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A Word About Role Playing and the Fallout Universe
Acknowledgements and Notes
A Word About Role Playing and the
Fallout Universe
need to thank some very supportive
people, without whom this project
never would have happened. Thanks
to Elizabeth for being you; thanks to
Miroslav for running such a wonderful
website; thanks to my playtesters:
Roman, Mike, Karen, Pete, and Arch;
thanks for all the supportive emails,
and suggestions, from people too
numerous to call by name; thanks to
Brian Fargo, Interplay, and Black Isle
for making such great role-playing
games. Thanks to Michael Owen and
Itsatrap, the Scorpion Hunter, for ideas
and rules regarding condition modifiers
to armor. Mega-thanks to Ausir for
compiling the most comprehensive of
missing items and errors, and to Roman
for compiling another useful list.
reating a role-playing game is much
like a high-wire act in the circus:
one walks a very fine line
attempting to please as many people as
possible. Fallout: Pencil and Paper RPG
was created for two groups of gamers –
those who enjoyed the Wasteland /
Fallout computer games and wanted to
have a tabletop version for their
Saturday night role-playing sessions,
and those people who had not played the
computer game but were interested or
curious in the post-Nuclear role-playing
environment. It is my sincere hope that
this game provides the best for both
Fallout: Pencil and Paper RPG was
designed to be flexible in its rule
structure. The system of character
creation and combat was drawn directly
from the computer game, because it is
one of the more intuitive systems I've
come across. However, because a
computer can do many calculations in a
short amount of time, and keep track of
millions of variables, the combat system
can get a little complex at times. I've
tried to provide a character sheet that
places all the necessary numbers in one
place for ease of use, but some players
may find that tedious. Which brings me
to my next (and last) point.
This is officially version 1.1 of the
Fallout: PNP RPG rules. I’ve kept all
the rules from the game intact, except
for gun damage, which I modified –
without any change to the resulting
numbers – for ease of play on a
tabletop. I took some liberties with
places, weapons, and characters from
Wasteland ; many of us old-time gamers
still think of Fallout as a sequel to
Wasteland anyway, so I hope I didn’t
tread on anyone’s toes when I included
it. Heavy weapons, artillery pieces,
and vehicles I had to completely make up
on my own; for my sources, please see
the bibliography at the end. I made
some tweaks here and there to make the
rules a little more “realistic,” like
allowing both barrels of a double-barrel
shotgun to be fired at once. I included
some other weapons, mostly culled from
an old Twilight: 2000 manual. If there
is a glaring error or problem with the
game, please feel free to email me at
unasoda@hotmail.com and I will be happy
to make the necessary changes.
This book is designed as a guide. The
reason we role-play is to allow our
imaginations to take us to another world
for a brief time. It is not to sit
there and roll dice and punch numbers
into a calculator all night. I've role-
played with both kinds of groups, and
when I've GMed, I've leaned more towards
the first kind – more story, less dice
and numbers. I would skip looking up
tables and such and make things up on
the fly. For rules junkies, there are
plenty of tables and things to keep you
going. I even encourage you to make
your own tables for things like critical
hits, perhaps using mine as a guide.
For those more prone to loose, formless
role-playing, feel free to discard
tables, rolls, or whatever else suits
your fancy. The idea behind this game
is to have fun, so if you find something
doesn't work for your group, please feel
free to get rid of it.
Version 1.1 changes – Added condition
modifier rules for weapons and armor,
fixed simple typos, fixed factual errors
regarding “canon” Fallout locations.
Version 1.2 changes – Adjusted
Louisville Slugger damage, fixed various
typos and tweaked sentence structures,
added Perks previously left out,
adjusted rolls to reflect errata in the
Fallout readme files, added flamethrower
Part I - Introduction
ach player needs a set of
percentile-dice (Two ten-sided
dice, with one die representing the
"ones" column and the other representing
the "tens" column of a two-digit
number). The Gamemaster needs a set of
normal RPG dice as well (d4, d6, d8,
d10, d12, d20). Each player also needs
a character sheet (provided in the back
of this book), a pencil, and a bit of
imagination. The Gamemaster needs this
book and a little more imagination. A
single hex-sheet is helpful, although
not absolutely necessary. Every
character can provide their own
miniature figure to use on the hex
sheet, and the Gamemaster may want to
think about getting a few generic
critter figures and some scenery (trees
and ruined buildings, walls, etc),
although these are not necessary either.
"Imagine all the people, living in
- John Lennon, Imagine
magine for a moment a world without
politics. Imagine a world without
religions, where people's views no
longer mattered, where there was no
longer any distinction between old and
young, rich and poor, Atheist or
Believer, liberal or conservative.
Imagine a world where every person was
equal regardless of skin color or ethnic
The United States and Russia have over
30,000 nuclear devices in their arsenals
as of January 2000. It would take 800
such devices to end most of human life
on this planet. In the half-hour
between the launch of the
missiles and the detonation
of the last bomb, it would
not be difficult to imagine
a world where racial,
religious, class, and
national distinctions no
longer mattered. In the
days and weeks after the
bombs, the remaining people
would struggle to survive
in a vastly different environment. The
Earth as well as humankind would bear
the scars of that wound for hundreds if
not thousands of years.
Glossary of Terms in the Fallout
Combat: A sequence of events that takes
place on a hex-grid in rounds of
approximately 10 seconds each. Resolves
with all parties that intend each other
harm either fleeing or dead.
Critter: A critter generally refers to a
non-human NPC.
Death: Death occurs when a character's
hit points drop below 0 and no medical
treatment is readily available. Death
is final in the Fallout universe.
Fallout is a post-nuclear RPG set
sometime after a great nuclear conflict
in the year 2077. 99% of humanity and a
good deal of other life perished in the
nuclear war. Of course, millions still
survived, although some were altered
beyond imagination. One can play
Fallout either as a campaign-oriented
RPG, with a series of smaller adventures
in a larger story, or as a single-story
game with a minimum of involvement in
the larger workings of the world. It
can be played on a single Saturday night
with two or three friends or in a group
of 7 or 8 two or three times a week for
months on end. The only limits are
scheduling and the bounds of
Experience (XP): A numerical measure of
the Character's collective experiences
in the Fallout universe. When a
Character has enough Experience points,
she goes up a Level.
Fallout: A series of games from
Interplay Productions, sequels to their
popular Wasteland RPG, set in a post-
nuclear universe; the same universe in
which this open-ended RPG is set. Also,
the radioactive dust particles scattered
after a nuclear device detonates.
Gamemaster (GM): The Gamemaster is sort
of a storyteller and judge rolled into
one. The GM relates the story to the
players, telling them what their
characters are experiencing, and they
have a chance to control their
character's responses. The GM does the
majority of the dice rolls and controls
all Non-Player Characters. The GM's
word in any situation is final, and
overrides even this rulebook. After
all, it is the Gamemaster's world.
Being Gamemaster requires a little
imagination and a normal set of dice
(1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d10, 1d12, 1d20).
are made by the GM, without the
characters knowing the result.
Round: A round of combat is generally
about 10 seconds long and lasts until
all critters in combat have their turn.
Karma: A measure of whether a character
has done more good than evil, more evil
than good, or a healthy balance of the
Secondary Statistics (Derived
Statistics): These statistics are
derived from mathematical formulae using
numbers from various sources, such as
Primary Statistics, Equipment, and so
Level: A measure of the Character's
"rank" in the Fallout universe. When a
Character gains a Level, it represents
that they have gained enough Experience
from their actions that they have a
better grasp of the world around them.
Skills: A numerical measure of how good
your Character is at different skills in
the Fallout universe. If you have the
right skill, you can do anything.
Non-Player Character (NPC): A Character
in the Fallout universe that is not
controlled by a Player; these Characters
are controlled by the GM.
To Hit: After all the modifiers, To Hit
is the number you need to roll against
in combat to have your weapon connect
with a critter and do harm to it.
Perk: A Perk is a special reward a
character gains every few levels.
Trait: Traits are bred-in abilities that
make characters more unique. Most are
often double-edged swords, and cannot
change throughout the game.
Player: The Player is one of the human
participants in the game, more
specifically a human in control of a
character, called the Player Character.
Turn: A turn in combat consists of one
critter or character performing their
actions. A turn lasts for 10 seconds of
game time; however, all turns happen
"simultaneously" within the 10-second
combat round.
Player Character (PC): A Character in
the game universe controlled by a
Player. The Player's "Alter Ego" in the
Fallout universe.
Primary Statistics (Statistics, Stats):
Primary statistics measure a Character's
basic abilities, and include Strength,
Perception, Endurance, Charisma,
Intelligence, Agility, and Luck.
ameplay begins with character
creation. If everyone already has
a character, go ahead and skip this
Rank: Not a position, but rather a
measure of the "level" of some Perks.
Part II: Character
Rolls Against __: When you see this, an
action requires a dice roll against a
specific Stat or Skill. Rolls against
Primary Statistics use 1d10 and must
make equal to or less than that
particular Stat to succeed. Rolls
against Secondary Statistics and Skills
use percentile dice (2d10) to do the
same thing. A roll of 2 when rolling
against Endurance, when your EN is 4,
means your character managed to fight
off the deadly plague. A roll of 75
when rolling against a 40% Outdoorsman
skill means your character did not find
the mutated cactus with the water that
would have saved her life. Some rolls
Character Creation Part One:
Character Concept
“Who are you?”
- Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern are Dead
hink about what your
character will be
like. Your
character is your alter-
ego in the Fallout
universe. Will your
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character be a gun-happy sniper? A
dune-buggy racer? A sneaky thief? A
fast talker who can squeak past the
armed guards with a good excuse? A
boxing champ, strong but slow? A
beautiful seductress who takes what she
wants after the moment? The
possibilities are endless. It might be
a good time to familiarize yourself with
the character sheets at this time, and
learn a few terms.
Three - Traits below for a list of
Traits and their effects.
Perks are special abilities a character
gains every few levels, and sometimes
just for doing something extra neat in
the game. Perks sometimes effect
skills, or will make gameplay more
interesting. Perks never penalize the
character, they just do good things.
For a list of perks, see Advancement:
Perks in Part III: The Game.
Throughout the character creation
process and a good deal of the game
explanation, we will be following the
examples of Jack and Jane, our
unassuming and politically correct
Just like in the real world, the post-
nuclear world has a system of morals.
Performing certain actions can raise and
lower a person's karma. Rather than an
abstract idea of morality, punishment,
and reward, karma in Fallout is a
numerical value of how many good or bad
things a character has done. Karma also
connotes a person's reputation among the
other inhabitants of the wastes. Do
enough good things, and word gets
around. Do enough bad things, people
know about it. Really good people tend
not to associate with really bad people,
and vice-versa. If a character is
really good or really bad, or performs
an action that heavily affects their
karma one way or another, they can
sometimes get a karmic perk. Most of
the time, these just describe a usually
well-known aspect of a character, but
can sometimes give bonuses for being
especially good (or evil). Maybe there
is something to this karma stuff after
all. In addition to normal karmic
perks, there are special karmic perks
that a character can pick up along the
way, and you can bet that they will have
some kind of major impact on the
character's life. A beginning player's
karma is always zero.
Character Terminology
Primary Statistics
There are 7 Primary Statistics, or Stats
that describe various attributes of a
character: Strength, Perception,
Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence,
Agility, and Luck. These are the
character's strengths and weaknesses,
and are the limits by which other
aspects of a character are determined.
In general, Primary Statistics are not
altered after the game begins. For more
information on what specific Statistics
mean to the game, see below, Character
Creation Part Four - Statistics.
There are 19 skills a character knows.
These are the skills a character learns
as he or she travels the highways of
life. Not all of them are covered in
the Boy Scout Handbook, either. They
are: Small Guns, Big Guns, Energy
Weapons, Unarmed, Melee Weapons,
Throwing, First Aid, Doctor, Pilot,
Sneak, Lockpick, Steal, Traps, Science,
Repair, Speech, Barter, Gambling, and
Outdoorsman. Skills can go up all the
time, and can sometimes go down. For
more information on what specific Skills
mean, see Character Creation Part Five-
Skills below.
Secondary Statistics
This is a catchall category for many of
the other parts of a character that do
not fall under any of the previous
slots. Many of these do not change all
that often, except for those related to
armor. Secondary Stats include Armor
Class, Radiation Resistance, Poison
Resistance, Healing Rate, Unarmed
Damage, Action Points, Carry Weight,
Damage Resistance, Sequence, and
Critical Chance. For more information
Traits are an optional part of a
character. They are usually double-
edged swords, giving a bonus as well as
a penalty for making your character
unique. See Character Creation Part
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