Advanced Expert CAE Coursebook Answer Key.pdf

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CAE Expert
Answer Keys
Module 1A
Reading p.8
2a A India/China B Solomon Islands/Kenya
C India/around the world
D Peru/Himalayas/ India/Mexico
2b A It was a trip that quite literally changed my life.
B I have no doubt that my tendency to bounce back from anything life throws at
me stems from my time spent with them.
C an ideal way of getting to know other cultures
D I believe that exploration is not just about finding things, but about
understanding what you have found.
3 1 1 D (example)
2 A (line 5: Icertainlylearnedasmuch…)
3 B (line 34: Iwantedtowrite…)
4 A (line 7: I’dhadaveryshelteredupbringingtryingtomakeupforit)
6 D (line 105: …asecondcareerthat…andsubsidises…)
7 B (line 51: Ihavenodoubt…)
8 C (line 57: Whatstarteditoff…)
9 A (line 23: Iwouldn’tdaretakeriskslikethatnow…)
10 B (line 47: Livingamongpeoplewhowere…)
11 D (line 96: DoingEnglishasmydegree…)
12 C (line 77: È ifIhadn’talreadybelieved…)
13 C (line 66: ItmeantIhadto…)
Vocabulary p.10
1 1 put on record 2 (20 years) on
3 travelled on foot 4 on the edge of
5 set my heart on 6 on a whim
2a 1 start off 2 go on to 3 turned down
4 bounce back 5 make up for 6 pluck up
7 missed out on
3 1 a prize 2 a danger 3 realise 4 finish
5 backache 6 notice
4 1 ideal way 2 future generations
3 positive outlook 4 real world 5 personal goal
6 survival skills 7 sheltered upbringing
8 open mind
Note: inthe real world (real and unique) compared with inan ideal world
5 1 gone on to 2 missed out on 3 on a whim
4 gathering/collecting 5 turned down
6 set my heart on 7 plucked up
8 make sacrifices 9 on 10 took the plunge
Listening p.11
2a A
2b Rita is going to talk about different ways of approaching university studies and
offer advice.
3a/b 3 Set your own learning objectives and deadlines
e.g. decidehowmanyhoursaweektospendstudying
Tip: buildinasafetymargin
1 Make sure you know what you have to do.
e.g. numberofassignmentsanddeadlinesforthem
Tip: useawallplannerordiary
2 Check what standard of work is expected.
e.g. howyourworkshouldbepresented
Tip: getholdofsomeexamplesofgoodwork
3c Examples: Youknow…andallthat,forinstance,thingslike
Tips: Onewayofdoingthis,It’sagoodideato,Ialwaysfindituseful
4a Ann: B Nick: D
4b Ann: Ithinkshehadapointwhen…
Nick: forme,themostrelevantpartwaswhen…thatwasreallywhatRitahelped
English in Use 1 p.12
2a 1 Jamie Oliver
2 When he was eight (in his parentsÓ pub)
3 over-enthusiastic and authoritarian
2b Tick the lines that are correct and write the extra word from the lines that are not.
2c Example 0: verb
Question 1: who; relative pronoun; four lines
2d 1 who 2 V 3 there 4 V 5 having 6 when
7 V 8 to 9 much 10 quite 11 off 12 really
13 V 14 the 15 become 16 now
3 1 5, 8, 11, 15
2 perfect verb forms: havelearnt,hadworked
continuous verb forms: arecooking
simple verb forms: learnt,ran,realised,believes,work,love,was,didn’tsuit,
passive verb forms: aregiven,hasbeenmade
Language development 1 p.13
1 1 is (now); haveeverbeen (unfinished time)
2 haslived (unfinished action linking past and present); moved (finished action in
specified point in past)
3 hasbeen (unfinished time Î then to now); changed (finished past action)
4 got (past action); hadleft (previous past event)
5 havepractised (unfinished action); did (finished action)
6 willhavebroken (action completed by a point in the future); hasended
(unfinished event)
2a 1 V (The meaning of loving here is similar to enjoy and can be used in the
continuous; there are other meanings that cannot.)
2 At the moment, sheÓs staying (temporaryaction) at her sisterÓs flat until she
finds a place of her own.
3 Vanessa enjoys (general) entertaining, so sheÓs always inviting (habitwith
always) people round.
4 Last week I visited (singlecompleteaction) her for dinner.
5 I hadnÓt seen (previoustopastaction) Vanessa for over a month and I was
looking forward to it.
6 Vanessa was cooking (actioninprogress) when I arrived (shortcomplete
action) at the flat, so I offered to help.
7 V
8 Tonight IÓm cooking (personalarrangement) for her. IÓm making / will be
making (arrangement) my speciality.
3 1 f (habit/routine) 2 c (action in progress)
3 e (action in progress at a point in past)
4 h (recent repeated past with present consequence) 5 b (action previous to past
state) 6 d (single past action specified when) 7 a (past activity previous to other
past action) 8 g (unfinished time)
4a 1 immediate future:beaboutto,beonthepoint/vergeofing.
2 expected to happen at a particular time: bedueto
3 official arrangements, etc.:beto(not)
4 probability/certainty: bebound/sureto,be(un)likelyto,
4b 1 is to 2 are likely to / are expected to
3 are bound/sure to 4 expect fewer people to apply 5 is unlikely to 6 is on the
point/verge of announcing
5a 1 was (just) about to 2 were going to
3 would have 4 was due to 5 would be
6 were to have / would have
Writing 1 p.14
1a 1 There was no messing about. 2 go through; demanding 3 He got us into; top-
4 round off; cooked 5 We were shattered half the time.
1b 1 college course 2 work placements in top
London restaurants 3 cooking in JamieÓs restaurant
1c In interview: phrasal verbs (gothrough/roundoff), colloquial expressions
(shattered), question tags (thetrainingwasreallyhard,wasn’tit?), contractions
In formal writing: passive structures, clear sentence structure, linking words
1d Suggested answers
1 First, the trainees were required to attend a rigorous 14-week basic training
course at a London college.
2 Then they were given two-month work placements in reputable London
3 Finally, they completed their training by working as chefs in ÒFifteenÓ, OliverÓs
London restaurant.
4 According to the trainees, it was an exhausting but rewarding experience.
2 1 Everyone thought the tuition was outstanding.
2 It wasnÓt suitable for beginners.
3 On completion of the course, everyone was presented with a certificate.
4 The practical parts of the course were very disorganised Î they werenÓt well
5 The course was not well publicised, so not many people attended.
6 It was a (big) advantage having such an experienced teacher.
7 Unfortunately, he was sometimes a bit irritated.
8 IÓd like to congratulate everyone involved.
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