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Microsoft Word - Potty_train_your_dog_in_a_week-client.doc
By Charles R. Heflin
Copyright ¨ 2005, Charles Heflin, LLC
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever,
electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval
system without the expressed written, dated and
signed permission from the author.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: ItÓs A Dog!
- Finding Fido or Fifi
- Orienting Yourself
- ItÓs just you and your dog
- What can you do to make the
Housetraining process more
Chapter 2: Housetraining Basics
- Get some professional tips
- Tools for housetraining
- Designing the housetraining drill 20
- The basic donÓts of housetraining 25
Chapter 3: DAY 1
Chapter 4: DAY 2
Chapter 5: DAY 3
Chapter 6: DAY 4
Chapter 7: DAY 5
Chapter 8: DAY 6
Chapter 9: DAY 7
Chapter 10: Happily Ever After
How to Use This Book
This book is set up in a very straight forward
fashion. It is designed to take you from the
moment you bring your dog home, through a
rigorous 7 day training drill and then finally
leave you with a well house mannered dog at
the end of the 7 day period.
Most dogs can be successfully housebroken in
7days. You must understand that some dogs
may take longer to train. However, 7 days is
all it will take to get even the most stubborn
dog into the housetraining routine.
If you stick to the plan outlined in this book
you should not have any doggie accidents right
from the start!
To use this book read each dayÓs lesson 1 day
in advance of implementing the training.
Best of luck to you and your new companion!
You cannot possibly live happily with a dog unless you
have it housetrained. ItÓs the first issue you need to address
once you bring your dog home. ActuallyÏyou need to
address this issue of housetraining even before you bring
your dog home!
Some people feel itÓs a pretty daunting task to housebreak a
puppy or a dog. It is, but it shouldnÓt scare you off. People
begin by being scared and end up with a badly trained pet.
Often pets are abandoned because they seem to be immune
to training. The major thing you need to learn is that a
housetrained dog is one who can control his natural urges
and get you to help him or her. If your idea of a
housetrained dog is one who opens the latch and helps
himself out or someone who uses the potty and flushes it,
then it will be a very daunting task indeed!
However, if you know the tricks of the trade, things get
easier. In fact, this book is going to show you how you can
have your dog well on his way to being housetrained in a
week. Yes in a week, which by the way, means seven days!
No miracles promised but a week is enough to have your
dog attuned to what the potty rules are in the house. All it
takes is a bit extra on your part for the next 7 days.
The book will show you what to begin with before you
bring home your dogÏas in what are the tools you need
and how you can begin to slide your dog into a comfortable
routine. It will guide you through the difficult times, when
your dog seems to not understand really what to do or
perhaps be rather stubborn about things.
Learn what your dog is really thinking and feeling and try
and understand that he or she is on unfamiliar ground with
only you as the guide. Learn the signals and the body
language of your dog that would alert you to the fact that
the dogÓs gotta to do what the dogs gotta do!
Learn also what your dog requires from youÏas in
patience to see him or her through the demand of
housebreaking, firmness to stick to the program and the
love to iron out the rough spots and put a paper over the
accidents. Along the way you will realize that it was the
housetraining drill that helped to establish a bond between
you and your pet apart from disciplining him to the fact that
the house is not for potty.
This book will walk you through day one to day seven and
hold your hand through the routine of housebreaking your
dog. Whether itÓs a puppy or a dog, a male or a female and
no matter what breed it isÏyour dog needs to be
housebroken. It will help to make your life easier and your
dogÓs as well. It just takes a little extra knowledge and a
few helpful hints to set you and your pet on the right track.
DonÓt give upÏafter all you love your dog enough to go
the distance and at the end of seven days, you will see that
your dog has fallen into the routine and is on his way to
being absolutely housetrained and accident-free! Good luck
to you and your dog!
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