Welcome to the Real World by Mk Marie.pdf

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Ad]lpan 1
Driving down the open highway with the window rolled down, the mountains crystal clear
through my front windshield, with the music on I could almost forget what was brining me
back to Forks. It wasn't simply a road trip before college that was brining me back to my
childhood home, although that was the excuse I had given all of my friends. My mother,
Renee, is the only one that knows why I am really here.
I arrived at the small two story house, the sun warming me. The perpetual rain had taken an
unusually break. Seeing Forks without the omnipresent cloud covering was like seeing it for
the first time.
I shut the car off and took a deep breath, bitting my lip before pushing the door open with a
creak and closing it behind me with a soft thud. Anxiousness swept through my veins as I
made my way to the front door.
"Dad?" I called as I walked into the house.
He still had the hide-a-key in the same place as when I was living here a couple of years ago. I
had lived with Charlie for a year or so right after my mom had gotten married. I had figured
they needed some time alone to transition without the tag along fifteen year old daughter.
That was roughly three years ago and stepping into the house now it seemed as if nothing had
changed. The house was exactly the same, the same pictures still hung on the wall. But in all
reality everything had changed. I was now eighteen and I was lying to my father for the first
time in my entire life. He too thought I was stopping by for a friendly visit before I headed off
to college. The truth of the matter was that I was looking for someone.
"Bells?" called Charlie from the kitchen. "Is that you?"
I smiled. My dad and I had gotten very close in the time I had lived with him and I was
overjoyed to be here with him again. No matter what the situation surrounding it.
"Hey Dad." I greeted as I walked into the kitchen.
He put the spoon he was holding down on the stove and wiped his hands on a dishrag.
"It's so good to see you honey." He gave me a big hug and I smiled. I hadn't realized how
much I had missed him.
"Are you cooking?" I asked drawing the attention in another less sentimental direction.
Charlie frowned.
"I was trying." He admitted sheepishly. Then he smiled and gave me another hug.
"God am I glad to see you again Bells! The food sucks without you."
I laughed and he stepped back to look at me.
"You've changed since I saw you last." He commented.
I fidgeted nervously from foot to foot while he looked at me. I hoped to God he didn't notice
one of the most significant change in me since I had seen him last.
"You're hair is longer." He said finally.
I sighed in relief and chuckled.
"I've cut it since the last time I saw you."
He shrugged and went back to the stove. He flicked the stove top off and picked up the pot
that had been occupying the burner. He looked at the thing in the pot as if it were a great
I peeked in curiously and wrinkled my nose.
"What is it?" I asked.
He shrugged, looking back and forth a few times between me and the pot.
"I have no idea." He commented. "Let's get pizza."
I laughed.
"Sounds good. I'm going to go put my stuff in my room."
I stopped at the doorway and turned to see Charlie scraping the offense into the sink with a
wooden spoon. It seemed to be congealing around the spoon just as quickly as he was
scooping. I made a face before winking at him.
"That is if you haven't turned it into a study or something." I said, feigning worry.
Charlie scoffed.
"Bella." He chided me. "Give me a little more credit than that. It's the home entertainment
room now."
I rolled my eyes.
My room was just how I had left it and I was hit by nostalgia as I took in the blue walls, the
yellow lace curtains, and the wooden rocking chair in the corner. I sighed and let my duffel
bag drop to the floor. This was going to be some trip.
I decided to simply relax have some fun with Charlie, eat pizza and not worry about anything
for one day. Tomorrow I needed to find Edward Cullen.
Ad]lpan 2
I woke up with a headache and my stomach felt queasy. I didn't even want to open my eyes
yet. I had slept even worse than usual.
Charlie knocked on my door.
"Wanna go to the diner for breakfast kiddo?" I groaned. Food had become the F word with me
recently but I couldn't disappoint my dad.
"Sure." I croaked carefully.
There was shuffling of feet on the other side of the door and then silence.
"You okay Bells?" Charlie asked through the door, sounding worried.
I closed my eyes and drapped my arm over my forehead. No! I groaned in my head.
"Yeah." I called instead. "Let me get ready and then I'll meet you at the diner."
"Alright... are you sure you're okay?"
I grunted getting out of bed.
When Charlie was gone I padded my way down the hallway to the bathroom for a shower.
Maybe that would help.
When I arrived at the diner I looked around for my dad. I finally spotted him drinking a cup of
coffee at one of the corner tables. I smiled and waved but he didn't see me. He was talking to
someone who had their back turned towards me. I didn't think too much of it. Charlie was the
police chief in the little town of Forks. There wasn't a resident here that he didn't know
personally. It had made starting high school here fun. Let me tell you.
I started to make my way to the table but was sidetrack by a waitress I remembered from
when Charlie and I would come here before I moved back to Arizona.
"Bella. Is that you Hun?"
I smiled and gave her a hug.
"How are you Becky?"
"I'm doing fine. Same old, same old; working away. You here visiting you dad?" She asked
I forced a smile and nodded.
"That's good Hun. He's missed you."
My smile froze on my face as a wave of guilt rolled through me, starting in the pit of my
As I arrived at the corner table Charlie finally saw me and looked to me with a relaxed smile
before turning his attention back to who he had been speaking to. The girl turned around to
see who Charlie was looking at and squealed.
I sucked in a breath. Seeing my closest childhood friend should be good and I was happy to
see Alice but I knew that there was no changing my mind now. I wouldn't even be able to stall
as I know I would have without this chance meeting. But I would find the person I had come
looking for soon enough now that I had run into his sister. As a matter of fact I wouldn't be
surprised in the least if he came looking for me now.
"Hey Alice." I greeted as calmly as I could.
She gave me a big squeeze and I patted her back. I really had missed her. I had missed all of
my friends from Forks. I might be living in Arizona now but a part of me would always be
here, in this little drizzling dreary town.
"What have you been up to?" She asked, eyes sparkling as she patted the seat next to her.
"Anything new?"
I cringed but smoothed my features as quickly as I could. She raised a perfectly sculpted
eyebrow at me and I smiled what I hoped was an innocent smile.
"Nothing much." I lied, taking the seat.
"She's here visiting her old man." Charlie bragged. "Before she starts college in the fall.
Going to Harvard, aren't ya Honey?"
I looked down at the table top. Would I ever get used to this guilt? Charlie had been so
excited that I had gotten into Harvard. It was all he talked about when I called home. It hadn't
bothered me at first. Hell, at first I was as excited as he was. ... Things change.
I sighed. I suppose the sooner I got this over with the better. Maybe if I let him in on the
smallest matter than I could kind of ease him into this.
Yeah. Right.
"Maybe." I said quietly, secretly hoping that he wouldn't hear me.
No chance of that. Charlie looked up from his coffee with a look of surprise and confusion.
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