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School ______________________________________________________________
Name ______________________________________________________________
Uzupełnij podane ni Ň ej tłumaczenia.
a/ Po prostu nie mog ħ zrozumie ę takiej bezmy Ļ lno Ļ ci.
I simply cannot understand such _______________
b/ Moje palce były lepkie po zjedzeniu lodów.
My fingers were _______________ after eating ice cream.
c/ Prosz ħ nam przysła ę swoje wymiary w calach lub centymetrach.
Send us your __________________ in inches or centimetres.
d/ Samo umycie Ļ cian od Ļ wie Ň y pokój.
Just washing the walls will _______________ up the room.
e/ Równo Ļę i wolno Ļę niekoniecznie si ħ ze sob Ģ zgadzaj Ģ .
_______________ and freedom do not necessarily agree.
f/ Tym razem frekwencja na zebraniu była niska.
This time _______________ at the meeting was low.
g/ Proces kierowcy ci ħŇ arówki zacz Ģ ł si ħ o 10-tej w zatłoczonej sali s Ģ du.
The _______________ of the truck driver began at 10 in a crowded courtroom.
h/ Niektóre cierniowe krzewy mo Ň na sadzi ę jako zabezpieczenie.
Some _______________ bushes can be planted as security barriers.
Wyró Ň nione grupy wyrazów zast Ģ p tylko jednym słowem, tak by nie zmieni ę tre Ļ ci całego zdania.
Nie wolno u Ň ywa ę słów wyró Ň nionych ani ich pochodnych.
a/ He was elected to the post of the person responsible for the finances of our club in 1993.
He was elected our __________________ in 1993.
b/ The text first appeared in a journal published four times a year in Holland.
The text first appeared in a Dutch _______________ .
c/ To control the protesters, the police used force that was much stronger than necessary or reasonable .
The police used __________________ force to control the protesters.
d/ This was a rare moment when we could see how police dogs are trained.
This was a rare ___________________ to see how police dogs are trained.
e/ The players sat on oak chairs with leather bags filled with soft material .
The players sat on oak chairs with leather _______________.
f/ Malaria is an infectious disease spread by blood sucking insects .
Malaria is an infectious disease spread by _______________.
g/ The photo shows a spider producing threads for its web.
The photo shows a spider ___________________ its web.
h/ As regards money, Canada turned to a system based on the number 10 in 1858.
As regards money, Canada went _______________ in 1858.
Wpisz brakuj Ģ ce wyrazy. Ka Ň da kreska zast ħ puje jedn Ģ liter ħ . Nie wolno zmieni ę Ň adnej z liter ju Ň podanych.
PRZYKŁAD: Is your f a m i l y name Adams?
a/ One of the rules of table _ _ n _ _ _ _ is that you should never talk with food in your mouth.
b/ It is believed that exercise _ _ s _ _ _ _ the risk of heart disease.
c/ We are full of _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for Lucy for the way she dealt with the trauma.
d/ My granddad is the busiest man I know. For him, forced _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ , for instance, at a doctor's waiting room, is
the worst punishment.
e/ The photographer turned her _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ to take a profile shot.
f/ A _ _ _ v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ disease is one that can be avoided, e.g. by changing your lifestyle.
g/ The top team were _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ with a cheque and a gold cup.
h/ The conference was a full _ _ _ r _ event, so we didn't have to worry about food and accommodation.
Przetłumacz na polski.
a/ The first to be fined was Andy. ____________________________________________________________
b/ How early should potty-training start? ______________________________________________________
c/ amazed at their licentiousness _____________________________________________________________
d/ It features all the major brands. _____________________________________________________________
e/ They preemptively cried foul instead. ________________________________________________________
f/ a study of smell impairment _______________________________________________________________
Uzupełnij tłumaczenia zda ı na angielski, nie zmieniaj Ģ c niczego we fragmentach ju Ň przetłumaczonych.
Tam, gdzie w nawiasie podano, jak przetłumaczy ę jakie Ļ słowo, nie podano, w jakiej formie ma ono wyst Ģ pi ę w
a/ Nadal nie s Ģ pewni, czy to co słyszeli nie było przesad Ģ .
They're stil ______________________________________________________________ exaggeration
b/ Jedna z ofiar twierdzi [CLAIM], Ň e gro Ň ono [THREATEN] jej no Ň em.
_________________ victims ______________ to ______________________________________
c/ d/ Jednym z przykładów jest Barack Obama, którego zr ħ czno Ļę w odniesieniu do mediów stała si ħ widoczna na
samym [VERY] pocz Ģ tku kariery.
One of the ________________________________________ skill with ____________________ obvious
e/ Wysyłam ci kilka zdj ħę Anny z wycieczki, bo nasze wyszły za ciemno.
______________________ of Anna's photos from the cruise, because_______________________
f/ Dlaczego my Ļ lisz, Ň e mo Ň e wprowadzono nas w bł Ģ d [MISLEAD] co do jej to Ň samo Ļ ci?
What ________________________ we ____________________________________ about her identity?
g/ Jak dot Ģ d, Ň aden z moich szefów nie umiał mi powiedzie ę , jak inne firmy rozwi Ģ zuj Ģ takie problemy.
____________________ bosses so far ____________________________________ how __________________
solve such problems.
h/ No, je Ļ li to, co widzieli, to był raczej rekin ni Ň delfin, trzeba b ħ dzie co Ļ zrobi ę w kwestii bezpiecze ı stwa.
Well, _________________________________ a shark rather than a dolphin, something _________
______________________________ about safety.
Uzupełnij zdania wyra Ň aj Ģ ce w inny sposób tre Ļę zda ı wprowadzaj Ģ cych.
PRZYKŁAD: "Hurry up, Sue," said Mother. Mother told Sue to hurry up .
a/ The sad fact is that our reckless behaviour was the sole cause of the accident.
We have to admit that we should only blame ___________________________________
b/ "I certainly won't accept the bank's offer. I wasn't born yesterday," said Laura angrily.
Laura said she ____________________________________ and added
she __________________________
c/ We managed a brief radio contact with the station Thursday night. After that complete silence.
____________________________ unable to reach ___________________ Thursday night.
d/ Of all the categories tested, white college-educated males had the smallest probability of ending in prison.
White ______________________________________ likely to _____________________
e/ The so-called celebrities will try to brainwash you about abortion. Don't let them do it.
You must resist ________________________ about abortion by the so-______________
f/ I'm too busy to take part in the protest. I hope this cruel law will be changed soon.
I wish I ___________________________ in the protest. And I wish this cruel law
g/ I'd like to defend Uncle Joe; when telling that joke he thought no children were around.
Uncle Joe ________________ mean _______________ to _____________________ joke.
h/ After some heated debate we decided where the next tournament would be held.
Not without difficulty, we agreed ___________ the venue ________________ tournament.
Wpisz w odpowiedniej formie czasowniki w nawiasach. Je Ļ li trzeba, dodaj czasownik modalny , ale nie dopisuj
zaimków ani rzeczowników. Mo Ň esz doda ę "to" je Ļ li jest cz ħĻ ci Ģ bezokolicznika.
a/ When we [return] ____________ from lunch I [have] ____________ to open the window because someone [have]
____________________ a cigarette there.
b/ c/ People who would be reluctant to [see] ______________ in second-hand stores [shrug + probably]
__________________ off their doubts after they [realize] ___________ there [be] ____________ great clothes to
[have] ______________ there for a fraction of the cost.
d/ We must [talk] ____________ about two different movies. In the one I remember, Brenda Nelson [play]
____________ a college student who [date] ______________ two guys at a time and who doesn't know what to do
about it.
e/ Well, if both my sons [graduate + not] __________________ from single-sex schools,
I [find + now] ___________________ these arguments convincing. Anyway, I hope there [be] __________ no
changes in the law.
f/ Hugh Soames [announce + just] __________________ his decision not to seek reelection when his term [expire]
_______________ in May next year. Then he [be] ______________ on the Board for eight year, which he [say]
____________ is more than enough.
g/ With a loud bang, the window [swing] ____________ open and some papers [sweep] ______________ from my
desk. I [bend] ____________ down [try] ____________ to catch them and [hit] _____________ my forehead
against a chair.
h/ Once all the applicants [interview] ______________________, but before the committee [meet] ______________
for the final review, each member [have to] ______________ complete all the evaluation forms.
Zakre Ļ l t ħ form ħ (jedna mo Ň liwo Ļę ), która najlepiej nadaje si ħ do wstawienia w luk ħ .
a/ The title doesn't sound _______________
A/ scholarly enough B / in a scholarly way C / sufficiently scholar D/ scholar enough
b/ The event was well publicized but we still don't know how many people will _________
A/ turn on
B/ come over
C/ come into
D/ turn out
c/ Eyelid surgery, with over 200 thousand Americans who __________ last year, is among top surgical cosmetic
A/ performed it B / have performed them C / had it performed D/ were made to perform it
d/ If he __________ money from abortion clinics in the 2008 campaign, he can hardly be called a pro-lifer.
A/ has been getting
B/ had indeed rejected C/ did accept D/ didn't accept
e/ I remember him as a very conscientious man. Well over ten years in teaching, he _______ many of his lectures, at
least those to be given for the first time.
A/ would have rehearsed
B/ had to rehearse
C/ could rehearse
D/ would rehearse
f/ Our practice is that the news __________ by two announcers, preferably male and female.
A/ are being read
B/ is read
C/ are read
D/ is being read
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