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Hdden Hstory of the Human
byGraham Hancock(Author of Fngerprnts of theGods)
It s my great pleasure and honor to ntroduce ths
abrdged edton of Forbdden Archeology. Let me say at the
outset that I beleve ths book to be one of the landmark
ntellectual achevements of the late twenteth century. It wll
take more conservatve scholars a long whle,probably many
years,to come to terms wth the revelatons t contans.
Nevertheless,Mchael Cremo and Rchard Thompson have put
the revelatons out there and the clock cannot now be turned
back. Sooner or later,whether we lke t or not,our speces s
gong to have to come to terms wth the facts that are so
mpressvely documented n the pages that follow,and these
facts are stunnng.
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Cremo and Thompsons central proposton s that the
model of human prehstory,carefully bult-up by scholars over
the past two centures,s sadly and completely wrong.
Moreover,the authors are not proposng that t can be put rght
wth mnor tnkerng and adjustments. What s needed s for the
exstng model to be thrown out the wndow and for us to start
agan wth open mnds and wth absolutely no preconceptons
at all.
Ths s a poston that s close to my own heart;ndeed t
forms the bass of my book Fngerprnts of theGods. There,
however,my focus was exclusvely on the last 20000 years and
on the possblty that an advanced global cvlzaton may have
flourshed more than 12000 years ago only to be wped out
and forgotten n the great cataclysm that brought the last Ice
Age to an end.
In TheHdden Hstoryof theHuman RaceCremo and
Thompson go much further,pushng back the horzons of our
amnesa not just 12000 or 20000 years,but mllons of years
nto the past,and showng that almost everythng we have
been taught to beleve about the orgns and evoluton of our
speces rests on the shaky foundaton of academc opnon,and
on a hghly selectve samplng of research results. The two
authors then set about puttng the record straght by showng
all the other research results that have been edted out of the
record durng the past two centures,not because there was
anythng wrong or bogus about the results themselves,but
smply because they dd not ft wth prevalng academc
Anomalous and out-of-place dscoveres reported by Cremo
and Thompson n TheHdden Hstoryof theHuman Race
nclude convncng evdence that anatomcally modern humans
may have been present on the Earth not just for 100000 years
or less (the orthodox vew),but for mllons of years,and that
metal objects of advanced desgn may have been n use at
equally early perods. Moreover,although sensatonal clams
have been made before about out-of-place artfacts,they have
never been supported by such overwhelmng and utterly
convncng documentaton as Cremo and Thompson provde.
In the fnal analyss,t s the metculous scholarshp of the
authors,and the cumulatve weght of the facts presented n
TheHdden Hstoryof theHuman Race,that really convnce.
The book s,I beleve,n harmony wth the mood of the publc
at large n the world today,a mood whch no longer
unquestonngly accepts the pronouncements of establshed
authortes,and s wllng to lsten wth an open mnd to heretcs
who make ther case reasonably and ratonally.
Never before has the case for a complete re-evaluaton of
the human story been made more reasonably and ratonally
than t s n these pages.
Graham Hancock,Devon,England,January 1998
The unabrdged edton of Forbdden Archeologys 952
pages long. It thus presents qute a challenge to many readers.
Rchard L. Thompson and I therefore decded to brng out The
Hdden Hstoryof theHuman RaceÏa shorter,more readable,
and more affordable verson of Forbdden Archeology.
TheHdden Hstoryof theHuman Racedoes,however,
contan almost all of the cases dscussed n Forbdden
Archeology. Mssng are the bblographc ctatons n the text
and detaled dscussons of the geologcal and anatomcal
aspects of many of the cases. For example,n TheHdden
Hstoryof theHuman Racewe mght smply state that a ste s
consdered to be Late Plocene n age. In Forbdden Archeology,
we would have gven a detaled dscusson of why ths s so,
provdng many references to past and present techncal
geologcal reports. Readers who desre such detal can acqure
Forbdden Archeologyby usng the order form prnted n the
back of ths book.
Mchael A. Cremo,Pacfc Beach,Calforna,March 26,1994
Introducton and Acknowedgements
In 1979,researchers at the Laetol,Tanzana,ste n East
Afrca dscovered footprnts n volcanc ash deposts over 3.6
mllon years old. Mary Leakey and others sad the prnts were
ndstngushable from those of modern humans. To these
scentsts,ths meant only that the human ancestors of 3.6
mllon years ago had remarkably modern feet. But accordng to
other scentsts,such as physcal anthropologst R. H. Tuttle of
the Unversty of Chcago,fossl foot bones of the known
australopthecnes of 3.6 mllon years ago show they had feet
that were dstnctly apelke. Hence they were ncompatble wth
the Laetoliprnts. In an artcle n the March 1990 ssue of
Natural Hstory,Tuttle confessed that "we are left wth
somewhat of a mystery." It seems permssble,therefore,to
consder a possblty nether Tuttle nor Leakey mentonedÏthat
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