Zelazny, Roger - SS Collection - My Name is Legion.pdf

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My Name Is Legion
Roger Zelazny
The Eve of RUMOKO
I was in the control room when the J-9 unit flaked out
on us. I was there for purposes of doing some idiot
maintenance work, among other things.
There were two men below in the capsule, inspecting
the Highway to Hell, that shaft screwed into the ocean's
bottom thousands of fathoms beneath us and soon to be
opened for traffic. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have worried,
as there were two J-9 technicians on the payroll. Only,
one of them was on leave in Spitzbergen and the other
had entered sick bay just that morning. As a sudden
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combination of wind and turbulent waters rocked the
Aquina and I reflected that it was now the Eve of RU-
MOKO, I made my decision. I crossed the room and re-
moved a side panel.
"Schweitzer! You're not authorized to fool around
with that!" said Doctor Asquith.
I studied the circuits, and, "Do you want to work on
it?" I asked him.
"Of course not. I wouldn't know how to begin.
"Do you want to see Martin and Demmy die?"
"You know I don't. Only you're not—"
"Then tell me who is," I said. "That capsule down
there is controlled from up here, and we've just blown
something. If you know somebody better fit to work on
it, then you'd better send for him. Otherwise, I'll try to
repair the J-9 myself."
He shut up then, and I began to see where the trouble
was. They had been somewhat obvious about things.
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They had even used solder. Four circuits had been
rigged, and they had fed the whole mess back through
one of the timers. ...
So I began unscrewing the thing. Asquith was an
oceanographer and so should know little about electron-
ic circuits. I guessed that he couldn't tell that I was
undoing sabotage. I worked for about ten minutes, and
the drifting capsule hundreds of fathoms beneath us be-
gan to function once again.
As I worked, I had reflected upon the powers soon to
be invoked, the forces that would traverse the Highway
to Hell for a brief time, and then like the Devil's envoy
or the Devil himself, perhaps—be released, there in
the mid-Atlantic. The bleak weather that prevails in
these latitudes at this time of year did little to improve
my mood. A deadly force was to be employed, atomic
energy, to release an even more powerful phenomenon
—live magma—which seethed and bubbled now miles
beneath the sea itself. That anyone should play senseless
games with something like this was beyond my compre-
hension. Once again, the ship was shaken by the waves.
"Okay," I said. "There were a few shorts and I
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straightened them out" I replaced the side panel.
"There shouldn't be any more trouble."
He regarded the monitor. "It seems to be functioning
all right now. Let me check. . . ."
He flipped the toggle and said, "Aquina to capsule.
Do you read me?"
"Yes," came the reply. "What happened?"
"Short circuit in the J-9," he answered. "It has been
repaired. What is your condition?"
"All systems returned to normal. Instructions?"
"Proceed with your mission," he said, then turned to
me. "I'll recommend you for something or other," he
said. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. I didn't know you
could service the J-9."
"I'm an electrical engineer," I replied, "and I've stud-
ied tills thing. I know it's restricted. If I hadn't been able
to figure out what was wrong, I wouldn't have touched
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"I take it you'd rather not be recommended for some-
thing or other?"
"That is correct."
"Then I will not do it."
Which was a very good thing, for the nonce, as I'd
also disconnected a small bomb, which then resided in
my left-hand jacket pocket and would soon be tossed
overboard. It had had another five to eight minutes to
go and would have blotted the record completely. As for
me, I didn't even want a record; but if there had to be
one, it would be mine, not the enemy's.
I excused myself and departed. I disposed of the evi-
dence. I thought upon the day's doings.
Someone had tried to sabotage the project. So Don
Walsh had been right. The assumed threat had been for
real. Consume that and digest it. It meant that there was
something big involved. The main question was,
"What?" The second was, "What next?"
I lit a cigarette and leaned on the Aquini/s rail. I
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