reported speech i see sb do sth.doc

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STATEMENTS- stwierdzenia



PRESENT SIMPLE---------------------------------------------------PAST SIMPLE

‘I never eat meat’, he said.                                  He said that he never ate meat.


PRESENT CONTINUOUS---------------------------------PAST CONTINUOUS

‘I am waiting for Ann’, she said.              She said that she was waiting forAnn.


PRESENT PERFECT----------------------------------------------PAST PERFECT

‘I have found a flat’, he said.                             He said that he had found a flat.



I have been working’,he said.                      He said that he had been working.


SIMPLE PAST------------------------------------------------------PAST PERFECT

‘I took it home ’, he said.                                He said that he had taken it home.



I will be in Paris’, he said.                               He said that he would be in Paris.



I will be using her car’, he said.             He said that he would be using her car.








today—that day

yesterday—the day before

the day before yesterday—two days before

tomorrow—the next day/the following day

the day after tomorrow—in two days’ time

next week/year etc.—the following week/year etc.

last week/year etc.—the previous week/year etc.

a week ago—a week before/the previous week



***ZDANIA WARUNKOWE: TYP 1 – zmiana czasów wg. zasad

                                                TYP 2 –bez zmian !

                                                TYP 3 – bez zmian!



***UNREAL PAST po wyrażeniach: I wish, I’d rather, It’s time, had better- bez zmian !   


*** USED TO- bez zmian

He said:’I used to live here.’-----------------He said that he used to live there.



COMMANDS, REQUEST, ADVICE-                                     

-polecenie, zakaz, prośba, rada.


Czasowniki często używane:

tell, order, advise, ask, invite, warn, beg, forbid, remind itp.


                                  positive : verb + object +infinitive


He said ‘Close the door!’-------------------------------He told me to close the door.

‘Could you close the door, please’, he said.---- ---He asked me to close the door.

‘Why don’t you go to bed’, she said.-------- ------ ---She advised me to go to bed.


                                   negative : verb+ object + NOT+infinitive


‘Don’t go there!’, he told them.----------------------He told them not to go there.

‘Don’t leave it here,please’, she said.--------She asked me not to leave it there.



SUGGESTION – sugerowanie


SUGGEST  doing sth

                     not doing sth

                     that sb should /shouldn’t do sth

                     his/him doing sth  


‘Let’s leave the bag at the station’, he said.

He suggested leaving the bag at the station.

He suggested that they should leave the bag at the station.



QUESTIONS – pytania


·        zmiana czasu

·        szyk wyrazów jak w zdaniu oznajmującym

He said:’Where does she live?’----------------He asked where she lived.

‘Who lives next door?’, he asked.-------------He asked who lived next door.

‘What happened?’, she asked.------------------She asked what had happened.

·        jeśli brak jest słówka pytającego, używamy IF lub WHETHER.

‘Is anyone there?’, he asked.------------------He asked if anyone was there.

‘Shall I wait for them or go on?’, he wondered.-----He wondered whether he should wait for them or go on.








SEE sb DO sth / SEE sh DOING sth


Somebody did sth + I saw it             

I saw somebody do sth.


·         gdy widzieliśmy jak ktoś coś zrobił; od początku do końca;

I saw him fall off the tree.

I saw the accident happpen.


Somebody was doing sth + I saw it.

I saw somebody doing sth.


·         gdy widzieliśmy jak ktoś coś robił;

I saw him walking along the street.

I saw you drinking my beer.


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