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Tc` Tjri Tc\o Tdh` Fjmbjo
Tc` Tjri Tc\o Tdh` Fjmbjo
An Adventure for First-Level Characters
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HANDBOOK, DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, and MONSTER MANUAL are trademarks of Wizards of the
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References in this publication, D&D core rules mechanics, and all D&D characters and their distinctive
likenesses, are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission under the Dungeons &
Dragons 4
Edition PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, written by Rob Heinsoo, Andy
Collins, and James Wyatt ; DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, written by James Wyatt; and
MONSTER MANUAL, written by Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert and James Wyatt
© 2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.
All original enclosed material ©Christopher King 2008
Implement Games is ©Christopher King 2008
Cover Picture Courtesy of Public Domain
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The Town that Time Forgot
For PCs Level 1
If the PCs insist on further explanation, the man looks
intensely at them for a moment, then scans around once
again for anyone else in the vicinity, and then nods.
While traveling, the PCs come upon a small town nestled
deep in the foothills near a large mountain range. There
are no signs or visible means to identify the town, and
very few people can be seen in the streets. The few people
that are seen all seem to be quite pleasant, and smile
warmly at the PCs. If the PCs ask any of the townsfolk
about the name of the town, they appear to get nervous
and won’t make eye contact. Not only that, but they
refuse to give a sound answer. Most of them come up
with ways to change the subject, or simply say things
such as “just a small town”, or “what’s in a name?”
“You want to really know what’s going on here? I see that
youth has not changed since I came to live here. The
young are still persistent in wanting answers; even to
things they have no business knowing. One day, should
you live long enough to see it, you’ll understand that
NOT knowing everything is just fine. Many things that
you learn can’t be unlearned. Many things seen that you
can’t un-see.”
He takes one final drink from his bottle, and then tosses it
to the ground near him. Sighing deeply, he continues.
Even without any kind of Insight checks, the PCs get a
feeling that something is just not right about this town.
Something’s strange, and to even hint at it gets the locals
nervous. If the PCs persist in trying to get information
about the town, the locals will eventually start
intentionally avoiding them by going out of their way to
walk around them, or simply head in a different direction
when approached. Their smiles never fade, but their
actions reflect what they really feel.
“Fine. You wish to have answers. If you won’t take my
advice and leave, be here when the bell tolls twice and
you’ll see more than you ever wanted to see. I really wish
you wouldn’t though…such a waste of lives.”
Just as the old man finishes his last statement, he starts as
though surprised. The PCs see a crossbow bolt sticking
out of the man’s stomach. Blood has already started to
stain his shirt around the bolt. The man grunts, then
slumps down face-first into the dusty ground.
While making their way through the town, the PCs will
see a man sitting on the ground, leaned against an unused
hitching post, his head down, and a bottle in one hand. In
the other hand is a long knife. If the PCs approach the
man, or simply try to pass by him, he will call out o them.
Looking around, the PCs see no evidence of another
person anywhere near them. A great distance away they
see a small crowd of townsfolk, all standing still and
staring at them. When the PCs notice this group, the
people look away and go back to whatever they were
doing. If the PCs explore the area, they will find no one
that could have fired the bolt, not any that are willing to
talk about it.
“Strangers! Let me speak to you a moment, if you
His speech is slurry, and his eyes are bloodshot. It is very
obvious that the man has been drinking heavily, and his
breath reeks of the cheap wine he’s been swilling. The
PCs see a huge scar running across the entire width of the
man’s grizzled face, seeming to start at one ear, go under
one eye, run across his nose, and through the other eye
which is milky and half-closed.
Closer to the center of the town, the PCs see a large tower
surrounded by a tall wall with a thick iron gate. At the top
of the tower is an open belfry with a huge black bell
hanging in it. The gate, tower, and bell all appear to have
been unused for a very long time. Rust and moss cover
everything, including the wall surrounding the tower.
“You shouldn’t be here”, the man says in a husky
whisper. He looks all around to ensure no others are near,
and then continues.
Should the PCs continue to investigate the town, the
locals still smile warmly at them, but none will speak,
even if directly confronted. After a little less than an hour
from the PCs entering the town, they hear the large bell
toll once…then twice. The sound of it echoes throughout
the small town, drowning out any ambient noises from the
locals, animals, or daily activities going on around the
“This place is dead. There’s nothing for you here. Move
on. You’re not a day’s ride from bustling towns that can
offer you whatever you wish.”
The man takes a deep drink from the bottle in his hand,
runs one dirty sleeve across his half-toothless mouth, then
continues to speak.
Instantly, the town settles into a dusky darkness. Any
nearby locals immediately drop anything they are holding,
and then fall to the ground. The streets become cracked
and crawling with insects. The buildings all seem to be
centuries old, with shattered windows, cracking walls, and
rotted wood. Nothing is making a sound, and the silence
seems to be an almost physical thing, oppressive and
threatening. A thick fog begins slowly creeping across the
town, seeming to come from the bell tower’s base. In just
a few moments, it covers everything.
“You might think me no more than just a drunk…but I
see things. I used to be somebody. Somebody important.
That was a lifetime ago, it seems. Now I’m just an old
man with nothing to look forward to but the darkness of
death. You are still young, and have your whole lives
ahead of you. Leave this place, and go live them in
happiness. You’ll find nothing here but gloom.”
Should the PCs try to leave the town, they find any exits
stopping abruptly at huge, yawning pits that seem to have
no bottom. These pits are much too large to attempt to
jump across, some being well over a hundred feet from
side to side.
The Town Map
After no more than ten minutes, the PCs hear a noise
coming from behind them. Turning around, they notice
that any nearby townsfolk have started trying to get up.
Their skin sloughs off as they move, and their eyes appear
as vacant milky orbs without any sign of life. Within just
a few moments, every nearby townsperson has stood, and
are slowly making their way toward the PCs.
Encounter (Level 3)
4- Zombie Rotters
4- Zombies
XP- 500
Now that the PCs are aware of what the townsfolk have
become, they must attempt to survive long enough to
figure out how to stop whatever is going on in this strange
town. An Insight check (DC 15) gives the PCs an idea
that whatever is going on could be originating from the
tall bell tower at the center of town.
Making their way back to the bell tower, the PCs
encounter more of the undead townsfolk, all of whom
seem intent on destroying the prying strangers.
The lock on the tower door is magically protected against
any form of opening aside from the key designed to fit it.
Any attempts to magically open the lock fail. Attempts to
pick the lock trigger a trap:
Encounter (Level 3)
4- Zombie Rotters
2- Zombies
2- Gravehounds
XP- 600
Minor Glyph of Warding Level 3 Warder
Trap XP 100
A hidden glyph inside the lock suddenly glows and explodes as
you try to open it.
Trap: A magical glyph wards a lock, ready to explode with
arcane fury when the trap is triggered.
When the PCs reach the large iron gate of the tower, they
find it will open easily despite the rust that covers it. As
they enter the grounds inside the wall, they run into the
following encounter before they can reach the front door
of the tower.
DC 28: The character notices the glyph.
When a creature tries to pick the guarded lock, the glyph
Immediate Reaction Close burst 3
Targets: All creatures in burst
Attack: +4 vs. Reflex
Hit: The glyph is designed with the following effects:
Encounter (Level 3)
2- Zombie Rotters
2- Gravehounds
XP- 300
When the PCs reach the front door, they find that it is
locked with an elaborate padlock. There is a symbol on
the padlock that resembles a decorative “Y”.
2d6+4 lightning damage and dazed (save ends).
The PCs must locate the key that opens the lock on the
bell tower’s door. A search of the bodies of the zombies
destroyed near the tower reveals a key, although the
design is very different than that on the padlock.
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The PCs must continue searching elsewhere for the key to
the bell tower’s front door. Across the street from the
tower is a row of crumbling buildings. From inside one of
the buildings, the PCs hear a noise. As they approach,
they see the faces of several of the zombie townsfolk in
broken out windows. The townsfolk appear to be doing
nothing but staring at the PCs. They are not moving at all,
aside from their heads which turn to follow the PCs as
they move around.
Even with the strangeness of the town outside, inside the
tower looks warm, bright, and cheerful. It looks as though
someone lives there, as there are signs that people have
been there very recently.
B) – A large table sits in the center of the large ground
floor. Several chairs surround it, and there are plates with
food on them on the table. A flickering candle sits in the
center of the table. It is obvious that it has not been lit
long, as the wax has barely begun to melt.
As the PCs enter one of the buildings, the zombies will
attack, moving slowly toward them with their arms out.
C) – The door to this room opens freely. Inside is a small
round table with four bookcases surrounding the walls.
On the table is an open book that, if investigated, reveals
writing in an unknown language. Some of the symbols,
however, look similar to the designs of the keys the PCs
have discovered. The books on the bookcases are also
written in this strange language.
Encounter (Level 3)
3- Zombie Rotters
3- Zombies
XP- 400
If the PCs search the bodies of the fallen zombies, they
will find a key with the same emblem as the one on the
bell tower’s padlock on a cord around the neck of one of
the zombies. Returning to the tower, the key fits smoothly
into the ornate lock, which opens easily when the key is
turned. The door of the tower opens slowly and with a
loud grinding and screech of rusty metal.
D) – This room contains 2 full wine barrels, one empty
barrel that has fallen over or been pushed over, and a
chest against the east wall. The chest opens easily, and
inside the PCs find 500gp. A large drainage grate is on the
floor. If investigated, the grate will lift up, revealing a
long, deep pit with a ladder that leads down into the
darkness. The sound of dripping water can be heard.
E) – A large fireplace crackles warmly with a freshly-
made fire. Logs are stacked neatly just to the left of the
fireplace. A large red rug covers the stone floor in front of
the hearth. It is very comfortable and inviting.
Bell Tower, Level One
F) – The door to this room opens easily, but with a
resounding squeak of the hinges. Inside the room are
several crates against the rear wall. A single brazier burns
just to the right of the open door. If investigated, the PCs
will discover dry food and simple articles of clothing
inside the crates. The food is good, and can be eaten or
kept by the PCs. The clothes, also, are in excellent
condition and can be kept by the PCs.
A) - When the PCs enter the ground floor of the bell
tower, the front door slams shut, glimmers briefly, then
vanishes, becoming part of the wall. It appears as though
there was never a door there to begin with.
Bell Tower- Level One
G) – The door to this room also opens easily. Inside are
several barrels, some of them empty. A brazier burns to
the right of the open door. A couple of crates are also in
the room, and contain more dried food that can be taken.
Another drainage grate is in the floor, but this one will not
open or lift. From the sound, it appears to lead down to
the same place the other drainage grate does.
H) – Three barrels sit against the wall, two of them full of
very nice wine, the other being empty.
I) – This large staircase leads up, apparently to the second
floor of the bell tower.
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