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POTSM Ships of the Spanish Main
Ships of the Spanish Main
Savage Worlds TM House Rules by Jordan Peacock
for use with Pirates of the Spanish Main TM RPG
Even More Ships
The Pirates RPG covers most of the
basic ship types found in the Pirates universe.
However, various expansions to the Pirates of
the Spanish Main (or Pirates of the Cursed Seas )
PocketModel game introduce even more ship
types than are covered in Savage Worlds rules.
Until oficial rules should appear for such
ships, here are some fan-made additional ship
types, plus assorted ship-related house rules I
use in my campaign. (Special thanks to Jack Ace
from the Pinnacle forums for inspiration for the
Ship Edges house rules.)
Larger Ships
Certain ships - so far, only junks - may have
more than the normal limit of 5 masts. These
are suggested statistics for such craft. (Note
that these are theoretical “standard” 6-Mast and
10-Mast ships, before the “Junk” type is applied.)
10-Mast Ship
Acceleration: 2 Toughness: 28(8)
Top Speed: 5 Wounds: 10
Crew: 30 + 80 Travel Speed: 3
Cargo Space: 16 Handling: -6
Guns: 40 Cost: $400,000
Notes: Heavy Armor, Solid
Up to 3 Masts. 1/2 Crew (round down)
when under oar power. -1 Cargo Space and +10
Passengers per Mast. 10 oarsmen per Mast are
required to man the oars. Top Speed 4, Travel
Speed 2, Acceleration 2, and +2 to Handling
when moving under oar.
Longship, Viking: In addition to tales of
ersatz Vikings, there are
wild rumors of ancient
longships that appear on
moonless nights, crewed
by drunken warriors on
leave from Valhalla ... or
escaped from Hel’s
1 Mast. Has statistics as
the Longship, but with 0 Guns, +1
Cargo Space, and Cost of $9,000. The Shallow
Draft Edge does not count against this ship’s
Schooner (1700s, house rule version ): From
the 18th century
onward, this ship
design sees much use,
as its sails are designed
to be repositioned to
make best use of the wind, even when sailing
close into it.
Up to 4 Masts. +2 Handling, -2 Toughness,
1/2 Guns. The Shallow Draft Edge does not
count toward this ship’s limit.
Turtle Ship: Also known as “kobuk-son,”
hese rare Korean ships
protect the crew with a shell
of overlapping metal
shields on a sturdy wooden
1 or 2 Masts. 1/2
Crew when under oar
power. -1 Cargo Space
and +10 Passengers per
Mast. 10 oarsmen per
Mast required to man oars. Top Speed 4, Travel
Speed 2, Acceleration 2 when under oars. +2
Wounds (due to armor), double Cost. These
extra Wounds do not increase the number of
Edges this ship may have.
Until these extra Wounds are lost, the ship’s
crew and passengers are immune to crew hits
via grape ammunition, and any enemy boarding
attempts are at -2 (to the group Throwing roll)
per Wound of shielding remaining.
New Ship Types
In these descriptions, “Masts” is used as
a measure of ship size. For instance, a Viking
Longship is listed as “1 Mast,” so this ship type
can only be applied to the basic “1-Masted Ship”
template (p. 116, Pirates RPG). This is used as a
measure rather than “Wounds,” since some ships
have additional Wounds.
Galley, Barbary: These lateen-rigged ships
use banks of oars
when the waters of
the Mediterranean
are becalmed,
making them ideal
for Barbary Coast
corsairs raiding merchant ships.
Up to 4 Masts. 1/2 Crew when under oar
power. -1 Cargo Space and +10 Passengers per
Mast. 10 oarsmen per Mast are required in order
to man the oars; Top Speed 4, Travel Speed 2,
Acceleration 2 when under oars. Taking the
Ram Edge does not count toward a barbary
galley’s Edge limit.
Junk: These well-designed oriental ships are
designed with shallow drafts and
adjustable rudders that can
be dropped to act as a keel,
allowing them to be
equally at home on rivers
or on the high seas.
Some have reached
immense size, such as the
10-masted Chinese treasure ship, the Baochuan.
Up to 10 Masts. +2 Handling, -2 Armor, -1
Acceleration (minimum 1). The Shallow Draft
and Storm Worthy Edges do not count toward
this ship’s limit.
Longship: In the Frozen North,
Scandinavian pirates sail
ships designed to hearken
back to the days of their
Viking ancestors. Unlike
their Viking ancestors,
however, they use cannons.
6-Mast Ship
Acceleration: 2 Toughness: 24(4)
Top Speed: 5 Wounds: 6
Crew: 26 + 52 Travel Speed: 3
Cargo Space: 12 Handling: -4
Guns: 24 Cost: $150,000
Notes: Heavy Armor, Solid
Savage Worlds TM , Pinnacle Entertainment Group TM , Great White Games TM , and all related marks and logos are copyright © 2007-2008 by Great White Games (http://
www.peginc.com). All Rights Reserved. Pirates of the Spanish Main TM , Pirates of the Mysterious Islands TM , Pirates at Ocean’s Edge TM , Pirates of the Cursed Seas TM ,
Pocketmodel TM , and all related marks and logos are copyright © 2002-2008 WizKids Games (http://www.wizkidsgames.com/pirates).
Savage Worlds TM , Pinnacle Entertainment Group TM , Great White Games TM , and all related marks and logos are copyright © 2007-2008 by Great White Games (http://www.peginc.com). All Rights Reserved.
Pirates of the Spanish Main TM , Pirates of the Mysterious Islands TM , Pirates at Ocean’s Edge TM , Pirates of the Cursed Seas TM , Pocketmodel TM , and all related marks and logos are copyright © 2002-2008 WizKids
Games (http://www.wizkidsgames.com/pirates). This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and
trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
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New Ship House Rules
Maximum Ship Edges
Ships with more than 6 Wounds are
nonetheless limited to a maximum of 6 Edges.
Edges gained as offsets to Hindrances do
not count toward this total, nor do Edges listed
as not counting toward the ship’s limit.
Solid ships beneit and suffer from inertia.
That is, it’s hard to steer them quickly, but it’s
also very hard to knock them off course.
If a ship with the Solid characteristic is hit
by damage that equals or exceeds its Toughness,
and the captain is forced to make a Boating roll
to avoid going out of control, he gains a bonus
to Handling equal to the maximum number of
Wounds the ship has.
For example, if an enemy ship hits the
Grand Path (a 6-Masted Junk) with an 8-pdr
cannon shot that deals 20 points of damage (AP
4), the captain gains a +6 bonus to the Handling
of his ship (normally -2 for a 6-mast junk), for a
total of +4 to his roll.
Passenger/Gun/Cargo Conversion
Space for Passengers, Guns and Cargo may
be converted from one to the other, at a rate of
1 Cargo Space = 2 Guns = 10 Passengers. Thus,
1 Cargo Space could be converted into room for
10 more Passengers, 2 Guns could be converted
into 1 more Cargo Space, etc.
Lightening the Load
Light pirate sloops with empty holds should
be able to overtake Spanish galleons laden
with gold and riding low in the water, even if a
sloop’s normal Top Speed is less than that of a
5-masted galleon.
Depending on the amount of the ship’s
Cargo Spaces that are full, its Top Speed, Travel
Speed, and its Handling may be affected.
Use the ship’s base Cargo Space before
conversions to other uses; if Cargo Spaces
have been converted to Guns, or are illed with
Passengers, those count as illed Cargo Spaces
for this purpose.
Conversely, desperate captains can lighten
their load to better their speed across the
water. A ship with empty capacity equal to its
total number of Cargo Spaces gains +2 to Top
Speed, +1 to Travel Speed, and +2 to Handling
when avoiding reefs and shallow waters.
This can be accomplished either by having
a completely empty Cargo Hold, or by tossing
cannons overboard so that precious provisions
don’t have to be sacriiced. Every 2 Guns
removed count as one empty Cargo Space
for purposes of gaining this bonus. Hence, a
1-mast sloop could discard 2 8-pdr cannons (or
4 4-pdr cannons) in order to keep one Cargo
Space full of provisions. As long as the rest of
its hold is empty, it still
gains the bonus to Speed
for having an “empty
Transporting Cannons
Cannons consist
of two parts: the barrel
and the wooden “truck.”
4 cannons may be
transported per Cargo
Space. Alternatively, you
may transport 8 cannon
barrels or 8 wooden
trucks in a Cargo Space.
(If a wooden truck is
destroyed or discarded, it
costs $50 to replace the
These Edges may only be acquired by a
ship during its construction (by spending of
Advances or offsetting with Hindrances), and
they stay with the ship. They cannot be added
later through Advances.
Crew Edges
The following Edges are considered Crew
Edges: Artillery, Disciplined Crew, Hated Foe,
and Rapid Fire. The only Crew Hindrance is
Poor Crew (minor).
These Edges may only be attained by
spending Advances, and are possessed by the
Crew as a whole - not by individual characters,
or by the ship. If the crew should move to a
new ship, the Edge goes along with the crew.
Crew Edges do not count toward the maximum
number of Edges a ship
can have - since these
Edges don’t belong to
the ship anymore under
this house rule.
If 20% or more of
the crew are lost, this
Edge is temporarily
lost as well. It takes
approximately 1 week
per 20% of the crew that
has been replaced for the
new hands to get up to
Equipment Edges
The following
Edges are considered
Equipment Edges: Long Range Guns, Oars,
Overgunned, Powerful Guns, Ram, Swift
Topsails, and Windcatcher.
These Edges may be acquired by a ship at
its construction, or added on later via Advances.
At the GM’s discretion, it may be possible to
transfer these Edges to a new ship, so long as
this doesn’t put the new ship past its maximum
number of Edges.
Buying and Selling Ships With Edges
Sometimes, ships with Edges get sold. The
Edges don’t just go away - and this should be
relected in the sale price of the ship.
Ships with “Ship” or “Equipment” Edges
(not balanced out by Hindrances) have their
Cost increased by $1000 per Mast of the ship.
Ships with Hindrances not balanced
out by Edges have their Cost decreased. If
the Hindrances can be repaired, the Cost is
decreased by the amount that would be required
to have them repaired. Otherwise, the Cost is
decreased by $1000 per Mast of the ship for a
Major Hindrance, or $500 per Mast of the ship
for a Minor Hindrance.
It’s up to the GM to determine what ship
types are available for sale. Generally speaking,
Ship Edge Types
As an optional house rule, Ship Edges are
divided into three types: Ship, Equipment, and
Crew. The reason for this distinction is that
while it works just ine for NPCs to throw
“Disciplined Crew” and “Extra Cargo Space”
into the same pile, this system falls apart as
soon as the PCs get involved. They may
capture a pirate ship, put the crew in irons, then
decide to keep the ship for themselves. Or
maybe their own ship gets stolen or sunk while
they (and their entire crew) are off carousing.
Which Edges do they keep? Which ones go
A bit of GM “hand-waving” can be done
to rationalize just about anything (perhaps the
crew is despondent about the loss of its ship
and is therefore no longer Disciplined when
the PCs get a new frigate), but at a certain
point, it can get silly ... and, more importantly,
frustrating to the players.
Ship Edges
The following Edges are considered Ship
Edges: Extra Cargo Space, Helmsman’s Dream,
Fast, Passengers, Shallow Draft, Storm Worthy,
Thick Hull, Unsinkable, and Well Built.
Lightening the Load
% Cargo
Filled Effect on Ship
Empty +2 Top Speed, +1 Travel
Speed, +2 Handling*
Up to 25% +1 Top Speed, +1 Handling*
Up to 75% No effect.
Over 75% -1 Top Speed, -1 Handling*
100% Full -2 Top Speed, -1 Travel Speed,
-2 Handling*
(* avoiding reefs and shallow waters only)
Savage Worlds TM , Pinnacle Entertainment Group TM , Great White Games TM , and all related marks and logos are copyright © 2007-2008 by Great White Games (http://www.peginc.com). All Rights Reserved.
Pirates of the Spanish Main TM , Pirates of the Mysterious Islands TM , Pirates at Ocean’s Edge TM , Pirates of the Cursed Seas TM , Pocketmodel TM , and all related marks and logos are copyright © 2002-2008 WizKids
Games (http://www.wizkidsgames.com/pirates). This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos
and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
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if a given ship type is widely available for sale
in a given port, then any Edges can be found
that don’t normally count against that ship’s
limit. In other words, if the heroes are shopping
in the Far East for a junk, then they can easily
ind junks with the Shallow Draft and/or Storm
Worthy Edges.
Boats and Light Craft
The general difference between a boat and a
ship is that a boat can be carried on a ship.
Boats are below the scale of even sloops;
they do not have Heavy Armor, so they can be
damaged by regular weapons ire. However, if
targeted by a Heavy Weapon, such as a cannon,
even a single wound sinks a boat, no matter how
many Wounds it has left; the fact that a boat has
more Wounds than a sloop is simply a relection
of the difference in scale.
Boats, despite having multiple Wounds, may
not be granted Edges.
Except as speciied otherwise, boats cannot
carry guns. Passenger Space may be converted
into Cargo Space (at a rate of 10 to 1) but Cargo
and Passenger Space cannot be converted to
Ships may carry one dinghy per Mast; one
longboat can be carried instead of two dinghies.
Acceleration: 1 Toughness: 8 (2)
Top Speed: 3 Wounds: 3*
Crew: 1+4 Travel Speed: 1
Cargo Space: 0 Handling: +2
Guns: 0 Cost: $500
Notes: Boat. Includes oars; may be
rowed by 1 or more crewmen for
statistics as listed. -2 to Shooting
attempts to hit this boat with cannon
in accordance with the Ship Edge Types house
rules presented earlier.
Boarders (Crew)
The crew of this ship has been trained to
coordinate its boarding efforts, gaining a +2
bonus to group Throwing rolls for boarding (see
p. 136, Pirates RPG).
Concentrated Fire (Crew)
The crew of this ship are trained to
coordinate their attacks with those of another
ship to devastating effect. If the crew of this
ship ires cannons on the same action as an
allied ship (by going on hold until the other ship
ires, or vice versa), and they target the same
ship, they gain a +2 bonus to Shooting rolls to
Fireproof (Equipment)
Any time a Fire would start on this ship (due
to Critical Hit, spreading Fire, touching a Fire
Ship, etc.), roll 1d6. On a roll of 4+, the Fire
does not start or spread. Fire crews get a +4
bonus to rolls to put out Fires on this ship.
Fortification (Equipment)
This ship is constructed with fortiied
positions and other measures to greatly aid its
crew in repelling boarders. Attackers suffer a -4
penalty to their group Throwing roll to board
this ship.
Hard to Hit (Ship)
This ship presents a smaller silhouette
that makes it harder to hit at long ranges. Any
cannon attacks made against this ship at long
range (or longer) have double the normal range
penalty to hit. There is no effect upon cannon
ire within short or medium range.
Also, lookouts have a -2 penalty to spot this
ship at a distance with Notice checks.
Hardy (Ship)
This ship is blessed, lucky ... or its builder
just did a really good job at making it more
durable than it appears. Somehow, emerges
relatively unscathed from a number of scrapes.
If the ship would otherwise be damaged, once
per session the ship gets a Soak roll against the
remaining damage, using the regular crew’s Spirit
(a group roll) instead of a Vigor roll.
Low in the Water (Ship)
Enemy ranged attacks against this ship
suffer a minimum -2 penalty to hit due to range,
even when this ship is within Short range.
Luxurious (Equipment)
The interior is extravagantly appointed,
with a spacious galley and entertainments for
the crew and passengers. Fatigue due to Cabin
Fever happens half as quickly; one fatigue level
per 60 days at sea for most ships.
Shock Resistant (Ship)
This ship takes half damage from collisions
when other ships (or similarly large objects)
slam into it, and the captain gets a +4 bonus to
any Boating rolls required to avoid going out of
control as a result.
Please note that this only applies when other
ships slam into it - not when it slams into other
ships. For the latter, you need the Ram Edge.
Spotter (Crew)
The crew is trained to use this ship’s second
perspective on the target to assist allied ships
in their cannon ire. Allied ships within 10”
of this ship gain a +1 bonus to Shooting rolls.
Unfortunately, it provides no bonus to this ship’s
own cannoneers, though this ship can beneit
from Spotting performed by another ship’s crew.
Waveskipper (Ship)
When this ship carries no cargo, its Top
Speed is increased by +2, and its Travel Speed by
+1. (If speed is of the essence, but there’s cargo
that can’t be sacriiced, cannons can be unloaded
instead; every 2 Guns spaces left unoccupied are
the equivalent of one empty Cargo Space.
New Ship Hindrances
Hunted (Minor)
Your ship is infamous among sailors of a
particular nation or faction, for some particularly
grievous transgression (real or imagined). Pick a
major seafaring faction or nation (e.g., America,
Barbary Corsairs, England, France, Spain)
active in the campaign (the GM determines
what constitutes “active” enough). Any ship
of that nation or faction gains a +1 to attack
rolls and boarding attempts against this ship.
This Hindrance may be taken twice, each time
associated with a different enemy.
Luddites’ Revenge (Major)
The ship
seems to be
cursed with bad
luck. Any time
a 1 is rolled on
a Shooting roll
(regardless of the
Wild Die) when
iring this ship’s cannons, a mishap renders the
cannon inoperable until it can be repaired (a
Repair check and an hour of work).
Sluggish (Minor)
When this ship’s cargo hold is over 50%
full, it suffers a -2 penalty to its Top Speed, and
-1 to its Travel Speed (minimum Travel Speed
of 1). E.g., a ship with 4 Cargo Spaces and this
Hindrance will suffer the penalty to movement
when it has 3 Cargo Spaces illed. Cargo Spaces
converted to mount extra cannons count as
“full” for purposes of this calculation (see
“Lightening the Load”).
Acceleration: 2 Toughness: 10(2)
Top Speed: 6 Wounds: 3*
Crew: 2+10 Travel Speed: 1
Cargo Space: 0 Handling: +2
Guns: 0 Cost: $2,000
Notes: Boat; may mount a bowchaser.
Travel speed is for sail. Includes oars;
may be rowed by 6 or more crewmen
for Acceleration 1, Top Speed 3, Travel
Speed 1. -1 to Shooting attempts to hit
this boat with cannon ire.
New Ship Edges
The following are new Edges, most of
them inspired by special ship abilities from the
Pirates PocketModel game. They are identiied
as either “Ship,” “Crew,” or “Equipment” Edges,
Savage Worlds TM , Pinnacle Entertainment Group TM , Great White Games TM , and all related marks and logos are copyright © 2007-2008 by Great White Games (http://www.peginc.com). All Rights Reserved.
Pirates of the Spanish Main TM , Pirates of the Mysterious Islands TM , Pirates at Ocean’s Edge TM , Pirates of the Cursed Seas TM , Pocketmodel TM , and all related marks and logos are copyright © 2002-2008 WizKids
Games (http://www.wizkidsgames.com/pirates). This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and
trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
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