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Placement Test A

Choose the correct answer.

1              Ice cream is not … healthy as fruit.

              a) more              b) as              c) than              d) most

2              I … TV programmes about animals.

              a) can’t mind              b) am minding              c) don’t mind              d) can mind

3              ‘Shall we go to the beach?’ – ‘No thanks. … go shopping.’

              a) I like              b) I prefer              c) I’d rather              d) I want

4              The sports centre has eight … courts.

              a) football              b) rugby              c) hockey              d) tennis

5              … a fantastic book at the moment.

              a) I’m reading              b) I’ll read              c) I was reading              d) I read

6              We … a lot of time looking for my brother’s mobile phone.

              a) wasted              b) made              c) had              d) gave

7              Our plane took … at 2.30.

              a) over              b) away              c) up              d) off

8              John has got an Italian girlfriend so … Italian.

              a) he’d learn              b) he’s learning              c) he learns              d) he had learned

9              Watching football is not … as playing it.

              a) more              b) like              c) same              d) the same

10              Peter is very fit. … swimming every day.

              a) He goes              b) He’s going              c) He went              d) He’s going to

11              My dad … swim until he was 30!

              a) can’t              b) had              c) couldn’t              d) was

12              I read your letter … I was waiting for the train.

              a) what              b) who              c) if              d) while

13              ‘Are you … ?’ – ‘Yes. I’m good at drawing and painting.’

              a) an artistic              b) artistic              c) art              d) artist

14              I saw your sister in the park. She … an ice cream.

              a) is eating              b) was eating              c) doesn’t eat              d) were eating

15              Your brother played well, …

              a) did he?              b) do he?              c) doesn’t he?              d) didn’t he?

16              Could you look … my cat when I go on holiday?

              a) to              b) over              c) after              d) about

17              When we arrived at Linda’s house she … television.

              a) watching                            b) watched
              c) was watching                            d) were watching

18              Do you … in ghosts?

              a) hear              b) believe              c) scared              d) think

19              There was no bus to the beach so we … walk.

              a) had to              b) have got              c) have to              d) had got

20              ‘Yesterday I found £20 in the street.’ – ‘…’

              a) Did you?              b) Could you?              c) Were you?              d) Are you?

21              It’s … eat some fruit every day.

              a) healthy              b) good              c) good for              d) good to

22              I’m not … to drive a car.

              a) as old as              b) enough old              c) old enough              d) older

23              Many infectious diseases … by mice and rats.

              a) be spread              b) are passed              c) are spread              d) pass on

24              My favourite … is cabbage.

              a) vegetable              b) fish              c) meat              d) fruit

25              I’m … tired to go running.

              a) too              b) to              c) enough              d) more

26              ‘I’ve got … .’ – ‘Perhaps you’ve got a cold.’

              a) cough              b) headache              c) ill              d) a sore throat

27              Meat is high in … .

              a) dinner              b) beef              c) food              d) proteins

28              Our dog is very … : he’s scared of cats!

              a) usual              b) usually              c) unusual              d) fun

29              You … go swimming if you feel ill.

              a) would              b) shouldn’t              c) must              d) should

30              The robbers’ car … at the airport.

              a) finds              b) found              c) was found              d) was find

31              He speaks Portuguese. He … be from Brazil.

              a) can              b) should              c) would              d) could

32              You’re … listening to me, are you?

              a) not              b) aren’t              c) never              d) don’t

33              There’s a big … mall next to the station.

              a) shopping              b) parking              c) centre              d) restaurant

34              The clothes in this shop are … cheap.

              a) real              b) bit              c) more              d) quite

35              My brother and I looked at … and laughed.

              a) each other              b) themselves              c) us              d) together

36              Living in the centre of London … exciting.

              a) must              b) must be              c) might              d) can’t be

37              (phone call) ‘Hello. It’s Linda. Can I … Andy, please?’

              a) speak with              b) say to              c) speak to              d) talk with

38              ‘… on a moment, Linda. I’ll see if he’s here.’

              a) Wait              b) Come              c) Stay              d) Hold

39              It was a great holiday. I enjoyed … .

              a) to myself              b) myself              c) all              d) me

40              … difficult to choose a birthday present for my dad.

              a) There’s              b) It’s              c) Is              d) It

41              Spaghetti Bolognese is a … Italian dish.

              a) well-known              b) wellknown              c) well-know              d) well known

42              Have you … to London?

              a) go              b) gone              c) been              d) be

43              How do you … the sports centre?

              a) go for              b) go to              c) get to              d) get on

44              … in the sea is fantastic.

              a) Swim              b) Swimming              c) Swam              d) The swimming

45              ‘Did you come by car?’ – ‘No. We came … foot.’

              a) on              b) with              c) in              d) off

46              He’s my favourite … . I’ve got all his books.


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