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Man-Kzin Wars IX
created by Larry Niven
Copyright (c) 2002
Created by Larry Niven
The Man-Kzin Wars
Man-Kzin Wars II
Man-Kzin Wars III
Man-Kzin Wars IV
Man-Kzin Wars V
Man-Kzin Wars VI
Man-Kzin Wars VII
Choosing Names: Man-Kzin Wars VIII
Man-Kzin Wars IX
The Best of All Possible Wars
Poul Anderson
Close to noon, the Father Sun baked pungencies out of turf and turned the forest
that walled the northern horizon into a wind-whispery surf of leaves and shadow.
Closer by, a field of hsakh stood golden. Kdatlyno slaves were hand-cultivating
it in the ancient way, growing fiber that would be handwoven into cloaks for the
mighty to wear at Midwinter Bloodfeast and then burn. Scattered elsewhere were
the dwellings of the Heroes attendant upon this household. Though stately
enough, they were dwarfed by the manor looming ahead of Ghrul-Captain.
These lands were a minor holding of Grand Lord Narr-Souwa's and the building was
fairly new, in a modern style. Mosaic of red-and-black thunderbolt pattern
decorated walls that sheered up to steep roofs of copper kept blindingly
polished, whose beam ends gaped in the forms of carnivores. Tradition had made
the lower windows mere gun slits, but those on upper floors were arrogantly
broad. Saw-toothed spires at the four cardinal points flew ancestral banners.
As was fitting, Ghrul-Captain had come afoot, unaccompanied, from a landing
field now out of sight. But he loped like a warrior to battle and passed the
gate with head high. A display of fearlessness also behooved him, showing him
not unworthy to enter the presence of the one who waited here.
His hopes heightened when he received due courtesy in return. A pair of armed
Heroes met him, gave greeting, and escorted him down a granite corridor to an
elevator, and thence to a flamewood door that recognized them and slid aside.
There they left him. Ghrul-Captain stepped through. The door silently slid shut
at his back.
The chamber was austere, paneled with various metals, its floor turf-like and
sound-absorbent. Two open windows let in daylight and summer air. He glimpsed a
hookbeak at hover outside. Furnishings were scant, mostly a minimum of
communications equipment. He was alone with Narr-Souwa.
That Grand Lord half-reclined on a couch, like a slashtooth at its ease between
hunts. He bore no weapons other than his teeth and claws. His only ornament was
a scarf loosely draped across a frame whose black-striped orange fur was getting
grizzled, but the scarf was of genuine silk, somehow brought from Earth itself.
His eyes smoldered yellow, undimmed by the years.
Ghrul-Captain did not simply come to attention and salute, as he would before an
ordinary superior. First he lowered his head and knees, tail between thighs.
That galled him. It was meant to, he knew. He should think of it as a test. The
sword blade, bent, will spring back to keen-edged straightness and ring as it
does, if the steel be true.
"Ghrul-Captain of the Navy begs leave to present himself." The request sounded
flat in his ears.
Narr-Souwa peered at him for a while that grew long. "You may relax," he
answered at last. "This interview is at your plea. Justify yourself."
Ghrul-Captain had rehearsed in his mind. "As my lord knows, I advanced my
proposal"-he laid a measured weight on that word-"through proper channels. I
never looked for response at this exalted level, and still less the glory of a
flesh-meeting." Which might, he thought, be the prelude to a death sentence. If
so, may I be turned loose in yonder forest for him and his hunters to chase down
as they would any other brave, dangerous animal. Maybe I can take one or two to
the Darkness with me.
"I want to get the actual scent of you and the sense of how your blood runs,"
explained Narr-Souwa. "Yours is an unusual suggestion . . . especially from a
member of your house."
I have nothing to gain, much to lose, by self-abasement, Ghrul-Captain knew.
"Noble One, my wish is to redeem the honor of that house."
Narr-Souwa stroked his chin. "Honor has been satisfied. High Admiral Ress-Chiuu
made a decision and issued orders that proved disastrous. It cost us a warship's
whole complement. Worse, it let that ship fall into the hands of the humans.
Their naval intelligence has surely been dissecting it ever since. When
condemned, Ress-Chiuu went boldly into the Patriarchal Arena and acquitted
himself well against the beasts. It was good sport."
Ghrul-Captain drew breath. "So their spokesmales have graciously informed his
kin. But, sire-my lord will understand that we want to make full redemption."
Narr-Souwa's eyes narrowed a bit. "And thus regain his holdings, as well as the
prestige," he said shrewdly. "The database has told me that you would inherit
his estate in the Hrungn Valley."
For an instant the memory and the yearning stabbed Ghrul-Captain, lands broad
beneath the Mooncatcher Mountains, castle raised in olden days when kzin fought
kzin hand-to-hand, graves of his forebears, a wilderness to rove in freedom. He
curbed himself. "My lord is wise. But I wish yet more to win back the trust, the
favor, that raises to leadership."
He had kept the title to his half-name, but been relieved of command over the
Venomous Fang that had been his. Small she was, but swift, agile, deadly. Ah-
hai, the beautiful guns and missiles, the standing among his peers and over his
crew, the tautness of close maneuver, and space, space, the stars for a hunting
ground! "More than life do I want to take a real part in the next war," and gain
repute, a whole name, the right to breed.
Narr-Souwa folded his ears a bit, unfolded them again and murmured, "So you
expect a second war with the humans?"
"Doesn't everyone, sire?"
Contempt spat. "They hope otherwise. Most of them."
Ghrul-Captain deemed it best to wait.
The Grand Lord sighed. "We need time to make ready, time. The more so after that
major setback at the ancient red sun. This later affair at the black hole was
less catastrophic, but-it has doubtless changed the minds of still more monkeys
about us. Certainly they now have important data on our Raptor-class ships."
"With deepest respect, sire," Ghrul-Captain ventured, "I submit that we should
not let them gather information we do not even possess."
"Hr-r-r, yes. That expedition they are planning, to the young sun and its doomed
planet. Well, but what intelligence we have on it inclines me to believe it will
be what they claim, purely scientific." Perforce Narr-Souwa spoke that phrase in
the closest rough, snarling approximation to English the kzin voice could
manage, for nothing quite like it existed in any language of his race.
Here was a moment to show initiative and thoughtfulness. "Monkey curiosity,
sire. I took this into account. They are-no, not so much flighty as . . .
playful. The most playful breed in known space. The oldest of them are like
"Kittens that never grow up to realism or dignity. Vermin of the universe . . .
But how does this little new game of theirs concern us?"
"Sire, I tried to make that clear in my petition. They suppose they may learn
something they do not yet know. What that might be, they do not know either. It
may well prove of no practical value. Nevertheless, my lord, those monkeys have
a way of turning anything into a weapon if they feel the need. Anything."
And thus they beat back our invasion, Ghrul-Captain recalled, and were the first
to acquire the hyperdrive, and stuffed what they snivel is peace down our
throats. He nearly gagged.
"Granted." Narr-Souwa's eyes seemed to kindle. His whiskers lifted, his voice
dropped to a purr. "Do you imply the Supreme Councillors have not studied the
enemy's history?"
"Of course not, Grand Lord," Ghrul-Captain protested. "Never!" Boldness was
advisable, within bounds. "Still, sire, they have much to think upon, many spoor
to trace. I merely offer them an idea."
Narr-Souwa mildened and nodded. "That we should dispatch an expedition of our
own there to observe what happens."
Ghrul-Captain knew better than to reply, "Yes, sire," as though expressing
agreement with a near-equal.
"It is not a bad thought," Narr-Souwa went on, quite softly. "No, not at all bad
in itself. And-I have personally reviewed your record-you are in fact well
qualified to lead such a faring. You have had experience with technical teams.
In two situations that could have become troublesome you exercised sound
judgment. Such restraint does not come easily. Well do I know."
Rapture flowed into Ghrul-Captain, that a great one would speak personally and
at such length to him, him. "May I always hunt well and bring home a pleasing
quarry, sire!"
The tone went businesslike. "Perhaps you do not quite grasp the difficulties.
Time is short until the event. Likewise are our resources for space operations."
Encouraged, Ghrul-Captain said, "The lord will remember that my proposal goes
somewhat into specifics."
"To the extent of your knowledge when you composed it. Hr-r, the details can
quickly be settled-and must be, if we are to act. There is also another matter,
to which we must reluctantly accord importance."
"Will my lord enlighten me?" If he does, blazed through Ghrul-Captain, I'm in!
"We shall not spare a warcraft for a mission as dubious of profit as this,"
Narr-Souwa said methodically. "Besides, that would be a mistake in any event. As
I indicated earlier, because of the incidents I mentioned, those humans who
credit us with hostile intent have gained a certain advantage over those who
wish it were not so and"-sardonically-"to borrow a monkey saying I have heard,
let the wish become the father to the thought. We would be unwise to make any
fresh overt move that could strengthen those who call themselves the advocates
of preparedness. To send a combat vessel to a star they have announced they will
be visiting and will have a presence at for a long time to come-that would
probably be such a move."
"Sire, I have admitted that the Council would likely order economy of means.
Indeed, I respectfully advised it," bearing in mind the needs of a navy, still
rebuilding after its shattering defeat, which must meanwhile keep control over
the remaining kzin empire.
"We can assign a transport, no more." Yes, clearly Narr-Souwa had pulled in all
available information and tracked out all its implications beforehand. "It will
carry what auxiliary vessels may be needed, but nothing adequate for a serious
engagement. This being the case, our psychologically best gambit is to let the
humans know that we do intend to send such a scientific group. Do you seize my
"Yes, sire. An earnest of peacefulness, of desire to cooperate- Aargh!" Ghrul-
Captain could not hold the growl back.
Narr-Souwa took it understandingly. "Beware of otherwise natural emotions," he
warned. "Quite possibly, once they hear from us, the monkeys will provide their
ship with an armed escort. That crystallizes the necessity of quiescence. Think
of a male, spear-hunting slashtooth, who must withdraw and bide his time if a
whole pride of them comes down the trail. Later he will find one alone."
Ghrul-Captain gulped. "My lord speaks wisdom. I will not forget."
"I trust not. Your record gives reason to expect you can hold yourself and your
crew on a tight leash. It will be a test of your fitness for a new and higher
Ghrul-Captain quivered. "Yes, lord, but-but we won't only make our observations
from afar, like the monkeys. We'll try-discreetly, yes, of course, lord-try to
learn what they do discover and what they infer. I think we can beat them at
their own game too, and show them what Heroes are."
"Do not take risks merely for the sake of that."
"No, lord, certainly not." It might be harder to curb his personnel than
himself, but Ghrul-Captain felt confident. "However, as my proposal notes, we
have a special craft available to us, the prototype of Sun Defier. My lord
doubtless knows that that was the tug designed and built for Werlith-
Commandant's mission to the ancient star, able to operate closer to it while
keeping the crew alive than any other vessel in known space. It was lost in the
debacle, but the engineering works has kept the preliminary model that tested
the concept. This is much smaller, of course, less powerful, but unique. The
humans have nothing like it. They prefer to orbit afar, send in robotic probes,
and not hazard their own precious pelts. Lord, a live pilot might well observe
and experience things that it would not occur to a stupid robot to try for. We
may win a prize the monkeys never realize existed."
"Yes-s, that will be good, if feasible. You must decide on the spot." Narr-Souwa
paused. "Return with whatever accomplishments are yours and give them to our
judgment. Then we shall see what further you have proven yourself worthy of. We
shall see."
"This has changed everything," said Peter Nordbo.
"Yah. Obviously," answered Robert Saxtorph. "Damn. God damn."
He had jumped from his chair on hearing the news. Now he sat back down, heavily
in spite of the light gravity. For a moment his gaze went from the man behind
the desk, outward, as if in search of help.
He found no more than beauty. The main office of Saxtorph & Nordbo lay near the
top of a building which, although on the edge of town, rose tall. One window
held sight of the roofs, towers, steeples, and traffic of Munchen. The other
gave on green countryside, scattered homes and groves, a distant range of hills
blue against a blue sky. Alpha Centauri A spilled morning radiance across it. B
was not yet visible and, currently close to maximum separation, would shine only
as the brightest of the stars. A flight of rosewings passed across a snowy
cloud. Kind of like wild geese, he thought vaguely, but sunrise-colored. Not
that I've ever seen wild geese, except on a screen. Yes, Wunderland's still a
lovely world, as alive as Earth used to be before people screwed her up.
"It would not have been a particularly profitable charter for us," said Nordbo.
Saxtorph's burly frame swung around to confront the gray-bearded face. "No," he
admitted harshly, "but Dorcas and me, how we lusted to go! What a bodacious
spectacle! And the publicity would've been worth more than the money," to the
single privately owned hyperdrive craft in known space, competing with the lines
of half a dozen governments.
"That has become worse than worthless."
"I've had time to think this over, you know." Saxtorph and his crew had been en
route from Jinx with a load of organics cheaper to grow there and haul here than
to synthesize. Centaurian industry hadn't fully recovered from the long kzin
occupation. Maybe-his mind wandered again for a second-it never would, but
concentrate instead on whole new kinds of enterprise. Which ought to leave room
for Rover to ply her trade.
But he didn't want her always to be just a tramp freighter. She'd been more.
He'd left with his head full of the wonderful discovery the astronomers had
made, the fact that an expedition to go for a close look was being organized as
fast as possible, and the near-promise that his ship would carry it. She'd
proven she could survive pretty terrible surprises, she'd have no other
commitments, and Nordbo was closing the deal. It helped that the headquarters of
the Interworld Space Commission was handy, right in this same system; he'd
gotten on friendly terms with key bureaucrats.
If only the engineers had miniaturized hyperwave transmitters enough that a ship
could hold one, Saxtorph thought, not for the first time. Then: What'd have been
the use? I'd've gotten the bad news sooner, that's all.
"In der Tat," Nordbo went on, briefly reverting to Wunderland's chief language,
"I saw at once that the ISC would forbid you to go, and forestalled them by
offering to cancel the contract myself. It was the responsible thing to do,
"Are you sure?" Saxtorph challenged almost involuntarily.
"Yes. You will be too, once you've swallowed your disappointment." Nordbo
sighed. "Robert, we agreed when I became your partner, Rover will steer clear of
any volume of space where there's a significant chance of your encountering
kzinti. You destroyed their base at the ancient star and uncovered the secret
that they now have the hyperdrive. You killed a naval crew of theirs at the
black hole-"
"Self-defense," Saxtorph snapped. "Both times, it was them or us, and we didn't
start the fracas. The second time, it was Tyra also."
"You needn't tell me."
Saxtorph's massive shoulders slumped a bit. "Sorry. I got carried away. . . .
Yah. Aside from the few of them amongst us, probably every kzin alive would
cheerfully die to collect my scalp." He straightened. "But, hey, do they have to
know it's Rover? Change the ID code, disguise the body lines, give her a new
paint job."
Nordbo smiled wryly. "Forever the optimist, aren't you? No, much too risky. We'd
certainly lose our insurance."
"Uh-huh," Saxtorph must agree. "Seeing as how they'd be in a tiny danger of
having to pay up."
"The danger would not be tiny, and it would be to you and yours, Robert."
Dorcas, Saxtorph thought. Her, and everything we've shared all these years, and
the kids we still hope to have someday. Not to mention Kam, Carita, and Buck.
And any passengers.
"The kzinti say their expedition will be strictly scientific, like ours,
employing simply a transport and a few auxiliaries," Nordbo continued. "But
everybody knows that will be a naval transport with at least some armament. If
they learned Rover had come, as they might very well- No, it would be too much
to expect of kzinti, not to attack."
Saxtorph surrendered. "Okay. Okay. You've gotten through this thick skull of
mine. You're right." He rallied his spirit. "What'll we do instead?"
Nordbo smiled afresh, warmly. "The coin has a bright side. Because I saved the
ISC embarrassment, I was able to drive a bargain. They naturally prefer our
names never be associated with this. So . . . we keep silence. In return, we
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