License Agreement And Read Me.txt

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These are copyright free and you are free to re-bundle and distribute them 
as you see fit as long as you don't try and profit from the sale of these 
samples in any way shape or form either than putting them in your songs. What
I'm getting at is: don't try and sell the samples as your own even if you do 
end up putting them in a new format. If I'm providing them for free, you should
share them as well.

About The Samples:

These were recorded in a wood room with either three or four people around an 
AKG C414 if I remember correctly. They were probably compressedby the Purple 1176 
clone before going into the box. The sample names mean nothing other than C was 
take 1, and D was take 2. There are 45 samples of each. Also, though these are 
24 bit stereo files, these are actually in mono. Feel free to correct this mistake.

Additional Notes:

Finally, there is some bleed on these samples that may or may not be audible, but 
should not be problematic in a mix. If you find it annoying, find the samples that
exhibit the most bleed and delete them. Also, you may want to adjust start and end 
times as these samples could probably benefit greatly from some fade outs. If you
do end up putting these samples in your drum sampler of choice, please share with the 


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