Mark Strivings - Annemann for the 90's.pdf

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A collection of updatedmaterial for th
&u^. * fo". &o 90t
6^ n""-t* E"n frl* 90',
W ,lh",L S,t"iwr^gt
Prefaceto the First Edition
Like there are going to be any other editions! Don't
hold your breath. Thislittlecollectionrepresents some
chanceinspirations,somecasesof the necessitybeing
themotherof invention, some farflungideas, andsome
time spent studyingone the true mastercof our art.
Hopefullyyou wilifind it worthwhile.
A counleof thank vou's are in order beforethe
The xuff gou s
in these sidebarsa
just a collection
(arioas 4uol
bg Anneman
Someof them a
actuallq rclated
the effect at han
Others are jt
things that struck t
fancg at the tin,
ln ang etlent, it
hoped gou eaj
them for uthateo
theA are ulorl
in this project and in general. To the
convention committee of the 1994 MeetinqOf The
Mindsfor lhe invitation
perform as 'Ted' one la$ time. And my dear
friendandconfidantBascomJones.You wilibe missed
morethananyoneI canthinkof. Your encouragement
and counselover the yearshave been of inestimable
value. Your contributionto the art isof overwhelminq
proportions. andindeedits'continuationwillbe missedl
But even more, Bascomthe man and friend will be
missed. Say hi to Ted for me. This is for you, my
If you haveany questionsor comments,or just
things to talk about, please feel free to contact me at:
3309N. Grandview
Flagstaff,Az. 86004
Your commentsaremostwelcome. I hooe vou
enjoythestuff in thesenotes.Let meknowif yoücome
up with any ideason anythingin thiscoliection.
Thiscollectioncopyright1994Mark D. Strivings
All righisreserved.
No portion of thiscollectionmay be reproduced
in any
Pdnted in the United Statesof Amenca
begin.To DoccHiltordfor the original
and invitationto be 'Ted' at WeerdWeekendll. lt has
expandedmy own thinking more than you know. To
Brian and Jan Flora for their friendshin and
to makethisnreseniation
form without written permission of the author.
&.ma^* [ol.. I1*, 90t.
Welcomeand thank you for your attentionand
interestin this presentation. The mentalism of Ted
Annemann is one of the main cornerstonesof our
business.And yet, very few of our number actua\ do
any of the vastamountof materialthatAnnemannieft
behindfor us. The poiential reasonsfor thisaremany.
Of coursea great number of {ascinatingeffectshave
comedowntheroadsincethattime. Thosethatarethe
most recent do tend to dominate our attention.
Anoiher possible reasonis the availabilityof the
materialin the firsi place. Well, of course,with
Annemann'smaterial that isn't a problem. His
publications may be difficultto locatein firstediiions,
but reprintsand new formatsabound. So, just what is
the problem? [ suspect
'go for' the ment,
tupe of tricker
morethan euer
factthat the materialis Derceivedas 'old'. While it is true
thatAnnemannwasi[ his pdme morethan sixty years
ago, the materialis just as commerciallyviable and
entertainingnow asit wasthen.
Why thissetof notesand the lecturethey derive
from, then? Certainlytimes have changedsince
Annemann'sday and there have been numerous
technologicaland societalchanges.Somethingsthat
were commonplacethen are very much out of place
todayand asa resuittend comeacrossthat way. The
reasonfor thislectureis the beginningof a numberof
'updates' to some of Annemann'smaterial,either in
handling,effect,materialsused,or someotherchange.
Someof the variationsareminor,othersaresomewhat
of a drasticdeparturefrom what Ted may havehad in
mind originaliy- ln any event,it is hopedthatyou will
findsomethingyou canuseand enjoy.
There are someothers'work you should check
out if the material contained in this collection is of
interestto you, most notably that of my very good
friend, Docc Hilford. Docc has published some
wonderful variationson Annemannmaterialthrough
hiscontributionsto Mcrgickand hisown work aseditor
of the Neu.r
Inuocation. The work that Docchasdone
with Annemannmaterial isverystrongand worth your
I don'i purportto be on that samelevelwith this
collection,but hopefullyit is a startin getting someoJ
this material resurrected.Thank you, again,for your
inter€st in this work. I hope it 'plays' as well for you asit
naslor me.
Enoughsaid. Let's get down to it.
"Audiences todt
ihat it probably stemsfrom the
6",ut ll.^* [* tfu, Wt.
7 Keys...etc... etc...erc...
Talk about an effectthat has generated variationafter
vadation! There have been some pretty amazing
versions of this effectover the years. Methodsabound
ranging from gaffed to ihe hiit types to the openly
brazen. The version you will read about here falls
"The effect is tl
thing and dou
forget it for
The mentaliststatesthat he hasdiscoveredsuch
a force as metallic sympathy which arisesbetweenany
metalobjectsthatmustof necessitycomeinto repeated
contact with each other. With rapidly moving parts, this
has beenmore or less catalogued as static electricity and
produced through friction. B]rt with articles that merely
comeinto closecontactthrough handlingthereexistsa
sympathy,even though they be inanimate. In this case,
the experimentshallbeillustratedby a padlockandkey.
A genuineYale, Corbin, or olher well known
make of padlock is shown and a reward offered if
anyonecan proveor show that the lock is not just asit
left the factory or hasever beentampercd with. With the
lock is a key on which hasbeentied a pieceof colored
ribbon to idetrtify it from siK other keys that are lying at
hand. Announcingthat the taggedkey is the only one
that can openthe lock, the other six being odd keys, a
spectator is askedto take the lock and try them one by
one. As he tries eachkey and it fails to work, he drops it
into a small baganduponthelastoneactuallyfittingand
opening the lock, the bbon is removed and that
dropped in also among the others.
Shakingthebagandmixing thekeyswell inside,
the performer stepsto eachof seven people and they
rcach in and take one key from the bag in their closed
fist. Absolutely no one seesthe key rcmoved by each
Taking the wdst of the party who is still holdirg
the padlocl, the performetpassesto eachclosedfist in
tum andmerelyholdshis freehandnearit. Suddei yhe
stopsat one outstretchedhand. "This handholds the key
that fits the lock," he exclaims. The spectätorhands the
key directly to the party witü the lock andholding the
lock in full view the key is tried. The lock snapsopen!
And immediately the performer reoffers his rewaid if
any of the other keys which are still being held, will
ooen thelock-
minute. Theet
justifies tl
- This can be built into a real astonishing effect for
aoy audience ard it is far from being hard,
The necessariesare one lock, six odd keys that
will not fit and seve[ that will. The bagis a changing
bag,andthe illustration is of the new P andL Spirit Bag
in between.My versionliterallyoccurredto
me one afternoon while I was pulling weeds in the
backyard- But, before getiing into it, here is Ted's
SevenKeysTo BaWpate...
&, u^..* fer' II'e.90r
which is the daintiest and nicest bit of suchwork ever
produced. I havefound no bag betterfor this effect. lt
looks rather silly to drop seven keys into a bag big
enoughto changea nbbit andthis newtypejust fills the
Now follow this routine closely: prepare by
dropping six of the duplicatesinto one side of the bag
and thenchangeover sothe bagis now empty. You are
ready. Have a ribbon tied to the other conect key to
preventits beingmixed amongthe six odd ones. Show
the lock and explain about the keys. The spectator
comesup. Ask him to try the six odd keys one by ofle
and as he finds they won't work he dropsthem singly
into the emptysideof the bag you areholding. He now
triesthe seventhandthelock opens.Just at the moment
the lock opens you change halds with the bag and
switch sides bringing the six düplicates up. The
spectatorthenremovesthe ribbon anddrops the key in
among the others. As he dropsit in, ask him to scoop
themout andcouatthemaloudagain. Seven. And one
of themfits thelock- Reallyall sevendo thatvery thing:
The pedormernow passesamongthe spectatoß
and asksa man to reachin and take any one he wishes
andkeepit in his closedfist. Your telling thisfirst man
lvhat to do serves as a slight pause and the bag is
switchedsidefor sideagain. Now the performerpasses
to six other peoplein tum and eachremove a key until
the last is taken.
I advise doing this haphazardly ard not in a
straightrow. This is simply because the first selected
key is alwaysthe right one and you should be able to
eventuallypassone or two duds beforestoppingat the
The selecting done,the tricky work is doneand
the finish is playedup asstronglyasdesiredto a climax
as of course,the right party is known and the othersix
won't fit thelock.
Thusyou startwith sevenunpreparedkeysanda
lock andendthe sameway. The nseof thebagis merely
incidental andis nevermentionedbutjust usedandthafs
"Doinq a trrl
urellbefore qoi
tt. t .
frlenAs Of lU l/Or
must kaoul
better tht
this to put
It might be a goodplan whenpassingfrorn hand
to hand at the finish in searchof the key, to pass two
duds and hit it the third time- Too much play is
boresome. When you touch the first hand,shake your
head andsay,"No, thereisn'ta thing here. It can't bethe
key. Try it.' The partywith the lock tries andit doesnt
fit. This occurswith the second in the samemanner.
But with the third one the performer becomeselated and
declaresthat this must be the key itself. It is tried and
Various st.otrg presentationpoints aaein this and
will be worked üp by the enterprising Performer. One is
that during the entire effect from start to hoish you need
never so much as touch a key or the lock. They are lying
in full view and are first picked up by the spectator'
Throughoutthe rouline you only carD them and mix
them.Thetrying of thekeysandlheopening of Lhe
is done by your audienceand what could be more fair?
ts tlr
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