met tutorial 5 and 6.doc

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Glasgow College of Nautical Studies


Upper Atmosphere : Tutorial 5



1 (a)              High level divergence over Asia, produces low level convergence and a low pressure forms.  This produces the sw monsoon winds.


   (b)              See Page 11 of Climate notes.



2 (a)              High level convergence at the eastern edge if Tibetan plateau, produces surface divergence and a high pressure forms.  This produces the NE monsoon winds.


   (b)              See Page 8 of Climate notes.



3              Since there is no evidence of the anticyclone on the high level chart it must be a cold anticyclone.  See notes on anticyclones.


4              The upper atmosphere chart shows evidence of high thickness/contours therefore this is a warm anticyclone.

              See notes on anticyclones.


5              Diagram (a)

              Above TRS there must be high level divergence and no strong wind shear,  Diagram (b) shows a jet stream and so the wind sheer will be too strong for TRS formation,

              See TRS notes – Page 8.


6              At X, Air travels towards X at super-geostrophic speeds and moves away at subgeostrophic speed.  Therefore X is a convergence zone at high level.  At the surface below X there will be divergence and high pressure.

              At Y, air arrives at sub-geostrophic speeds and leaves at super-geostrophic speeds.  Therefore Y is associated with divergence at high level.  At the surface below Y the is convergence and low pressure. 

              Therefore a depression is more likely to form at Y.















Tutorial 6



1.              For a TRS to form the upper atmosphere must allow high level divergence.  See TRS notes Page 8.


2.              A jet stream is associated with strong wind shear.

              See TRS notes - Page 8.


3.              A warm high will show as high contoms on pressure charts or high thickness on thickness charts at higher levels, because it is a very deep feature.

              A cold high is a shallow feature and cannot be detected on upper atmosphere contour and thickness charts – see notes on anticyclones.


4.(a)               In January the sub-tropical jet stream is westerly and divides where it meets the Tibetan plateau, then joins on the eastern side.

   (b)              In July the sub-tropical jet stream is not continuous over the northern part of the Indian Oceanan easterly jet streams develops, due to heating over Asia.


5.              See diagram Page 2 of “middle latitudes” handout.  Discuss the change of wind speed as air flows through the wave,  Explain the convergence and divergence produced by the change of speed.  High level convergence produced surface convergence and vice versa.


6. (a)              Describe or draw a sketch of the diagrams on page 6 of middle latitudes handout.


    (b)              Depressions are forces to travel north or south around the anticyclone or become stationery.



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