12. Wheel over.doc

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A vessel, draft 9.8 metres, is bound for the port of Cobh.


The passage into the port will require the vessel to execute a port turn round the Spit Bank.

The approach to the turn will be on a track of 014ºT, passing 2.0 cables due West of the light on the northern end of Whitegate Marine Terminal.

After the turn the track is to be 264ºT, passing 2.40 cables off the Spit Bank light.

The vessel is to execute the turn at ‘slow ahead’, speed 6.2 knots, using a constant rudder angle of 20º.


Using the manoeuvring data and the chartlet:

·         Plot the actual track that the vessel will execute.

·         Indicate on the track the ‘wheel over’ position.


On the radar plotting sheet construct a parallel index that can be used to monitor the progress of the vessel during the turn. The vessel’s radar will be on the 1.0 mile range and the parallel index is to be set up using the Spit Bank beacon.


List the factors that could cause the vessel to deviate from the planned track.


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