Loving Arrangements (Living Arrangements Sequel) by Zoelis9 COMPLETE.pdf

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Fanfiction Based On Characters From Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series
Rated M for Mature Content
Loving Arrangements
By Zoelis9
Summary: Sequel to Living Arrangements. About the new challanges Bella
and Edward will face now that they have everything they have ever wanted.
Chapter 1: The Move
Bella POV
“Alright, so are you guys going to be okay until I get back?” Edward asked
Emmett, Rose, and I, as he grabbed his coat.
“Yeah, we‟ll be great,” Emmett nodded. “We‟re almost done with the packing
anyway, and the movers will be coming by later tonight. You should be back
from work by then.”
Edward walked over to me and gave me a kiss.
“I‟ll see you after work. Call me around lunchtime, alright?”
“I do every day,” I smiled, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He gently
placed his hand on my stomach.
I was only three months along, and I wasn‟t really showing yet. But Edward
always acted as if he could actually see the baby.
“Don‟t do any heavy lifting today, do you hear me? That‟s why Emmett‟s here,”
he warned seriously.
“I know, I know,” I whined. “I‟ll be very careful. I‟ll only do packing, and I
won‟t go up any ladders.”
“That‟s my girl,” he smiled. “I‟ll be home by 5, and then we can officially move
everything into the new house. Are you excited?”
I nodded happily. I was thrilled that we were finally moving in. When we came
back from New Zealand, another couple had attempted to put in a higher bid,
but Edward put a stop to that. I never asked how much we ended up paying for
the house, but Edward assured me that we could more than afford it.
Honestly, I didn‟t care how much we paid for it. I was just overjoyed that it was
ours. The past week, Rose and Alice had been helping me decorate it and
furnish it with whatever we didn‟t already have. We even had a space cleared
for the piano. The nursery wasn‟t done yet, but I wanted to wait until Edward
could help me with it. That was something I wanted us to do together.
Ever since we returned from our honeymoon, there had been rumors around
Edward‟s firm that he was considered being made partner. This would be an
amazing feat, considering he had been with the firm a little over a year and
wasn‟t even 28. (His birthday would be next week.)
So, ever since he told me this, I had been encouraging him to put in more
hours in order to push that rumor into a reality. He acted as if he wanted to
spend more time at home, but I knew being made partner would be a dream
come true for him. He had racked up quite a reputation, and he was starting to
work with very important clients. Sure, I would love for him to spend more
time with me, but I would rather see him get what he wanted. He was still
home by 5 or 6 every night, and perfected balancing out both aspects of his life.
As for me, I was still writing my column, and a big fashion magazine had
sought me out to write a monthly segment about relationships. I don‟t know
why I was suddenly the expert, but they were willing to pay me $4 a word,
which was a lot considering what I would usually be offered. I was fine with
whatever, as long as it meant continuing to work at home. Especially with the
baby coming, I had to stay put.
As I was packing away the books, Rose came over to help me get the ones on
the high shelves. I knew that Edward had had a talk with both Rosalie and
Emmett about making sure I avoided dangerous situations. He had only
become increasingly protective since I became pregnant. And for the longest
time, he would send his babysitters to come over and check on me during the
day. I always joked that he had paid Rose, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper to keep
an eye on me.
“So, why aren‟t Alice and Jasper over here helping you?” Rosalie asked
curiously. “It feels like I haven‟t seen them in forever.”
“Well, Alice is busy with the baby and everything. Plus, I know Jasper has been
working really hard lately. I guess they‟ve been running kind of short the past
few months.”
“Oh,” Rosalie gasped. “I had no idea. Do they need help?”
I shook my head. “We offered, and they refused. They will not take money
from family or friends. But Jasper is working part-time for Edward now. He
got him a job in accounting or something.”
“I feel terrible,” Rosalie whispered. “I mean, how bad is it?”
“It‟s not too horrible. It‟s just that the baby brings up a lot of expenses, and
Alice‟s shopping addiction doesn‟t help. Jasper had to cut her off last week.
Their credit card is hidden somewhere in their house, because he doesn‟t want
her to rack up more charges.”
“That Alice!”
“I know,” I laughed. “But she‟s not that bad. It‟s just the fact that raising a baby
costs money, and they make just enough to do that. They are both adjusting to
making sacrifices right now.”
“Well, I work with Alice. Maybe I can give her some of my overtime, and I can
take the baby for those extra hours while she works. Then she doesn‟t have to
pay extra to the babysitter.”
I put my hand on Rose‟s shoulder. “That would be a really nice thing to do,
Rose. Just make sure you suggest it delicately.”
“Of course,” she nodded. “Besides, I think I should start getting used to babies.
It won‟t be too much longer before Emmett and I start trying.”
I looked at her in shock. “Seriously? You and Emmett are going to try?”
Rose nodded excitedly as I gave her a hug. “That‟s fantastic!”
“I know. We‟ve been talking about it for a while, and the idea is growing on us.
Next month we are going to officially start the process.”
“Oh my God! Rose, what if our babies grow up to be friends? Wouldn‟t that be
“How could they not be?” she laughed. “They are going to be friends whether
they like it or not.”
Suddenly, Emmett came in holding a huge heavy box.
“Hey, a little help here?” he groaned. “This weighs a ton.”
“Sorry,” I shrugged playfully. “No heavy objects, remember?”
He rolled his eyes and Rose hurried over to help him. I sighed. I really wished I
could be of more use to them, but I knew I had to be extra careful now. I was
clumsy enough already, and I couldn‟t risk putting my baby in danger. I
decided to go into the spare room/office to go pack things up in there.
I laughed to myself when I entered the room. It was still that pale blue color I
had painted it when I first moved in. I remembered the short period of time
when I had stayed in that room. That time before Edward and I finally
admitted our feelings for each other. At that time, I was still pretending that I
wasn‟t in love with him. Now, over a year later, I was moving out, going into a
place where Edward and I would be starting a family together.
I sighed and went over to the desk to clean out the drawers. The top one was
mine, where I kept all of my stuff, and the bottom was Edward‟s. I opened his
first, to put them into a safe box. But when I can across a certain cluster of
files, I stopped.
Inside, were a bunch of clippings from the newspaper. When I looked at them
closely, tears almost ran to my eyes.
He had cut out every one of my columns. Everything I ever wrote, he saved.
Even back when we first met, and I was writing those obituaries and wedding
announcements, he kept those as well.
Then I came across our own wedding announcement that had a picture of us,
along with the details of our fake wedding. He had it laminated and placed
prominently in the folder.
I wanted to call him right then. I wanted to cry on the phone and confront him
about how hopelessly touched that I was that he had kept these all this time.
But instead, I closed the folders and put them in the box. I didn‟t want him to
know that I had seen these. This was something personal that he did, because
he loved me. If he would have wanted me to know about it, he would have
showed me his collection of my work.
I smiled and packed away everything in that room. It was little things like that
which reminded me that Edward really did love me and care for me with all of
his heart, and motivated me to move on with my life with him and our baby.
Edward POV
That night, the movers had taken almost everything over to our new place.
Bella and I decided to stay the night there for the first time, now that the bed
was set up.
While we were clearing up the apartment before we left, one of the movers
came back in to take one of the last boxes. But when Bella came out of the
kitchen, he stopped.
“Hey, Bella, right?” he said with a grin. I didn‟t like the way he was looking at
“Um…yeah,” she hesitantly replied. “Do I know you?”
“Oh, it‟s Mike,” he explained. “I don‟t know if you remember, but I helped you
move in here, like a little over a year ago.”
I looked at Bella, as we remembered at the same time. He gave him his number
when she first moved in. I had been the tiniest bit jealous of him, because he
could be so forward with Bella and I could not. But now, this was just funny.
“Oh yeah,” Bella remembered. “Mike. H-How are you?”
“Good, good,” he nodded. “You never called me.”
Bella started blushing.
“Well, um, things were really busy, and I never really got around to it.”
“Oh,” he said, taking that as an answer. “So, looks like you‟re moving back out.
Are you moving for work or something? How have things been for you lately?”
He eyed me, thinking that I was still just her roommate. This would be fun.
“Actually,” Bella started guiltily. “I kind of got married a few months ago. I‟m
moving into a house with my husband. We‟re expecting a baby.”
Mike‟s eyes went wide. “Oh, wow. That was uh…quick. Where‟s the lucky guy?”
I walked over smugly and put my arm around Bella.
“That would be me,” I smirked. “We got together not long after you made your
last delivery here.”
He was almost speechless. “Well, uh, I guess, congratulations…on the wedding
and the baby and uh everything.”
I nodded and smiled, while Bella gave me a kiss on the cheek. Mike turned
around quickly and finished moving the rest of the boxes.
“Wow,” Bella laughed. “What a difference a little over a year makes.”
“Yeah,” I smiled rubbing her stomach. “So, are you ready to go?”
She sighed and took a final look around, as did I. This was so strange, saying
goodbye to a place that held so many memories. I suddenly took her hand.
I walked her over to where the bookshelf used to be. “Look, this is where I first
realized how amazing you were, when you were telling me how you had read
most of my books. I thought you were so beautiful, even after you had just
survived a fire.”
She laughed and walked me over to where the piano was. “And this is where I
first knew I was in love with you, when you played me that song for the first
We kept that up for a while, reminiscing in each room of the apartment. Each
one held a memory, one that we both cherished. I smirked and led her into our
old bedroom.
“Well, I guess I don‟t have to tell you what went down in here,” I joked, as she
punched me in the arm. We walked together out towards the balcony.
“This is where I told you that I was pregnant,” she sighed, looking out over the
city. “I have to admit, I‟m going to miss this place, Edward. We‟ve had a lot of
moments here.”
I wrapped my arms around her waist. “Yeah, I know. But think about all the
new memories we‟ll have in our new house. We are going to get to watch our
kids grow up there, running around in the backyard, and having nice family
dinners in that beautiful dining room. We‟ll have nice evenings in front of the
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