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Proteus #12
HIS is not a story about our modern world, but
one of long ago, when strange creatures roamed
the land, and Sorcerers possessed great power. As an
adventurer, your Strength, Courage and Agility have
brought you safely through many daunting quests in
the past. And when you begin this adventure, you
will need all these qualities. Below, you will discover
– with a little luck – how swift and strong, you are.
You will need two dice, a pencil, and several
sheets of paper: use the pencil and paper to draw a
map of your progress. You may not succeed at
the first attempt, and the map will be useful in future
There is a Quest Sheet opposite, for you to write
down your scores for Dexterity and Strength, and to
keep a note of your rations, secrets learnt, and items
discovered. You may prefer, before you begin your
adventure, to use the printed Quest Sheet simply as a
model for the things you will need to take note of, or
keep a record of, during your Quest. If you do this,
you will obviously need another piece of paper to
copy down the headings on the Quest Sheet.
Rules for fighting
As you explore, you will encounter creatures which
you may choose to engage in combat, or be forced to
fight with for your life. Each creature will have its
own Dexterity and Strength scores, given in the text.
Make a note of these.
To resolve a battle:
1. Roll two dice, and add the creature’s current
Dexterity score. This is its Fighting Power.
2. Roll two dice, and add your own current
Dexterity score. This is your Fighting Power.
3. If your Fighting Power is greater than the
creature’s, you have scored a blow and wounded it.
Subtract two Strength points from its Strength score
at that moment (unless told otherwise in the text). If
the creature’s Fighting Power is greater than yours in
this round, it has wounded you. Subtract two points
from your current Strength score. If both scores are
the same, you have parried each other’s blows, and
neither of you loses any points.
The next round in the battle is done in just the
same way. You repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 above. When
either your or the creature’s Strength score is
reduced to zero, the battle is over. A zero Strength
score means death, and you must begin again with
new dice rolls for Dexterity and Strength.
Dexterity and Strength
Roll one dice. Add 6 to this number, and make a
note of it on your Quest Sheet. This is your Dexterity
score, and indicates your skill and mastery of
Roll two dice. Add 12 to this number, and make a
note of it on your Quest Sheet. This is your Strength
score, and is a measure of your fitness and stamina.
Your Strength and Dexterity ratings will probably
change during the course of your adventure. You
may lose Strength points in battle, for example, and
then restore them b y eati ng a meal. Your character-
istics may also be affected by items you discover in
the course of your adventure, and, in such situations,
you will be told in the text what to do.
You must remember, however, that your Strength
and Dexterity scores must never exceed their Initial
values, as determined by the dice rolls at the start of
any one adventure.
Losing and gaining points
In some sections, you will be awarded extra points
(for example, you may read “Gain three Strength
points”). You add these to your current Strength
score: but remember, these scores may never exceed
their Initial values. When you lose points (for
example, “Lose one Dexterity point and two
Strength points”), you simply deduct these from
your current scores. However, this may be only
temporary – for example, “deduct one Dexterity
point for the duration of this battle” means you can
restore the lost point if you win.
Replenishing your Strength
You are about to read of the start of your quest for the
Weaver of Nightmares. As you will see, you begin
your journey with five fresh meals in your backpack.
Each meal restores five Strength points, and you may
eat a meal at any time, except during actual combat.
When you eat a meal, deduct one from the
number of rations you have, and add five points to
your Strength score at that time. Use your rations
wisely: your quest is not an easy one. And remember
that in the land of the Weaver of Nightmares, reality
and illusion are horribly similar!
Beginning your journey
You are dressed in leather armour, and are equipped
with a sword, shield and a short dagger. You carry a
backpack in which to stow your provisions and any
items you may discover.
You start your quest with just two gold pieces in
your pocket. However, you will be given more, and
may also discover more, or have the option of
spending what you have. It is a good idea to keep
track of the number of gold pieces you possess, as
your adventure progresses.
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