(6 KB) Pobierz
*                                                                           *
*                 SURECOM EP-320X-R 100/10M PCI Adapter                     *
*                   Readme file for Drivers/Utilities                       *
*                   Release Version 4.0,   APR. 2000                        *
*                                                                           *

This README.DOC file includes the following four topics :

1.Driver support Network Operation System and Diskette PATH listing
  (1) NetWork Operation System support
  (2) Driver diskettes Directory PATH listing
2.Wake On LAN (WOL) function statements
3.User guide for drivers installation
4.Technical support


 This Diskette contains the setup program and device drivers.

 1. Driver support Network Operation System and Diskette PATH listing

   (1)  NetWork Operation System support
          |   +---LAN Server 4.0    ( For DOS / OS2 )
          |   +---LANTASTIC 6.0
          |   +---Microsoft Network Client 3.0 for DOS
          |   +---MS LAN Manager    ( For DOS / OS2 )
          |   +---SUN PC-NFS
          |   +---Windows for Workgroups 3.1
          |   +---Client 32  for DOS/WINDOWS 3.X/WINDOWS 95
          |   +---Client for DOS/OS2
          |   +---Server
          |        +--- 3.11
          |        +--- 3.12
          |        +--- 4.0X
          |        +--- 4.1X
          |        +--- 5.0
          +---Packet Driver
          |        +--- 4.X
          |        +--- 5.X
          +---Windows for Workgroup 3.11
          +---Windows 95 / 95OSR2 / 98 / 2000
          +---Windows NT
                   +--- 3.5
                   +--- 3.51
                   +--- 4.0

   (2) Driver diskettes Directory PATH listing

         | EP320XR.INF    ;Installation information file for Windows 95OSR2.
         | EP320XR.SYS    ;NDIS4 driver for Windows NT 4.0
         | OEMSETUP.INF   ;Installation information file for Windows NT4.0
         | README.DOC     ;This file.
         | RTSNTHLP.HLP   ;Help file for Windows NT4.0
         | SETUP.EXE      ;Hardware configuration and diagnostics ultility.
         +---MSLANMAN.DOS           ; MS LAN Manager 2.x for DOS
         |   +---DRIVERS
         |       +---ETHERNET
         |       |   +---EP320XR
         |       +---NIF
         +---MSLANMAN.OS2           ; MS LAN Manager 2.x for OS2
         |   +---DRIVERS
         |       +---ETHERNET
         |       |   +---EP320XR
         |       +---NIF
         +---NDIS2                  ; NDIS2 driver directory
         |                          ; Driver installation guide for
         |                          ; LANTASTIC 6.0, MS-CLIENT 3.0, PCNFS,
         |                          ; Windows for Workgroups 3.1,
         |                          ; LAN Server 4.0 for DOS/OS2
         +---NETWARE                ; NOVELL Netware driver
         |   +---CLIENT32           ; Client 32 for Win95
         |   +---DOSODI             ; DOS Client ODI
         |   +---OS2ODI             ; OS2 Client ODI
         |   +---SERVER.312         ; Netware Server 3.12
         |   +---SERVER.41X         ; Netware Server 4.1X/5.0
         +---OTHERS                 ; Linux ,SCO UNIX 4.X/5.X, FreeBSD 2.2/3.0
         |                          ; Netware Server 3.11/4.0x
         +---PKTDRV                 ; Packet Driver
         +---W95BNT4.ND4            ; Windows 95(OSR2) & Windows NT 4.0
         +---W95NT351.ND3           ; Windows 95 & Windows NT 3.51
         +---W98W2000.ND5           ; Windows 98 & Windows 2000
         +---WINNT35                ; Windows NT 3.5
         +---WFW311                 ; Windows for Workgroup 3.11

 2. Wake On LAN (WOL) function statements

   (1) Overview

       The Wake on LAN function allows user to remotely wake up a sleeping or
       powered of PC on a network by sending a specific packet of information,
       called a Magic Packet frame, to a node on the network. When a PC capable
       of receiving the specific frame goes to sleep, it will enable the Magic
       Packet mode in the LAN controlle , and when the LAN controller receives
       a Magic Packet frame, it will alert the system to wake up.

   (2) System Requirements

       1> Any kind of motherboard with Wake On LAN function support.

       2> ATX Power Supply

       3> SURECOM EP-320X-R 100/10M PCI Adapter

   (3) Configuration Tips

       1> Connect Wake On LAN cable to EP-320X-R and your motherboard's Wake
          On Lan connector.
       2> Make sure Power Management item in BIOS is Enable
       3> If Windows Environments used, check Control Panel-> Power
          Management-> Power Schemes, the Power Schemes CANNOT be "Always On"

   (4) Testing Method

       When the remote PC goes into Standby or Power Down mode, then the Host
       PC sends the Magic Packet by SETUP.EXE or AMD's MAGPAC.EXE, the remote
       PC will be waked up and boot into OS

 3. User guide for drivers installation

    Please  refer  to  the  text  files (*.TXT) in each driver subdirectory.

 4. Technical support

    For more information about our products , please contact us :

         *                                                        *
         *             Web:            *
         *          E-Mail:                   *
         *             TEL: 886-2-8692-6200                       *
         *             FAX: 886-2-8692-6132                       *
         *                                                        *

    The distribution right of the files of NOVELL must obtain by
    contacting Novell directly. (*.NLM, LSL.COM, IPXODI.COM, NETX.EXE)

------------------------------ End of Readme.doc -----------------------------
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