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Hard Sell by Piers AnthonyPiers Anthony
Portions of this book originally appeared in slightly different form in the
following magazines:
Chapter 1 (originally titled "Hard Sell") in If magazine, August 1972
Chapter 2 (originally titled "Black Baby") in If magazine, September 1972
Chapter 3 (originally titled "Hurdle") in If magazine, December 1972
Chapter 5 (originally titled "Life") in Twilight Zone magazine, December 1987
"Interplanetary call for Mr. Fisk Centers," the cute operator said.
Fisk almost dropped his sandwich. "There must be some mistake! I don't know
anybody offplanet!"
The girl looked at him with polite annoyance, as though nobody should be
startled by such an event. "Are you Mr. Fisk Centers?"
"Yes, of course," he said. "But—"
Her face sifted out, smiling professionally. The screen bleeped, went blank,
finally produced a man. He had handsome gray hair and wore the traditional
Mars-resident uniform: a cross between a spacesuit and a tuxedo. He was seated
behind a large plastifoam desk, and a tremendous color map of classical Mars
covered the wall beyond.
"Welcome to Mars, Mr. Centers!" the man said, putting on a contagious grin. "I
am Bondman, of Mars Ltd." Somehow he managed to pronounce "Ltd." the way it
Fisk was fifty and had been around, but he had never been treated to an
interplanetary call before. It wasn't just the expense, though he knew that
extraordinary. He just happened to be one of the several billion who had never
had occasion to deal offplanet. Probably Mars Ltd. was economizing by using
OVTS—Open Volume Telephone Service—but it was still impressive. "Are you sure—
"Now, Mr. Centers, let's not let modesty interfere with business," Bondman
frowning briefly. "You're far too sensible a man for that. That's why you're
of the privileged few to be selected as eligible for this project."
"Project? I don't—"
The Marsman's brow wrinkled elegantly. "Naturally it isn't available to the
common run. Mars is too fine a planet to ruin by indiscriminate development,
don't you agree?"
Fisk found himself nodding to the persuasive tone before the meaning
"Development? I thought Mars was uninhabitable! Not enough water, air—"
"Most astute, Mr. Centers," Bondman said, bathing him with a glance of honest
admiration. "Indeed there is not enough water or air. Not for every person who
might want to settle. Selectivity is the key—the vital key—for what can be a
very good life indeed. Mars, you see, has space—but what is space without
"Right. There's no good life in a spacesuit. I—"
"Of course not, Mr. Centers. The ignorant person believes that man must live
Mars in a cumbersome suit, and so he has a low regard for Mars realty. How
fortunate that you and I know better!" And before Fisk could protest, he
continued: "You and I know that the new static domes conserve air, water and
heat, utilizing the greenhouse effect to make an otherwise barren land burst
into splendor! Within that invisible protective hemisphere it is completely
Earthlike! Not Earth as it is today, but as it was a century ago. Think of it,
Mr. Centers—pure clean air, gentle sunshine, fresh running water! Horses and
carriages—automobiles, guns, hallucinogenic drugs, and similar evils
A haven for retirement in absolute security and comfort!"
Something was bothering Fisk, but the smooth sales patter distracted him and
compelled his half-reluctant attention. "But they don't have such domes on
That technique was developed only a few months ago, and is still in the
"Brilliant, Mr. Centers!" Bondman exclaimed sincerely. "You certainly keep
abreast of the times! Of course there are no domes on Mars now, as you so
astutely point out. Why, it will be years before they are set up—perhaps even
long as a decade! This is what makes it such a superlative investment now,
before the news gets out. Provided we restrict it to intelligent men such as
yourself. Now I'm sure—"
"Investment? Now hold on!" Fisk protested. "I'm not in the market for
investment. I'm comfortably set up right now, and—"
"I quite understand. Naturally you're not interested in a mediocre investment,
Mr. Centers," Bondman said, frowning skillfully. "Do you think I would insult
your intelligence by wasting your time? No, you have the discernment to
the superior value when you encounter it, unlike the common—"
"What investment?" Fisk demanded, annoyed by the too-heavy flattery. The
intrigue of the interplanetary call was wearing thin, and the objection he
couldn't quite formulate still nagged—and he wanted to finish his sandwich
before it got stale.
The man leaned forward to whisper confidentially. "Marsland!" he breathed, as
though it were the secret of the ages. His voice was so charged with
and rapture that Fisk had to struggle to maintain his emotional equilibrium.
Could there be something in it?
After a pregnant pause, Bondman resumed. "I see you understand. I was sure you
would! You comprehend the phenomenal potential in Marsland realty, the
incredible opportunity—"
"I don't comprehend it!" Fisk snapped, gesturing with his neglected sandwich.
have no use for land on Mars, and I'd consider it an extremely risky
That dome technique is still in the prototype stage; it may not even work on
Mars! So if that's what you're—"
"Yes, of course you want to see the brochure," the salesman agreed
"And you shall have it, Mr. Centers! I will put it in the slot for you
immediately, first class. I'm sure you will examine it most—"
Suddenly, facilitated by some devious mental process, Fisk's nagging question
came into focus. "You aren't on Mars!" he cried angrily. "Mars orbit is fifty
million miles outside Earth's even when Mars is closest, it should take a good
ten minutes to get an answer by phone."
"Congratulations," Bondman cried jubilantly. "You have just qualified for our
exclusive genius-intellect bonus certificate! Of course I'm not calling from
that Mars you see in the sky! I'm here at the Mars Ltd. promotion office. Mr.
Centers, I'm so glad you were sharp enough to solve our little riddle within
time limit! You're the very kind of investor we prefer! I'll insert the
certificate right now! And I'll be seeing you again soon. Bye-bye!"
And while Fisk was marveling at the peculiarly childish "bye-bye," the image
He lifted his sandwich, a fine torula-steak on soyrye with enriched onion
but found he was no longer hungry. He was sure this was a sales gimmick for
something worthless, but Bondman's contagious excitement had gotten to him.
Maybe there was a good investment on Mars!
Well, no harm in looking at the literature. He certainly didn't have to buy!
He didn't have long to wait, either. His mail receiver was already chiming
an arrival.
He picked up the bulky printing and spread it out. It was a first-class
presentation, all right, with color photographs and glossy surfacing that must
have cost dearly to transmit. If he hadn't been present when it arrived, he
would have suspected a physical delivery rather than the normal mailfax. Mars
Ltd. must have oiled the right palms in the post office.
Well, he had to admit it: he was intrigued. He probably would not buy, but he
would enjoy looking.
First there was the bonus certificate, entitling him to a twenty percent
reduction. Fair enough—but hardly sufficient to induce him to buy without
knowing the actual price. Then a spread on Mars: its discovery in prehistoric
times, its variable distance from Earth (35-235 million miles), its long year
(687 days) (Earth days or Mars days, he wondered... or were they the same?),
surface gravity (one third of Earth's), pretty moons (ten mile diameter
six mile Deimos), scenic craters, legendary canals—all familiar material, but
calculated to whet the appetite for investment and retirement.
Then down to pay dirt: the proposed colony, "Elysium Acres," located on a map
dramatically colored and named. An electrostatic dome a hundred miles in
diameter, almost fifty miles high, enclosing a greenhouse atmosphere at
Earth-normal pressure and temperature. Suitable for homesites, with carefully
laid out horse trails and a delightful crater lake. Guaranteed weather,
Fisk was middle aged and cynical, but this gripped him. Earth was such a
sweatbox now. He hated having to take weekly shots to protect his system
environmental contamination, and the constantly increasing restrictions
in the name of the growing pressure on worldly resources made him rage at
like an imprisoned tiger. (What other kind of tiger was there, today?) Perhaps
if he had married, found someone to share his—but that was another entire
dimension of frustration, hardly relevant now.
This Marsdome pitch catered to these very frustrations, he realized. There
be millions like himself: well enough to do, intelligent, and sick of
uselessness. What a beacon it was: an escape to an unspoiled planet... in
But of course he was old enough to control his foolish fancies. He knew
intellectually that no such development existed on Mars—and probably never
exist. The sheer expense would be prohibitive! All that technology, all that
shipment from Earth... why, passenger fare for one person one way would amount
to two hundred thousand dollars or more, assuming emigration could even be
arranged. And for him it was completely out of the question.
Yet he couldn't help studying it. Elysium Acres—such suggestion of bliss!
it possibly be true—by the time he turned sixty? Why not, if they were able to
finance it?
There was the real rub. Money. How much to establish the dome, stock it with
good atmosphere, import vegetation, calculate and maintain a closed-system
ecological balance, construct access highways, lakes, houses, service
facilities? There would have to be hospitals, libraries, administrative
buildings, emergency staffs—all the accoutrements of civilization, in short.
Billions of dollars to maintain; perhaps trillions to construct. Naturally the
brochure did not provide the price list.
But if it were affordable, and if it were possible for him to go—what a
He punched his personal info number for his net worth, just checking. The
flashed on the screen after he had provided his identification code: liquid
assets just over five hundred thousand dollars sterling; investments at
quotations just under two million; miscellaneous properties and options six to
eight hundred thousand, pending urgency of sale. Grand total: a generous three
Enough, with proper management, to tide him through the twenty-five years
his retirement annuities matured. He was hardly fool enough to jeopardize any
it by investing in pie-on-Mars! But it had been fun dreaming.
The dream lingered next morning, a welcome guest staying beyond courteous
Fisk showered in the sonic booth, depilitated, and dressed. As he arranged and
set his graying locks he wondered irrelevantly whether the salesman Bondman
the same brand of hair tint he did. He studied his face in the mirror,
himself as a hard-sell agent, lifting his brow artfully to augment a pregnant
pause. Yes, he did look the part; perhaps he would be good at it.
But then, subjectively, he saw the signs of what he knew was there: the
circulatory malady that bound him to Earth for life. His quarterly medication
kept it under control—but a trip to Mars, with the necessary accelerations and
drugstates, was out of the question. That was why Mars would never be more
a dream for Fisk Centers, no matter how conducive the sales pitch. He would
always be a portly, subdued Earthman.
So it was time to end it. He filed the Mars Ltd. literature in the recycle bin
and watched it disintegrate. Then he punched breakfast. He felt lonely.
The phone lighted. "Yes?" he said automatically.
"Interplanetary call for Mr. Fisk Centers," the cute operator said. She had
changed her hairdo, but it was the same one who had placed the call yesterday.
"Come off it, girl!" he snapped, aware that there was nothing more useless
taking out a personal peeve on an impersonal employee. "It is not
Bondman of Mars phased into view. "Of course it is, Mr. Centers," he said
genially. "The Mars Ltd. office is legally Mars soil, you know. An enclave. We
have to undergo quarantine before reporting for work, ha-ha! Now I trust you
have studied our brochure—"
"Yes. I'm not buying."
Bondman looked hurt. "But you haven't even heard our price, Mr. Centers. I
a man as fair-minded as you—"
"I'll never go to Mars."
"Remember, you get a special bonus price, because of your intelligence and
judgment. I'm sure you'll recognize—"
"I have a circulatory disorder. Inoperable. Sorry."
Bondman laughed with a finely crafted lack of affectation. "You don't have to
to Mars, Mr. Centers! We're talking about investment!"
"I told you I wasn't looking for—"
"You've studied the plans for Elysium Acres? The phenomenal hundred mile dome,
the luxurious facilities, the nineteenth century atmosphere—literally!—the
scenic lots? Of course you have! Mr. Centers, you know the value of things.
do you figure it will cost? I mean the entire setup on Mars, gross?"
"Ten trillion dollars," Fisk said, believing it. "Plus upkeep of billions per
"Would you believe thirty trillion? But you're remarkably close, Mr. Centers!
You certainly comprehend investment! You merely underestimated the importance
this development to us—and to the world. We're putting everything into it, Mr.
Centers! Another developer might do it for ten trillion, but we put quality
first! Thirty trillion! But we know we'll make a profit in the end—and of
we have to consider profit, Mr. Centers! We're businessmen, like you!—because
believe me, sir, there is a demand! Earth is crowded, and in ten years Earth
will be a veritable nightmare! Elysium Acres will be an incredible bargain at
any price!" Bondman held up a hand to forestall Fisk's possible objection.
I'm not forgetting that you can't go, Mr. Centers. I'm merely pointing out
an attractive investment this is going to be. Some will have the incalculable
privilege of retiring in Elysium Acres; others will merely make a fortune from
it." And here he dropped to his supercharged confidential tone. "I hope to do
both!" He paused just long enough for that affirmation of faith to penetrate,
but not long enough for Fisk to generate an interjection. "Now we're
E.A. into lots of one hundred feet square, give or take a foot, ha-ha! Enough
for a comfortable cottage and garden. Twenty million of them—yes, that's
correct, Mr. Centers! That dome is a hundred miles across, and there'll be
thousand square miles inside, and two and a half thousand lots per mile—but I
don't need to do elementary mathematics for you, Mr. Centers. Twenty million
lots for thirty trillion dollars. That comes to one million five hundred
thousand dollars per lot. A bit high for Earth, considering they're
undeveloped—but this is Mars! Those lots are priceless, Mr. Centers,
priceless—yet they will be put on the market at a price any successful man can
afford." He held up his hand again, though Fisk had made no motion to
"But Mars Ltd. needs operating capital, Mr. Centers, and we need it now. So we
are offering, for a limited time only, a very, very special investment
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