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Extreme Meet - Demanding Romance - AJ Hardcourt
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product
of the authorÔs imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual
persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely
Extreme Meet
COPYRIGHT 2007 by AJ Hardcourt
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission of the author or Demanding Romance except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Contact Information: demandingromance@hotmail.com
Demanding Romance
Publishing History
Previously Published in Oct 2007
First DR Edition, May 2010
Published in the United States of America
Chris Rosario leaned his head back against the hard plastic seat and groaned. Six hours
delayed and still no cancellation. With the snow piling up on the tarmac there wasnÔt a
chance in hell of getting a flight home to Los Angeles tonight.
Salt Lake City was under a white out. Inside the terminal kids cried, people slept on the
floor, in chairs, and anywhere they could stretch out. The overcrowded, stifling room
was beginning to ripen.
ÑDo you think weÔll get out of here tonight?Ò
Chris chuckled and glanced at the man sitting next to him. Tall, young, and in
incredible shape. His black hair was a bit unruly. For Chris that only enhanced his
appeal. He tired of the metro sexual overachievers that shared his office. ÑChris
RosarioÒ He held out his hand and the man took it. Their eyes met and Chris didnÔt
think heÔd ever seen eyes the color of artic ice, pale blue yet full of fire.
ÑKevin Angel.Ò
Chris cocked an eyebrow. HeÔd read the local paper before leaving his hotel for the
airport. Kevin had made the front page of the sports section. Local Boy Brings Home Gold.
A full color photo, only under all the winter gear itÔd been impossible to know Kevin
had thick lashes and heavy black brows. Masculine facial bone structure with a strong
square jaw, sun kissed cheeks beneath black stubble, and laugh lines creased the corners
of his eyes when his smiled.
ÑQuite a show you put on for the locals.Ò HeÔd wanted to attend some of the extreme
sporting events, but time constraints had made it impossible.
Kevin reached inside his sweater and lifted out his gold medal. ÑI didnÔt want to come
across arrogant by wearing it for everyone to see, but I couldnÔt take it off either.Ò His
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