Protected (Inc. Outtakes) by FL95.pdf

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Protected by FL95
Protected by FL95
Edward Cullen is placed in the witness protection program for turning
evidence on a mob boss. When he meets Bella Swan, his life becomes
more complicated than he ever thought possible. BxE. AH. Rated M,
language, lemons and some violence.
I am so fucking tired of running.
Gotta stop.
I didn't really care where I was going, so much as who I was running
away from. It had been a long damn night and I wasn't fucking
stopping now.
The night's events ran through my head again and again, as I
frantically and mindlessly made my way through the crowded
downtown streets of Washington DC.
I couldn't shake the memory of Marcus's face as I told him I was
heading off to the latest job he'd given me to carry out. The proud
smile on his face, and the trust I saw there cut me to the bone,
because I knew that within the hour, he'd know what I'd done. He'd
know I sold him out, and he'd send someone for me. I hadn't been
able to bear to look at him for long.
I'd glanced at Jasper as I left, who nodded only slightly at me,
confirming that he was still on board, and then I was gone. I didn't
know where he was right now, I just hoped to god he'd gotten out of
there before everything went down.
Can't fucking worry about that now Cullen, let's just get out of this
alive . I forced my thoughts to other matters.
I'd abandoned the car early on, hoping it would throw Jane & Alec,
"the twins" as we liked to call them, off my trail. I knew Marcus would
send them. He'd send only his best for me. Since I was gone now,
they were it. I looked up and down the crowded sidewalks to see if the
two hit men were visible. I didn't see them but that didn't mean they'
weren't out there somewhere.
I headed down a dark alley way, leaned against the cold brick wall,
and bent over, bracing my hands against my knees to catch my
Leaning on the wall, I took a few deep breaths and then pulled my cell
phone out of my pocket and looked at it. No calls, no texts. DAMN IT! I
couldn't even call to check in with him without risking giving my
location away.
Where are they!
After what felt like a fucking eternity, I finally saw what I was looking
for. The unmarked car was slowly working it's way through the city
streets, heading right for the spot we'd agreed on. I looked around me
again. Still no Jasper. FUCK! I was so frustrated. I had absolutely no
control over this situation. he's okay, he's a resourceful motherfucker.
I said to myself. A weary attempt to convince my conscience that I
wasn't a complete fucking prick for just leaving him.
This was half his plan too, don't forget that. He'll be fine. But that
thought didn't exactly make me feel better. Sweat was beading up on
the back of my neck and I reached back with my hand to swipe it
away. This was such a bad fucking idea.
Another peek around, and still no sign of the twins, so I began to
make my way across the busy intersections to the park across the
20 yards away, almost there . I was that close to the parked car when I
caught their movement out of the corner of my eye.
It wasn't hard to miss them. They stood out, dressed in their designer
clothes, much like the ones I currently wore, in a sea of college aged
kids that were dressed in jeans and tshirts. I had no idea how they
had managed to find me so fast. Maybe they knew me better than I
thought they did. Maybe they were just better than I thought they
were. But I chanced a look and sure as fuck it was them.
" SHIT! " I screamed. 10 yards to go . I flat out ran then, bolting for the
car. As I got within grasping reach of my saving grace, I heard it. Two
loud pops and then a searing pain, and a flash of light in front of my
eyes. I was going down.
Just in front of me, I could see the car doors open through blurried
eyes. Everything started to slow down. Two men in dark suits stepped
out and pointed their weapons toward the area behind me and I heard
"STOP! POLICE!" before more shooting began.
Then darkness over took me, and I no longer cared about anything.
Chapter 1. Edward
"Do you fucking mind?" I said, pushing the blonde's arm off and away
from my body with a disgusted look on my face.
"Oh, come on Eddy, I can take care of your morning woody for ya."
She was trying to be cute and fucking perky, but I really wasn't in the
mood for round two of skanks are us. God, what was I thinking
bringing this one home?
She started to slink her hands down my stomach and around my dick
when I grabbed her by the wrist. "Get the fuck out, and don't call me
Eddy. Ever ."
She scowled, and rolled out of the bed, collecting her things. "You
weren't such an asshole last night ."
"You weren't so fucking clingy last night, besides, last night I was
drunk, and now I'm not."
She dressed quickly and stormed out, slamming the front door as she
I rolled over and swung my legs over the side of the bed, stretching
my bad arm over my head. The wound in the back of my shoulder
wasn't still technically healing, but it hurt like a mother fucker if I
didn't keep working it out.
I reached for the bottle that sat on my end table next to the bed.
"Shit." I said to no one, when I realized I was out of the pain killers
prescribed to me. I threw the empty bottle across the room with my
bad arm, and immediately cursed myself for doing it. I'd pay for that.
I grabbed my wallet and pulled out the card with my government
contact's name and number on it. James had handled my case the
entire four months I had started the witness protection program. I
contacted him once a week like clockwork, and he handled
replenishing my pills for me through the doctors back in DC. I guess
I'd forgotten to tell him I was running low last week.
It was still dark outside, too early to call him. So I grabbed some
sweats and a tshirt, threw on some socks and my chucks, and headed
out the door for a jog.
San Francisco was the fourth place I'd lived in as many months.
According to James, I was running out of "favors" from the
Government. Nice show of fucking appreciation. I thought. Here I'd
risked my ass (OK, and Jaspers') to hand them DC's most notorious
fucking mobster, and they'd just fuck me like that. Pricks.
Of course I was partly to blame, according to James anyway. Too
many fights, too much attention drawn to myself, blah blah blah. Hey,
I couldn't help that people were assholes. And not every fight was my
fault okay? I did warn the fuckers at my last asinine job, that I'd rip
their dicks off and shove them up their own asses if they didn't stop
fucking with my shit. Can I help it if they're just idiots?
I finished up 10 miles and decided it had been long enough, so I
headed back home and got a shower, then called James.
"Edward, your shoulder should be healed by now, the doc says he's
not refilling anymore prescriptions. You need to get yourself together.
Start working it more, and eventually the pain will lessen"
"Fuck that James, the shit hurts. And you're the one that placed me in
a fucking job that continuously pulls at the damn wound daily. I want
the fucking pills. Give me one more refill, and that's it. I promise."
He sighed. "fine Edward, but that's it. Got it?"
"Yeah, I fucking got it."
We were both silent for a minute.
"Any word about Jasper?" I asked him. I asked the same question
every fucking week. And every fucking week it was the same
"No" he answered quietly. "sorry Edward. But we're not…"
"Giving up." I finished for him. "yeah, I know."
I hung up on him and then sat there raking my hand through my hair.
Damn it Jasper. So many ideas ran through my head about what could
have potentially happened to him, but I knew most of them would
have made the news by now. And Jasper really was a resourceful
motherfucker. He had been Marcus's strategizing man. He knew how
Marcus worked inside and out. He knew how to hide from them. He
also knew how to hide from the Government. I just didn't know why
he was not contacting me.
I got up and started pacing the bedroom, biting my nails.
Maybe he just can't keep up with all your fucking moving around
dickhead. So then I decided to take Jame's advice. I'd settle down,
stop being so fucking prone to anger, and stick around San Fran for a
while. Give Jazz time to find me. Then we'd work this shit out
Resolved, I finished dressing for work and headed of to my own
personal hell.
"Zippideefuckingdoodah" I said as I arrived at the construction office
just outside of town. I pulled up in the clunker I'd saved up and
bought with the measily ass money I'd managed to save at my last
job. I couldn't help remembering the cars I drove when I was under
Marcus's wing. Volvo's, Porches… the Vanquish .
I fucking loved the Vanquish. My eyes closed remembering the leather
seats, the speed of the car, the quiet engine, the way it hugged the
And here I am, in my very own, delapifuckingtated 1980 piece of shit
Toyota. Yay me.
I put my forehead against the steering wheel and banged it a few
We did the right thing. I told myself.
The clock in the car said 6:55am. So I got out and went to check in
with my Lead. Because god fucking forbid I don't do that.
Jacob Black sat in his chair reading the day's jobs to himself when I
walked into his office. He paid me no mind, just as he did every day. I
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