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With its approximately 1.800 species and subspecies of flowering plants, Cyprus, is
an extremely interesting place for nature lovers and has all the attributes which make
it a botanist's paradise. Being an island, it is sufficiently isolated to allow the
evolution of a strong endemic flowering element. At the same time being surrounded
by big continents, it incorporates botanological elements of the neighbouring land
About 8% of the indigenous plants of the island, 125 different species and subspecies,
are endemic. The island's great variety of habitats, attributed to a varied microclimate
and geology, is the main reason which contributed to this high number of endemics.
The arrival of animals in Cyprus has been a subject of interest to zoologists, since it
has always been an island. According to existing evidence, the first arrivals were
hippopotami and elephants, both excellent swimmers. They arrived 1,5 mil. years ago
and apart from some shrews and mice, were the only land mammals roaming the
island prior to Man's arrival 9.000 years ago.
The present-day fauna of Cyprus includes some 7 species of land mammals, 26
species of amphibians and reptiles, 357 species of birds, a great variety of insects and
mites, while the coastal waters of the island give shelter to 197 fish species and
various species of crabs, sponges and echinodermata.
The largest wild animal that still lives on the island is the Cyprus moufflon (Ovis
orientalis ophion), a rare type of wild sheep that can only be found in Cyprus.
Cyprus is used by millions of birds as a stepping-stone during their migration from
Europe to Africa and back, something that has been observed since Homeric times.
The main reason for that is the occurrence on the island of two wetlands, with unique
and international importance, namely Larnaca and Akrotiri salt lakes.
From the numerous wild birds of Cyprus, birds of prey are the most fascinating and
amongst them the Eleonora's falcon (Falco eleonorae) and the imperial eagle (Aquila
heliaca) are the jewel on the crown. Our sea creatures include seals and turtles, though
unfortunately the Monk seal no longer breeds in the coastal sea caves of the island.
On the other hand two marine turtles, the Green turtle (Chelona mydas) and the
Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) have been found to breed regularly on the island's
sandy beaches and are strictly protected.
The birds of Cyprus outnumber 350 species, about 200 of which are passage migrants.
Some 46 residents and 27 migratory species breed regularly on the island while the
endemic species (unique to Cyprus) are around 10.
By word of mouth a wealth of folk tales have been preserved to our days in which
imaginary adventures of birds or people teach a lesson in morality and prudence or
impart simple instructions for a wise conduct of life...
This relation of humans and birds is analysed through this selection of birds of Cyprus
and their folklore.
THE CHUKAR (Alectoris graeca)
BLACK FRANCOLIN (Francolinus francolinus)
THE BLACK CAP ( Sylvia atricapilla)
ELEONORA'S FALCON (Falco Eleonorae)
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MAGPIE (Pica Pica)
THE CYPRUS SCOPS OWL (Otus Scops Cyprius)
THE LITTLE OWL (Athene noctua)
Cyprus Today, Ministry of education and culture.
Pavlos Neophytou - Megaln Kypriakn Evkyklopaidia, Filokypros 1991.
Pavlos 3ioutas, Laografia twv zwwv, Levkwsia, 1978
David A. Bannerman, Birds of Cyprus, Oliver and Boyd
J.M.E. Took, Common Birds of Cyprus, Nicosia 1973.
Excerpta Cypria, Publications "The Library", Nicosia 1969.
Elefterios Hadjisterkotis - Migratory Birds and Small Game in Cyprus
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