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Millénaire: Mayan objects

Maize. Maize, or corn, was the central component to the diet of the ancient Maya, and figured prominently in Maya mythology and ideology. Maize was used and eaten in a variety of ways. maize was typically ground up on a metate and prepared in a number of ways. Tortillas, cooked on a comal and used to wrap other foods meat, beans, etc., were common and are perhaps the best known pre-Columbian Mesoamerican food. Tamales consist of corn dough, often containing a filling, that are wrapped in a corn husk and steam-cooked. Both atole and pozole were liquid based gruel-like dishes that were made by mixing ground maize (hominy) with water, with atole being denser and used as a drinking source and pozole having complete big grains of maize incorporated into a turkey broth. This will be the main source of food for the Mayans, they will farm maize to create Masa and Wah which they will need to grow and thrive.

Masa. The Mayan tortilla was made from specially treated (nixtamalized) maize flour, which has been a staple food of the Mayan region since pre-Columbian times. The maize tortilla is somewhat thicker and heartier in texture than it's modern day counterpart. The Mayans will make these tortillas by grinding three Maize cobs together in a straight flat line. If you are to obtain maize yourself you would be able to recreate the Masa for yourself.

Wah. Or tamale is a traditional Mayan dish made of masa wrapped around some type of meat and steam cooked. Tamales originated in Mesoamerica as early as 8000 to 5000 BC. Aztec and Maya civilizations as well as the Olmeca and Tolteca before them used tamales as a portable food, often to support their armies but also for hunters and travelers.This is the delicacy of the Mayans they used this food to grow into a strong civilization. Made similar to the masa, wah was created by placing chickens meat between two cobs of maize on a flat plane. If you were so inclined you could recreate your own Mayan wah in this way.
Construction & decoration

Mayan Gold Ornaments. The Mayans created these elaborate gold leaf ornaments which they pounded into place over the stone blocks on their amazing structures. When in place they would then adorn the block with colorful materials and gems. The Mayan Carvers created these amazing blocks, they simply required a gold ingot and a block of stone per square to create these amazing pieces.

Mayan statue. These relief carvings were spread throughout the Mayan buildings,. The grand pyramids and temples often housed the most intricate and detailed of these. These carvings tell the stories of Mayan life. These reliefs were also created by the skilled carvers. They would use a mix of stone and sandstone to create these highly detailed works of art.

Mayan villagers. A scroll describing the different types of Mayan villagers, both those who work, and those who watch others work.

Mayan buildings. A list of all buildings constructed by Mayan villagers, from the Axemen hut to the mighty pyramids of Mayan kings.

Mayan objects. Do you have to be told?

Complete Mayan scroll. The contents of the previous three scrolls, in a compact roll for easy transport.
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