Roth - How The Second Grader Beats Wall Street.pdf

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How a Second Grader Beats Wall Street
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Additional Praise for
How a Second Grader
Beats Wall Street
I have a very strong feeling that sometime in the not-to-distant future I
will happily be working for Allan Roth’s son! If you buy only one how-
to book this year, this is the one! Allan Roth is a National Treasure.”
Mike Causey , senior correspondent,
“Allan presents in a very clever way why a second grader can outper-
form most investors, professional and individual. He demonstrates why
smart investing is both simple and also why it is not easy for adults to
execute because of behavioral mistakes to which they are prone.”
Larry Swedroe , author of Wise Investing Made Simple
“Successful investing should be a matter of choice, not chance. Follow
this book’s advice and your probabilities of success are 100% in your
Paul Merriman , author, Live It Up Without Outliving
Your Money! (Wiley), and publisher of
“Allan Roth gets an A+. It is no surprise that a 2 nd grader beats Wall
Street because everything we need to know about beating the pros is
taught in the fi rst grade. That is when we learn to add and subtract. And
after subtracting the high fees and commissions that the pros charge,
their results fall far short of a simple market return.”
Richard Ferri, CFA , investment advisor
and author of The ETF Book
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“Pablo Picasso spent a lifetime learning to paint like a child. Investors
might be wise to do the same. Allan Roth’s How a Second Grader Beats
Wall Street reminds us that the most important investment principles are
actually simple truths that we lose sight of as our lives and investment
approaches grow more complicated. By returning to the basics, we can
both simplify our fi nances and improve our investment results.”
Don Phillips , Managing Director, Morningstar, Inc.
“Allan Roth shatters the Wall Street myth that investing is too compli-
cated for ordinary investors. Using his son, Kevin, as an example, Allan
shows us, in his easy-to-read writing style, how we can construct a
simple personal portfolio that is almost certain to outperform the vast
majority of investors. If you have been looking for an easy-to-understand
book about how to invest successfully—this is it.”
Taylor Larimore , co-author of
The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing
“Using just a bit of logic and a dash of arithmetic, Allan Roth lucidly
explains why low-cost index funds should be the investment of choice
for 2 nd graders as well as their parents and grandparents.”
John Allen Paulos , mathematics professor at
Temple University and the author of
Innumeracy and A Mathematician
Plays the Stock Market
“Kevin, the second grader, is really smart and cool! He knows what it
took me decades to learn. A smart strategy is to diversify broadly across
US stocks, international stocks and high-grade US bonds using low-
cost, tax-effi cient index funds. He even taught me how individuals can
increase their fi xed-income returns without incurring higher risks. By
following Kevin’s advice, we, too, can be smart investors. But we may
never be as cool as Kevin!”
William Reichenstein , Powers Chair in Investment
Management at Baylor University
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How a
Second Grader
Beats Wall Street
Golden Rules Any
Investor Can Learn
Allan S. Roth
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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