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the biggest















the worst






the least intelligent









Zapisz zdania wg wzoru i odpowiedz na pytania


wzór:      motorbike – 40 km/h      car – 100 km/h      plane – 400 km/h

Motorbike is fast, car is faster than a motorbike, but plane is the fastest of them all.


1. feather            wood              stone           (light / heavy)

2. the Vistula – 1074 km      the Mississippi – 3778 km         the Nile – 6671 km

3. Ted – 146 cm              Philip – 150cm           Edward – 162 cm

4. stool       chair        armchair          (comfortable)

5. horse        elephant           whale             (big)

6. cassette - £1,5           record - £3            compact disc - £5

7. Eve – 12 years old              Eve’ sister – 16 years old               Betsy – 18 years old

8. Spanish            German            English             (popular)


1.      Who is the tallest?

2.      Who is bigger than an elephant?

3.      What is cheaper than a record?

4.      What language isn’t very popular?

5.      What is the oldest?



Uzupełnij tekst przymiotnikami:


dangerous        more aggressive          clever           more friendly            best                      more funny             high              the most amusing                                 more intelligent



Dogs and cats are domestic animals. Dogs are ………………. than cats, but cats are ………………. . For some people cats are ……………….. animals. They are also very …………………… - they can climb …………… trees or fences without any effort. Dogs, in turn, are …………… . In some people’s opinion they can be our …………… friends. But we must remember that dogs can be ………………. – they are …………….. than cats.




Przetłumacz na j. ang.


1.      Twoje wypracowanie jest najkrótsze, ale najciekawsze.

2.      Adam jest najwyższym graczem w naszej drużynie.

3.      Kto najgłośniej śpiewa?

4.      Moja herbata jest gorąca, czy twoja jest chłodniejsza?

5.      Komputer jest bardziej przydatny niż kalkulator.

6.      Mamy mniej pieniędzy niż wy.

7.      Kto ma więcej kaset – ty czy twój brat?

8.      Ted jest naszym najstarszym bratem.




Complete sentences. Use a comparative.

1.              Helen’s car isn’t very big. She wants a _______ one.

2.              My job isn’t very interesting. I want to do something _______.

3.              You’re not very tall. Your brother is _______.

4.              David doesn’t work very hard. I work _______.

5.              My chair isn’t very comfortable. Yours is _______.

6.              Your plan isn’t very good. My plan is _______.

7.              These flowers aren’t very nice. The blue ones are _______.

8.              My bag isn’t very heavy. Your bag is _______.

9.              I’m not very interested in art. I’m _______ in history.

10.              It isn’t very warm today. It was _______ yesterday.

11.              These tomatoes don’t taste very good. The other ones tasted _______.

12.              Britain isn’t very big. France is _______.

13.              London isn’t very beautiful. Paris is more _______.

14.              These knife isn’t very sharp. Have you got a _______ one?

15.   People today aren’t very polite. In the past they were _______.


Complete the following sentences. Use the superlative form of one of the following adjectives:
high, rich, young, popular, good, easy, close, bad, boring, fast
Use each word only once. Add 'the' if necessary.

1.      The economic results are very bad. They are ___________ for 5 years.

2.      I think that English is ___________ language to learn.

3.      He is ___________ man in the universe. He has more money than anyone else.

4.      Mount Everest is ___________ mountain in the world.

5.      Sophia is ___________ in the school. She can run a mile in under 4 minutes.

6.      This site is ___________ site on the Web.

7.      Both my brother and my sister are older than me. I am ___________.

8.      Mercury is very hot. It is ___________ planet to the Sun.

9.      This book bores me. It is ___________ book I have ever read.

10.  A Rolls-Royce is a very good car. I think it is ___________ car in the world.




bad   clean   far   big x2   dangerous   good   cheap   expensive   luxurious  


1.      The distance from Sydney to Madrid is ________________ than the distance from New York to London. 

2.      David's kitchen is very dirty. Mine is much ________________ .

3.      That film was terrible. In fact, it's ________________  film I've ever seen. 

4.      Generally speaking, the coffee in Spain and Italy is ________________  than the coffee you get in Britain.

5.      Riding a motorbike is ________________  than driving a car.

6.      Clare's apartment is just as ________________ as Michael's.

7.      One night at The Ritz is ________________ than a week in The Holiday Inn.

8.      Rolls Royce make some of ________________ cars in the world. 

9.     If you buy ________________, you won't get the best.

10. The aquarium in Valencia is ________________ in Europe.



INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following exercise.

nice, lanky, curly, dark, pretty, touchy, tall, lighter, more stupid, blonder, chubbier, longer, taller, warmer, curlier, closer, the lankiest, the meanest, the most gullible, the prettiest


SOLDIER: Hi, mate! Can't wait to get home. I haven't been home for six months.

SAILOR: Well, I have been away from home much ....................... than that.

SOLDIER: Where do you live? I live in Scotland.

SAILOR: Well, I live in Kent; it is a bit ....................... than Scotland.

SOLDIER: Have you got a girlfriend or wife?

SAILOR: Yes, I have a girlfriend who wants to marry me, but she's ....................... than me.

SOLDIER: Is she a lot ....................... than you?

SAILOR: Oh, yes. 10 centimetres.

SOLDIER: Well my girlfriend is much ....................... than that. In fact she is ....................... woman I know.

SAILOR: My girlfriend's very ......................., too. Have you got a photo of your one?

SOLDIER: Yes, here it is. My girlfriend is ....................... girl in the world, but she is so ........................

SAILOR: She reminds me of my girlfriend, but this woman has ....................... hair. Let me look ....................... with my glasses. Hmmmm! This woman is definitely as ....................... as my girlfriend! Just a minute! She is MY girlfriend, not YOUR girlfriend! You're ....................... scumbag I have ever met. Get a girlfriend of your own!

SOLDIER: Are you sure she's your girlfriend? Is her hair as ....................... as your girlfriend's?

SAILOR: Well, no, but she must have dyed it. It's usually much ....................... than that. I have always preferred blondes.

SOLDIER: Well, there you are, then. She can't be your girlfriend - her hair's the wrong colour.

SAILOR: Maybe you're right, but she does look just like my Meg. Sorry, mate. Didn't mean to turn on you like that. I'm not usually as ....................... as that. Look, here's a photo of Meg.

SOLDIER: Yes, she does resemble my Margaret a bit, but her hair is much ....................... and she also looks ....................... in the face. (Thinks: You must be ....................... than you look!)

SAILOR: Yes. You're right. Well then, bye mate. ....................... to have met you.

SOLDIER: Bye, mate. (Thinks: You must be ....................... man I have ever met!)






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