Burton Jaci - Rescue Me (Samhain).pdf

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Chapter One
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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and
incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used
fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to
persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely
Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
PO Box 2206
Stow OH 44224
Rescue Me
ISBN: 1-59998-006-1
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: March 2006
Rescue Me
Jaci Burton
To my wonderful editor, Angela James, for your insights, for making
me laugh, and for making Rescue Me a much better book. Love ya babe.
You’re a true BB in the best sense of the word.
To the BB’s… I love you guys for being there for me every day in every
way, despite my daily whining.
To Crissy, the Diva Queen. You’re the bestest. Sending chocolate
And to Charlie, with all my love. Thank you for helping me along the
way with this one as with every one. Thank you for your love, your
support and for putting up with me, which takes the patience of a saint
on a good day.
Rescue Me
Chapter One
“I’m here to rescue you.”
Kyle Morgan was so intent on what he was doing he thought the
female voice above him was his sister Jenna, bugging him about coming
in for lunch.
“I don’t need rescuing right now. Get lost.” Another turn of the
wrench and he might actually be able to get the blasted oil pan loosened.
“That’s not what this paper says.”
Definitely not his sister’s voice. Those weren’t Jenna’s legs either. But
then he couldn’t see much while lying in the dirt under the truck. He
tilted his head sideways and saw red-painted toenails and slim, tanned
ankles. Jenna wouldn’t be caught dead in skimpy sandals like that.
Definitely not his sister.
He slid out from underneath the truck and squinted in the midday
sun to see who thought he needed rescuing. All he could make out was a
vague shadow attached to very shapely legs.
“Are you going to lie there and stare at me all day?” Her voice was
deep and sexy, like skinny-dipping at midnight. Risky, forbidden, yet
irresistibly appealing.
He so didn’t have time for this. But he was damn curious and needed
a break anyway, so he slid out and grabbed his shirt off the hood of the
old blue Chevy truck, wiping his hands and sweat-soaked, dirty face.
Blinking to clear the sunspots out of his eyes, Kyle got his first look at
the woman attached to the voice.
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