
(49 KB) Pobierz
00:00:41:Savree maranun|verabonun verobotay.
00:00:45:Barooch ata adony|elohaynou melech aholam.
00:00:48:Borah pree hagafan.
00:00:51:Barooch ata adony|elohaynou melech aholam.
00:00:55:Asher kideshano bemitzvotaiv...
00:00:57:verazha banou veshabat kodsho...
00:01:00:behava hencheel lanoe.
00:01:02:Zecaron lemase berashit|ke hoe yome...
00:01:06:techelah lemekray kodesh...
00:01:09:zecher letziat mizraim.
00:01:12:Kee banoe bacharta|veotano kedashta mekol hameem.
00:01:15:Veshabat kodsho|behavat razone.
00:01:20:Barooch ata adony mekadesh|hasabat.
00:02:22:- Name?|- Horowitz, Salomon.
00:02:30:Schneider, Sarah.|Birnbaum, Olga?
00:02:36:Over there.|Over there!|Kommen Sie Doch.
00:02:39:- Isak Hudes.|- Hudes, Isak.
00:02:44:Zucker, Helena.
00:02:46:Zucker, Helena.
00:02:48:Hirsch, Salomon?|Mandel, Maria. Hirsch,|Salomon.
00:02:51:- Hauptman, Chaim!|- Weisman! Weisman, Marcus!
00:02:55:- Feber, Ludwig!|- Feber, Ludwig.
00:02:58:Elsa Bauman.
00:03:01:- Josef Klein.|- Klein.
00:03:04:- Davidowich, Ignacy.|- Paula Biffer.|- Nadel, Rachela.
00:03:08:Steiner, Gertruda.|Steiner, Hilda.
00:05:10:Jerzy, you know who that man is?|I don't know.
00:05:31:Let's get together,|please.
00:05:34:Smile. Good.
00:06:07:Yes, sir.
00:06:10:Bring them over|a round of drinks.
00:06:13:Very good, sir.|And who shall I say|th-they are from?
00:06:19:You can say|they are from me.
00:06:42:From the gentleman.|Where?
00:06:51:Do you know him?
00:06:54:Find out who he is.
00:06:57:Yes, sir.
00:07:02:Agnieszka, I would|give anything...
00:07:04:to hear you|sing tonight.
00:07:06:But I know you won't.
00:07:10:You embarrass me.
00:07:21:What's he doing?
00:07:26:Stay here.
00:07:31:How are you doing?
00:07:33:You'd leave a woman|alone at the table|in a place like this?
00:07:38:Sweetheart,|you're the picture|of loneliness.
00:07:43:Mmm, what a lovely|fragrance. You are|breaking my heart.
00:07:46:An extra chair, please.|Vodka for my friend.
00:07:49:And for the lady?|Pernod.
00:07:52:# Im Grunewald, im Grunewald|ist Holzauktion #
00:07:56:Ist Holzauktion #
00:07:58:# Im Grunewald, im Grunewald|ist Holzauktion #
00:08:02:Come to the table, girls!|Drink with us!|# Ist Holzauktion #
00:08:05:# Links um die Ecke 'rum,|rechts um die Ecke 'rum #
00:08:08:# Ueberall ist heute|Holzauktion #
00:08:11:Come to us!|Marry us!
00:08:17:# Der ganze Klafter|Suessholz kostet 'nen Taler #
00:08:21:# 'Nen Taler, 'nen Taler #
00:08:24:# Der ganze Klafter Suessholz|kostet 'nen Taler #
00:08:27:# 'Nen Taler-- ##
00:08:31:Thank you.|I'll tell you what|I mean by cooperative.
00:08:35:Two days after the law|is passed that all Jews|have to wear the star,
00:08:38:the Jewish tailors|are turning them out|by the gross...
00:08:40:in a variety of fabrics|at three zloty each.
00:08:43:Tell me about|your cellar wines.
00:08:45:I have an excellent|German Riesling. 1937.|Mmm, French.
00:08:49:A Bordeaux.|Chateau Latour, '28, '29?|No, I'm sorry.
00:08:51:It's as if they have no idea|what kind of law it is.
00:08:54:As if it's the emblem|of a riding club.
00:08:57:A Margaux, '29?|No, no,|we don't have that.
00:08:59:Burgundy then?|A Romanee-Conti, '37?|Yes.
00:09:01:It's human nature.|"We'll do this to avoid that."
00:09:05:That's what they have done|since thousands of years.
00:09:07:It's what they do.|They weather the storm.
00:09:09:But this storm is different.|This is not the Romans.|This storm is the SS.
00:09:13:## Wem Gott will|rechte Gunst erweisen ##
00:09:17:##Den schickt er|in die weite Welt ##
00:09:21:## Wem Gott will rechte|Gunst erweisen ##
00:09:25:##Den schickt er in die|weite Welt ##
00:09:29:##Faleri, Falera ##
00:09:32:##Faleri|Falera-ha ha ha ##
00:09:36:##Faleri, Falera ##
00:09:40:##Den schickt er|in die weite Welt ##
00:09:46:Yes, sir.
00:09:49:Who is that man?
00:09:51:That--|That's Oskar Schindler!
00:09:55:##Faleri|Falera-ha ha ha ##
00:09:58:##Den schickt er|in die weite Welt ##
00:10:02:##Faleri, Falera ##
00:10:05:##Den schickt er|in die weite Welt ####
00:10:08:To Krakow!
00:10:48:An alle Juden!
00:10:50:Ab sofort ist es allen Juden|untersagt...
00:10:54:Fleisch aufkoscher Art|zuzubereiten.
00:10:59:Meldung an alle Juden.|Ab sofort--
00:11:21:Rabbi--|Private property|cannot be confiscated.
00:11:24:How long are the schools|going to be closed?|I do not know.
00:11:26:Article 47: Pillage|is formally prohibited.|You don't know anything!
00:11:29:I am familiar with|the Hague Convention.|Religious--
00:11:31:They come into our house|and tell us we don't|live there anymore.
00:11:35:It now belongs|to a certain SS officer.
00:11:38:Please. I only know|what they tell me.
00:11:40:And what they tell me|changes from day to day.
00:11:44:Aren't you supposed|to be able to help?
00:11:47:I mean, what if I just|took this thing off?
00:11:50:What are they going|to do about it?|They will shoot you.
00:11:53:Why don't you stop|this silly talk?|Itzhak Stern!
00:11:57:I'm looking for Itzhak Stern.
00:12:02:Are you Itzhak Stern|or not?
00:12:05:I am.|Where can we talk?
00:12:18:There's a company|you did the books for|on Lipowa Street.
00:12:22:Made what?|Pots and pans?
00:12:24:By law, I have to tell you,|sir, I'm a Jew.
00:12:28:Well, I'm a German.|So there we are.
00:12:34:A good company,|you think?|Modestly successful.
00:12:38:I know nothing|about enamelware.|Do you?
00:12:41:I was just|the accountant.
00:12:43:Simple engineering though,|wouldn't you think?
00:12:46:Change the machines around,|whatever you do,
00:12:47:you could make other|things, couldn't you?
00:12:50:Field kits, mess kits.|Army contracts.
00:12:56:Once the war ends,|forget it, but for now|it's great.
00:12:59:You can make a fortune,|don't you think?
00:13:01:I think most people right now|have other priorities.
00:13:05:Like what?
00:13:08:I'm sure you'll do just fine|once you get the contracts.
00:13:10:In fact, the worse things get,|the better you'll do.
00:13:12:Oh, well, I can get|the signatures I need.|That's the easy part.
00:13:16:Finding the money|to buy the company,|that's hard.
00:13:20:You don't have|any money?
00:13:22:Not that kind of money.|You know anybody?
00:13:26:Jews, yeah.
00:13:29:Investors. You must|have contacts...
00:13:32:in the Jewish|business community|working here.
00:13:34:What community?|Jews can no longer|own businesses.
00:13:37:That's why this one's|in receivership.|But they|wouldn't own it.
00:13:40:I'd own it.|I'd pay them back in|product-- pots and pans.
00:13:43:Pots and pans.|Something|they can use.
00:13:46:Something they can|feel in their hands.
00:13:48:They can trade it|on the black market,|do whatever they want.
00:13:50:Everybody's happy.
00:13:54:If you want, you could|run the company for me.
00:14:01:Let me understand.
00:14:03:They'd put up all the money,|I'd do all the work.
00:14:06:What, if you don't mind|my asking, would you do?
00:14:10:I'd make sure it's known|the company's in business.
00:14:12:I'd see that it had|a certain panache.
00:14:14:That's what I'm good at,|not the work. Not the work.
00:14:18:The presentation.
00:14:39:I'm sure I don't know anybody|who'll be interested in this.
00:14:44:Well, they should be,|Itzhak Stern.
00:14:48:Tell them they should be.
00:15:01:Achtung! Achtung!
00:15:03:An alle Juden...|Ab sofort ist es verboten--
00:15:09:Vere dignum et justum est,|aequum et salutare,
00:15:14:nos tibi semper et|ubique gratias agere,
00:15:19:Domine Sancte, Pater Omnipotens,|Aeterne Deus.
00:15:22:I've got a client|who'll sell marks|for zloty at 2.45 to 1.
00:15:26:Wool, mink collar.|It's a nice coat.
00:15:28:She'll trade it|for ration coupons.
00:15:30:Wicks, for lamps.|You have a truckload|of wicks?
00:15:34:What am I going to do|with a truckload of wicks?|Nine by 12, nine by 14.
00:15:38:I don't know.|Big, beautiful, Persian.
00:15:41:Lumen aeternum mundo effudit--
00:15:46:You don't recognize this?|It's shoe polish.
00:15:48:In metal containers?|You asked|for shoe polish.
00:15:51:In metal containers.|This is glass.|In metal containers.
00:15:53:It's not what I asked for.|What's|the difference?
00:15:55:What's the difference?|What's the difference?
00:15:57:Shh! My client sold it to his client,
00:15:59:who sold it|to the German Army.
00:16:01:Only by the time it got there,|because of the freezing cold,|it broke. All 10,000 units.
00:16:06:Mmm,|ooh, ooh, ooh.|This is not my problem.
00:16:08:This is not|his problem.|This is not your problem?
00:16:10:This is not|my problem.|All right.
00:16:13:The German Army|wants to find out|where it came from.
00:16:17:I am going to make sure|they find out.|Now it's your problem.
00:16:20:You be quiet!
00:16:29:Pardon me for interfering,|but that's a nice shirt.
00:16:33:Nice shirt.
00:16:36:Do you know where|I can find a nice|shirt like that?
00:16:41:...laudare, benedicere|et predicare.
00:16:47:Like this?
00:16:49:It's illegal to buy or sell|anything on the street.
00:16:52:We don't do that.|We're here to pray.
00:16:57:Jesum Christum Dominum Nostrum--
00:17:00:Do you have any idea how much|a shirt like this costs?|Nice things cost money.
00:17:05:...adorant Dominationes,|tremunt Potestates.
00:17:09:Coeli coelorumque|virtutes ac Beata Seraphim...
00:17:15:socia exultatione|concelebrant--
00:17:18:How many?
00:17:21:I'm going to need|some other things, too,|as things come up.
00:17:25:This won't be|a problem.|From time to time.
00:17:29:Achtung! Achtung!
00:18:14:- Name? Adresse?|- Formular ausfuellen!
00:18:17:Weiter, weiter!|Nicht draengeln!
00:18:20:Kommen Sie hierher!|Stellen Sie sich doch an!
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