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Rethinking Teacher Supervision and Evaluation: How to Work Smart, Build Collaboration, and Close the Achievement Gap
More Praise for Rethinking Teacher Supervision
and Evaluation
‘‘Kim has written an important book, a must-read for anyone who believes that school
can be and must be greatly improved. His argument is clear, cogent, and buttressed by
endless practical ideas borne of his long work on the front lines of urban education. But
his message applies to all educators: pay attention to what does and doesn’t work; build
upon a rich curriculum; and most of all redefine supervision and evaluation to ensure
that it is ongoing, efficient and always focused on staff learning about learning. Marshall
has written a thoughtful, practical and hopeful book that should play a vital role in ending
the fatalism that is a cancer in American education.’’
—Grant Wiggins, president, Authentic Education, Hopewell, New Jersey
‘‘Every principal continuously grapples with the question ‘How can I most effectively
improve instruction in my school?’ Kim Marshall provides a set of powerful answers to
that question by seamlessly weaving together his personal experiences as an accomplished
Boston principal, insightful analysis of educational research, and countless conversations
with expert researchers and practitioners. This is an excellent guide to instructional
leadership for both new and experienced principals.’’
—John King, senior deputy commissioner for P–12 education, New York State
‘‘Kim Marshall is quickly establishing himself as a pre-eminent voice in the field of
school leadership. He does what few authors have done before: integrate the critical tasks
of observation, curriculum planning, and data-driven instruction to drive real student
achievement. His combination of real-world experience and visionary thinking creates a
roadmap that has the potential to alter the national landscape on teacher supervision.’’
—Paul Bambrick-Santoyo, managing director, North Star Academy Network,
Uncommon Schools
‘‘Classroom teachers and principals alike will decorate the pages of this insightful book
with notes and underscored passages that offer inspiration and the kind of down to earth
advice you seek from the best teacher you know. Kim Marshall is a visionary thinker with
his finger right on the pulse of how good teaching transforms thinking, and how deep
concern for students transforms teaching; in direct, compelling language, he describes
the magical synergy that happens when educators at all levels work together to prepare
students for life — not just for tests.’’
—Vicki Spandel, author, CreatingWriters and The 9 Rights of Every Writer
‘‘Kim Marshall brings the wisdom of a seasoned principal and the insights of a
scholar/researcher to this analysis of instructional leadership. His work is practical,
smart and most of all clear and accessible. Any educational leader seeking to find ways to
improve the quality of instruction will find in this book an invaluable resource. Marshall
writes with the authority of someone who understands what needs to be done to create
successful schools because he has already done so himself.’’
—Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D., Peter L. Agnew Professor of Education,
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Development
Executive Director, Metropolitan Center for Urban Education,
New York University
‘‘Kim Marshall’s invaluable book is more than a new view of supervision and
evaluation — it offers a broad-based map of the multiple paths that a principal must
consider if teaching and learning is to be improved deeply.’’
—Jon Saphier, author of The Skillful Teacher
Rethinking Teacher
Supervision and Evaluation
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