more than 30,000 manuscripts on every area of a human’s knowledge. However, he could not do such a work on his own; so it is being believed that a group has worked whose knowledge was passed us through Hermes. We are the 5th Race on the Earth, and, the 6th has to be a subsequent one. These are incarnations of our civilization — Atlantis, Lemuria, and back to the past.

     Unfortunally, the History is being repeated. There already were nuclear and psychotronic wars, on the Earth, and, crude oil and coal are their results. We are now on the verge of a self-devastation, again.

     This book isn’t an attempt to usually frighten the Earth residents who all the same is scaring of everything, but, it’s a quest the way to escape the situation. As its base, the book uses materials being accumulated in “ENIO” Center school for many years. A principal goal of the school is learning the processes of health and safety care in esotericism. Such an approachment is both a hands-on and a modus of life. An esotericism being the same as an eniology, in its modern interpretation, implies a holistic approachment to a knowledge.

     All of the great and well-known persons in esotericism were physicists, mathematicians, and, in the same time, the healers. Unfortunally, Hippocrate ruled the medicine away from a holistic temple of esoteric knowledge. As a result, we have now got a full shattering of the phantoms of so called traditional science. The situation we are now in is a result of ill-considered acts of all our civilization which could not learn co-exist without a violation of enio laws.

     Nowadays, healing is just a dangerous thing. Why did meet with failure those who, in 80th, rushed to open healers’ centers? That was a situation where some shepherd lost a control over what is going on the Earth, and, men and women have got an opportunity of gaining experience, thinking it through and enter an esotericism.

     When a magician, sorcerer, or healer does not know what is going on while healing he is under a real danger. An analysis has been put through: within last ten years, the most dangerous professions are just those healers, sorcerers, and fortune tellers.

     In China, there was very frightening curse: “Let you live when the eras change…”. We are now living just in such a transition. A Pisces era is over, and, an Aquarius era has begun. Such era alterations are usually connected with moving of Zodiac signs by 30° in every 2160 years, i.e., a sign goes from a one constellation into the another.

     The transitions from one era to another have always lead to serious breakdowns. The things we see now — political, economical, and natural cataclysms — are all the result of this enio-transformation. This is the time for modern paradigm to be changed. It is not by chance that, in Pisces era’s last decade, serious physicists have come to esotericism and became healers. Between these two eras our civilization cleans itself up from its silliness — a some kind of Karma going to a zero.

     A Pisces era was characterized by its cruelty and bloodthirstiness. That was an era of wars and violation. Within only XX-th century and, only, according to the court verdicts, 26 millions of men were executed. Among them, for crime actions — about 5%, while other 95% — for nothing. To be compared: it was officially believed recently that, in World War Two, 20 millions have died: however, the number is significantly more.

     An eniology is not only a sort of esoteric approach, as an ordinary sense may see the term. This is an omni-covering science. So, the author of the book given should have to come to the esotericism through a physics and aviation, as well as through different kinds of jobs, helping himself watch, in this way, the things going on from the different points of view. Thanking to this, the author could come to a practice without graduating special schools and reading special literature. The great hermetical (i.e., “closed”, “clandestine”) principle has been, that way, violated… Pitifully, in former times, some esoteric schools, orders, and clans have made a series of mistakes. They concealed their knowledge, and, sooner or later, those relevant actions turned against esoteric line resulting in its self-destruction.

     Ancient myths and legends say that Hermes have once gathered his disciples and put them a task: “Develop adapted esoteric knowledge for profanes…”. The term of “profane” means, really, “not initiated into an esoteric clan”. The disciples of Hermes went worldwidely. Religions became come into view. Because of this, all they are of the same origin rooted in an Ancient Egypt, although, in modern times, they transformed themselves significantly. So, for example, the Christianity became a genuine Satanism, having nothing in common with a Christ teachings.

     Many of esoteric approaching have become so changed nowadays that you, really, cannot see a primordial hidden esoteric sense behind them. These transformations made now our life penetrated with magic cults and rites. In their profaned forms, a knowledge primarily being thoroughly covered-up is now achievable to everyone. This did not happen by chance. There were many great esotericians, in former times, and, nowadays, we have got a great number of low-leveled sorcerers and magicians.

     On the other hand, magic and sorcery are only a hands-on part of theoretical esotericism. Those who call themselves a sorcerer or magician make thereby lower their intellectual potential and energy level. Esotericism implies a multi-aspect knowledge. Magic is only a hands-on action. For a human, to raise himself over rural sorcerers and reach a level of a genuine esotericism is rather a complex task. You may limit yourself for meal and other earthen rewards, like yogins would do, or, you may learn by heart all magic literature, with all its rites and Cabbalistic language of its symbols; however, to became a genuine esotericist, you have to be not only knowledgeable, but, also, to live in the esotericism.

Рис. 1. Flower of gnosis

     In this book, we shall try to envisage the same problems from the different points of view. You cannot form an opinion as to the Truth; it will always be a subjective one. So we shall try here as if to go through an every sphere of a knowledge trying, in parallel, escape a subjectivity. The last one we consider to be as the one of the most complex thing, on a way of becoming a genuine esotericist, — to perceive information without enacting your own ego.

     Let’s image knowledge like a flower (pict. 1). The truth is hidden in the center of it. Every line of the science is one of the petals, or, more accurately, a part of a petal. To form a holistic understanding of the processes, we do shall envisage the problems under different aspects, and, we shall do it through all the book.



Why the Eden is closed for us, or, - Briefly about the principal things

If ... someone thinks in another way than myself, he does not, indeed, insult me by this; on the contrary, he makes me richer. The base of our unity is a Man, who is more advanced than any of us.

А. de Saint-Exuperie

     There is no magic black or white, magic from The Lord or from Satan. Instead, there is a totality of knowledge that a previous incarnation of our earth civilization (as well as other civilizations) has had. This knowledge is mirrored in the Universe Informational Fields (info-fields). Currently, a Fifth Incarnation of earth civilization is going to the end. Our civilization's previous incarnation on the Earth is a civilization of Atlantis. The Atlantic incarnation has ended long time ago; nevertheless, the information about all accumulated knowledge has been saved in the info-fields. And, despite of powerful alien blocks, there was always "specialists" able to use the information. This knowledge just formed a base of esotericism and, in its adapted form, lay into a base of magic as well as religion of all sorts. Usage of this knowledge for good or for evil depended always on a given concrete man.

     In this world, you have to pay for anything, and, such payment may rather be of high category.

     When a moment to return Karmic debts occurs, many usually become touchy and astonished: what for? - they say.

     However, in our Universe, the Absolute's Laws say: "Good and Creativity are a norm of Life; Evil is punished, in every its form". So you should not wait reward for your good deeds, while Evil, accordingly to a Law of Boomerang, will return to who have born it.

     There is another immutable law: an individuality's (as well as a whole civilization's) willingness inviolability. So one who created an evil or, in other words, violated enio-laws of the universe, is being punished himself becoming his own executioner. In their most adapted form, these laws are outlined in testaments of every religion. The confessions whose base ideology implied a possibility of violation the enio-laws, condemned themselves (as well as a whole egregorial ethnos) to extinction. And, the more violation, the quicker extinction.

     All our diseases, misfortunes, and cataclysms are, just a payment for violation the enio-balance among the Earth and Universe. Goethe, being not only a great poet, but, also, a great esotericist, has written, that all Earth's organisms are "the one great element where a one species if do not emerges through the another, still, anyway, support himself". Imperceptibly for himself, a human went over to a camp of destructors. Destruction is not a construction, a soul is not very worried about it, especially as there is nothing some of the sort already. In such a case, you should not astonish why Russia became a cesspit. We wanted this for ourselves. And, what is the saddest, we continue wanting to live in this cesspit. Accordingly to a Law of Willing Inviolation, no one is going to pull us out from the cesspit. Even a sort of healers, psychists, sorcerers, and so on, i.e., all who are summoned up, in these hard times, to help patients and those who had lost their way, - doll up bright labels like "guru", "teacher of international level", and so on, making from their sacral duty an item of income. However, the opportunity of helping is being rendered to a healer in exchange for atonement of his own sins through diseases, misfortunes, and alike.

     Many men and women, in our times, including church officials, are getting into the habit of hiding themselves behind the name of God and the Bible, while forgot, as it was, even to look through the Holy Script. Much is being telling of there, indeed. For example, that the End of World is not a one-moment event. This is a Cosmic Death, opposing to a human's physical one. Of course, this cosmic waste may coincide with a physical death. For someone, this will be AIDS, for another - an earthquake, then a flood, or, a nuclear explosion…

     Things never occur at random! Passengers, in airplane predetermined to wreck, are not gathered there at random; Hiroshima and Nagasaki residents did not incarnate at random just in this century - they went to compensate their Karma for their medieval obscurancy. Just for that reason, there is a Japanese not fitted to a generally accepted paradigm, who, for more than one hour long, stayed in epicenter of nuclear explosion, than raised his own children, saw his grandsons, and never had any signs of a radiation sickness. No deviations were confirmed in his children and grandsons, as well. That way, accident is a chain of unrevealed predictable things, hidden behind our blindness.

     In His preachings, Jesus would say, "You are in sin, 'cause you are blind; and, if you think you see you'll stay in sin forever".

     Almost everyone who possesses ESP should say, after reading John's Gospel, that Jesus do said about a third eye, reincarnations, and healing. As a politic and religion institution, the Christianity rejects such an interpretation; however, the Moscow eparchy, in its leaflet as to zombying through a third eye, has consigned to anathema both members of that "Maria Devi" sect and ESP-psychists, who in advance warned about mass zombying possibility.

     Unfortunately, while cursing psychists, healers, sorcerers, and astrologists, for their alleged connection to Satan, The Orthodox Church did not notice a Satanism penetrated into her own cult rituals and festivals. For instance, a paganistic festival of Easter is nothing more than a cult of phallus sacrifice onto an Isis chancel, and, for a long time already, coinciding with elections of "Witch of the Year", in given locality; of women, the one who touch first a crux taking out, has won. Then, in turn, a (paid-for) rite of christening includes an element of magic involtation - a program for lethalisation: hairs are being cut off, wrapped into a little wax ball and put into a water font. A description of the rite you can find in manuals on destructive magic, but, not in the Bible! Jesus got christening in His thirty years, and, initiation, in one's early years, is a violation of a Law of Willing Inviolability. In this way, yet more men and women say the initiation (be it in Christianity or Islam) to be only effected after a person's own consent and coming of age.

     Well, in our life, everyone makes mistakes and pays them for himself. We must not judge, so much so that this commandment implies a power law of enio exchange. From esoteric point of view, the law says: "Beginning from 5th-dimension spaces (an astral plane), the Time as a co-ordinate of lower metric space loses its sense as a directed time stream". You may image it as follows: while seeing the physical processes of our 4-dimensional space at least through the astral plane (i.e., a 5-dimensionality; like Vanga, for instance, used to do), we could see an informational field of events (IFE), in which a man is being born, lives, and comes to death synchronously in all his incarnations; distance and mass are of no importance, here. Just thanking to this enio-law, distance diagnostics and healing are possible, in any Time direction - both in the Future and the Past. Such situation gives us opportunity of carrying out mass healing, correcting, and like courses, as the Law permits to healer forming any number of his astro-mental doubles-phantoms, at any distance and time. It is absolutely of no importance, is a healer right near his patient, in a hall, or, is it his radio or TV broadcasting, or live ether, or early-prepared audio transmission. In any event, those corrections are being gone through the info-fields (IFE) of a whole Creation.

     A reader may put a question here: "This all is very interesting, but, in what way is it connected to The Commandments and everyday life?" You see, according to the Law, the person you are right now recalling, is ought to come forward beside you, at the astral plane. Time and distance make no importance. The person might be a living one, or, gone long time ago, or, in general, an entity of other world. By the way, such a principle is an underlying reason of spirit seances.

     The Law not only allows human (animal, plant, etc.) healing; in many psychotronic labs and centers of the world, for a long time already, distant monitoring, technical means correction, ships and airplanes location are being under carrying out.

     Knowledge may be applied in an ambivalent way - for Good or for evil. The destruction may be performed through any distance and time. Astral karate is one of the species. Somebody has dislike you - and, single-minded astral shot causes heart attack or a stroke. A possibility is to exterminate slowly, as well…

     You may argue, that "these things are only available to the advanced and experienced persons graduated relevant schools'. However, you will be wrong. Everybody is able of doing this. Almost everybody is such an experienced person.

     In Bible, it is being said that any authority is a measure of re...

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