Mysteries of Egyptian Zodiacs and Other Riddles of Ancient History by Anatoly T Fomenko & al (2004).pdf

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It is commonly believed that 3000 years
of Ancient Egyptian history ended around
the year 500 A.D. leaving behind
phenomenal monuments, temples and
tombs. But, can we trust Egyptian
“Mysteries of Egyptian Zodiacs” will undermine
your beliefs in the conventional history of
Egypt, by providing you with strong
scientific proof that ancient Egyptian
temples and tombs were created after the year 1000 A.D. This
book is not based on historical speculations, but it is a
comprehensive scientific analysis of the Egyptian zodiacs — the
astronomical calendars holding the real dates of Ancient Egypt.
Authors of this book are mathematicians who scrupulously
investigated the existing astronomical evidence and used
special computer programs to calculate the dates encoded
in the Egyptian zodiacs. The book explains in every detail how to
read the astronomical data shown on the Egyptian zodiacs, and
provides the reader with all the necessary tools to conduct
independent research into this area of astronomical dating.
It was always extremely hard to introduce principally new ideas
in any field of knowledge. The authors of this book show that there
are serious problems in a very foundation of the conventional
chronology. This exciting topic will make readers shake and crave
for more
Anatoly T. Fomenko
Wieslaw Z. Krawcewicz
Tatiana N. Fomenko
Gleb V. Nosovsky
And Other Riddles of Ancient History
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Mysteries of
Egyptian Zodiacs
Other Riddles of Ancient
A Guide to Dating
Ancient Astronomical Data
Anatoly T. Fomenko
Tatiana N. Fomenko
Wieslaw Z. Krawcewicz
Gleb V. Nosovskij
New Chronology Publications
January 3, 2004
We are all aware that history can not be considered as an
area of knowledge where the portrayed facts are scientically
supported. It was always an arena for political or nationalis-
tic manipulations and smaller or larger falsication. Ancient
history is not an exception and in fact its problems are more
serious than one could suspect.
show that there are serious problems in a very foundation of
the conventional chronology.
How anybody can be sure that historical events we learned
about in school, from books or even movies, really took place?
Maybe some of them are simply fairy tales or fantasies that
are considered now to be historical facts. However, a pre-
vailing opinion is that there is no reason to worry about
the accuracy of the conventional chronology. Historians claim
that their work provides us with clear and comprehensive
explanations of every historical epoch and that strictly sci-
entic methods, for example the carbon-14 dating and den-
drochronology support it. However, there are serious problems
with usage of physical methods for supporting the conven-
tional chronology. We do not want to discuss this problem
here and we refer the interested reader to the books [103] and
All the authors of this book are mathematicians and we
would like to illustrate how modern applied mathematics can
be used to investigate the chronology of ancient events. Our
results challenge the correctness of the ancient chronology
supported by the overwhelming opinion of reputable experts
in history. It is not our intention to create a sensation or to
discredit anybody. Our objective is to attract more attention
to a serious scientic problem.
We are aware that it was always extremely hard to in-
troduce principally new ideas in any eld of knowledge.
There are numerous examples in physics, mathematics, bi-
ology, medicine and other sciences, when the new theories
were only accepted after long years of absolute rejection by
almost all experts. Nevertheless, every area of science had
its turning points when, with hesitation and lots of pain, old
and well established knowledge was rejected to accept new
concepts. Such reversals happened before in astronomy, me-
chanics, chemistry, physics and even in mathematics. There
were also reversals in economics and psychology as well. Sur-
prisingly, the historical chronology throughout the last four
centuries remains intact. There was no signicant improve-
ment of the chronology in spite of the computer technology
and modern methods of data analysis.
The astronomical dating, using contemporary scientic
theories, remains in fact the only method that can produce re-
liable precise dates for ancient events. In particular, remains
of old Egyptian zodiacs containing horoscopes are important
material for such dating. Analysis of some of these horoscopes
was already attempted in the 18th and 19th centuries but did
not lead to any solid date.
Recently it was discovered (see [114]) that Egyptian zodi-
acs contain much more astronomical information that it was
previously believed. This gave us an opportunity to establish
dozens of unique dates from the ancient Egyptian history. It
appears that it is possible to determine with very high
condence the exact dates represented on the Egyp-
tian zodiacs .
Nowadays, more and more mathematics is used in the so-
cial sciences. During the last century, economics owes its de-
velopment to mathematics. There is a growing need for math-
ematics in psychology, sociology, demography, social epidemi-
ology and criminology. Not surprisingly, mathematics is also
trying to make its contribution in areas that seem to be quite
distant from it.
In this book we have collected many accessible to us old
Egyptian zodiacs containing valid astronomical data (horo-
scopes), which were created in form of reliefs, carvings in
stone or paintings. The purpose of this book is to analyze and
astronomically date all those zodiacs. The obtained dates ap-
pear to be much later than it is suggested in the conventional
chronology of Egypt.
Historical chronology, when it was created in the 17th
century was considered as a part of mathematics (even J.
Scaliger, who is know as the creator of the presently accepted
version of the chronology, considered himself as a mathemati-
cian). Later, it was incorporated as a part of history, which is a
pure social science not relying on the natural sciences method-
ology. Without solid scientic tools, historians are not able to
solve principal problems existing in the chronology (clearly,
problems exist in any area of knowledge). In our book, we will
We are not going to discuss in this book how serious are
the implications of these new dates on ancient history. Our
only objective is to present a serious scientic evidence with-
out making any a priori assumption of its correctness or in-
correctness. Our research is independent of the restrictions
imposed by the conventional chronology. Being mathemati-
cians, we simply solve the puzzle of ancient Egypt zodiacs,
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