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Adjectives with –ed and –ing – Giving Opinions
1) Read the opinions in the box. What is the person giving an opinion about? Look
at the six things in the box. Write the correct word from the box in the chart on
the right.
football match
a) The food was disgusting!
b) I love being frightened by a good horror film.
c) The stadium was crowded with fans of United.
d) I was surprised by the score at the end.
e) The special effects were amazing.
f) The last chapter is very exciting.
g) I am very interested in Ancient Egypt.
h) The menu was rather disappointing.
i) The hieroglyphs were very well displayed,
j) I was bored with the first chapter.
k) I was very tired and I wanted a nice comfortable bed.
l) I had a relaxing Jacuzzi before I went to bed.
2) Read these opinions. Are they grammatically correct or incorrect? Mark the
opinions Π (=correct) or Ο (= incorrect).
a) I didn’t enjoy the party. It was very bored.
b) The ghost story was very frightening.
c) I was shocking by what she told me.
d) The children were over-excited and noisy.
e) Your holiday in South America sounds very exciting.
f) I was embarrassing when they asked me to sing.
g) It was very depressing to hear about your problems.
h) I thought the story was very confusing.
i) I was very tiring so I went to bed.
j) I went home early because the party was boring.
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3) Underline the correct form of the adjective in these opinions.
a) I’ve just read a very | amusing | amused | book
b) The basketball game was very | excited | exciting | because both teams played well.
c) I couldn’t find the way to your house because your map was very | confused |
confusing |.
d) I was | amazed | amazing | that your daughter did so well in her exam.
e) Please go away. You are very | annoyed | annoying |.
f) I was | shocked | shocking | when I saw the bill! It was £54.25!
g) Are you | interested | interesting | in politics?
h) I was very | embarrassed | embarrassing | because I didn’t understand Spanish.
i) Everybody was | amused | amusing | by her imitations of her teachers.
j) The walk to the top of the hill was | exhausted | exhausting |.
4) Write the best adjective from the box to describe the events.
a) I had a very good meal.
b) I was very angry when they didn’t answer the phone.
c) The music was very beautiful and made me feel magical.
d) The massage took away all my stress.
e) My room was dirty and made me feel sick.
f) The story was very funny and made me laugh.
g) The news was very bad so I felt unhappy.
h) The film was very long, slow and uninteresting.
i) The children cried when Bambi’s mother was killed.
j) Your story about the air crash made me feel frightened.
5) Look at the sentences in exercise 4 again. Write how you felt.
a) I was satisfied.______________________________
b) __________________________________________
c) __________________________________________
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d) __________________________________________
e) __________________________________________
f) __________________________________________
g) __________________________________________
h) __________________________________________
i) __________________________________________
j) __________________________________________
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