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The Rosemary Ainslie Energy-Collection System
For many years now, people studying science-related subjects in universities around the world, have been told things
which are at best, out of date, and at worst, deliberately incorrect. For example, a common starting point for analysis is
to assume "a closed system" although it is perfectly clear that there is no such thing on the planet.
With few exceptions, calculations are generally based on the assumption that energy does not flow into a system or a
device from the outside. The influence of sunlight is one of the few external inputs recognised, and it's effect on solar
panels, producing rainfall, causing winds, etc. are admitted because these things are so obvious to the average person
that there is no denying them.
These same people fight tooth and nail to persuade people that "space" is empty and that there is nothing in it. This is,
of course, ridiculous, since light passes through space, as do radio waves, X-rays, cosmic particles, and other things. It
is certainly a weird notion that distant objects can affect each other if there is absolutely nothing in between them. It
would be a neat trick to explain the effect of gravity if there is absolutely nothing in the gap between them.
The matter has long since left the realm of common sense as the British scientist Harold Aspden has demonstrated with
laboratory measurements, the presence of an "unknown" field which acts like an incompressible gas. What his work has
demonstrated is now known as "the Aspden Effect" and the experimental results are as follows:
Harold was running tests not related to this subject. He started an electric motor which had a rotor mass of 800 grams
and recorded the fact that it took an energy input of 300 joules to bring it up to its running speed of 3,250 revolutions per
minute when it was driving no load.
The rotor having a mass of 800 grams and spinning at that speed, its kinetic energy together with that of the drive motor
is no more than 15 joules, contrasting with the excessive energy of 300 joules needed to get it rotating at that speed. If
the motor is left running for five minutes or more, and then switched off, it comes to rest after a few seconds. But, the
motor can then be started again (in the same or opposite direction) and brought up to speed with only 30 joules
provided that the time lapse between stopping and restarting is no more than a minute or so. If there is a delay of
several minutes, then an energy input of 300 joules is needed to get the rotor spinning again.
This is not a transient heating phenomenon. At all times the bearing housings feel cool and any heating in the drive
motor would imply an increase of resistance and a build-up of power to a higher steady state condition. The
experimental evidence is that there is something unseen, which is put into motion by the machine rotor. That
“something” has an effective mass density 20 times that of the rotor, but it is something that can move independently and
take several minutes to decay, while the motor comes to rest in a few seconds.
Two machines of different rotor size and composition reveal the phenomenon and tests indicate variations with time of
day and compass orientation of the spin axis. One machine, the one incorporating weaker magnets, showed evidence of
gaining strength magnetically during the tests which were repeated over a period of several days. This clearly shows
that there is an unseen medium which interacts with everyday objects and actions.
Bob Boyce of the USA developed a toroidal transformer pulsing system which he uses for the electrolysis of water. His
system is notable for the fact that he gets efficiency levels more than 1,000% that of Michael Faraday who set the
standard for university teaching on the subject. One of the most likely explanations for this seemingly massive
outperforming of Faraday's maximum possible gas output results is that Faraday was perfectly correct and excess
energy is flowing into Bob's system from the outside.
There is extremely strong evidence that this is so, because five independent experimenters have demonstrated this
inward energy flow, using Bob's toroidal transformer to charge batteries. One man who lives in South Africa has a young
daughter who drives her small electric car around each day. The car is powered by one 18 Amp-Hour lead-acid car
battery. There is nothing unusual about this as these miniature cars are readily available around the world. There is also
nothing unusual that the child's father charges up the battery overnight, so that the little girl can drive around the next
day. What is most unusual is the fact that the battery charging is powered by the battery which is being charged.
According to university teaching, the charging is a "closed system" and so it is not physically possible for that to happen.
The little girl does not know this and drives around happily each day. The battery in her car has been recharged this way
more than thirty times. This would appear to be direct evidence of energy flowing into the charging system from the
outside. Achieving this is not an easy thing to do, quite apart from the fact that most sensible people are very reluctant to
have the output of any system fed back to the input of that same system as that is positive feedback which easily leads
to power runaway. The preference is to have one twelve volt battery charge a separate forty-eight volt battery bank
because doing that avoids any possibility of excessive feedback.
As with most systems, the practical details are a key feature. In this case, the toroid is a MicroMetals 6.5 inch iron-dust
toroid which is precision hand-wound with three separate windings of solid, silver-plated copper wire with a teflon
covering. These three windings are pulsed in turn with a complex waveform signal, creating a high-speed rotating
magnetic field which has no moving parts. A rotating magnetic field like that has long been known to produce excess
power with a RotoVerter system constructed from two off-the-shelf 3-pahse motors, having a power output well in excess
of the power input needed to make it run.
This inflow of outside power is a feature of Rosemary Ainslie's heating system. Rosemary has designed and laboratory-
tested a heating system which can have substantially more output power then the input power needed to run it. She
achieves this by pulsing a heating element in an unusual way using this circuit:
Most circuits which draw energy in from the local environment, generally need to be tuned to achieve resonant operation.
It is also found that a waveform rich in harmonics is needed to produce the best results. For example, Ronald Classen
recently produced an analysis of the operation of Bob Boyce's electrolyser toroid pulsing. Bob's circuit generates three
separate waveforms, one at about 42.8 kHz, and two harmonics, one at around 21.4 kHz and the other at about 10.7
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kHz. He examined the operation with the two harmonics slaved exactly to the master frequency and then with the two
harmonics free-running and not quite synchronised, so that a random pattern of harmonic pulses were generated.
Surprisingly, he found that the random arrangement gave much higher gains than the "precision" circuit.
The same sort of situation is found here in the Ainslie circuit as very precise adjustment of the "Gate" preset resistor "R1"
has a major effect on the circuit performance while the other two, R4 and R7, are used to adjust the frequency of the
pulses and the ratio of "On" time to "Off" time. Like almost every other circuit which produces a greater power output
than the input power required to make it operate, very careful adjustment is needed. The characteristics of the "Load"
heating element "R3" are also very important. With some configurations, there is no excess power generated, while with
others there is a very marked increase in power and the prototype apparatus produced power outputs in excess of four
times the input power.
A quick glance at the circuit diagram makes it appear that there is no significant connection between the NE555 timer
chip and the IRFPG50 FET transistor. This is not the case as the arrangement as shown generates transients which
modify the oscillation of the NE555 chip. This is presumably due to the nature of the current draw by the gate of the FET
or through induced currents caused by the pulsing of the inductive load heater coil "R3". We tend to think of FET
transistors as having next to no current flowing into the gate, but the IRFPG50 FET can draw up to a massive 6 amps for
the Gate to Source current flow. The NE555N chip supplying that gate current (with no current-limiting resistor between
the two devices) can supply a maximum of only 200 mA (or possibly 300 mA at a push) which is only 5% of the possible
current draw by the FET. The circuit of the NE555N chip is:
From this it appears that the direct coupling of the output could allow some modification of the chip timing and waveform
if the output current draw is well above the design value, the internal resistors preventing destruction of the chip and
reducing the effect so that it just modifies the functioning of the chip.
This is also suggested by the fact that the adjustment of the "Grid" variable resistor, which controls the NE555N current
draw, is the most critical adjustment of the circuit. Supporting that idea is the fact that the required chip operation does
not take place if the "Grid" resistor setting is too high or too low. Presumably, the setting has to be an exact amount so
that the NE555N chip operation is altered to make it generate waveforms not envisaged by the chip designers. The
physical separation of the "Load" resistor and the circuit board may also be important as there is almost certainly a
magnetic feedback element as well.
I would love to tell you that the circuit operates in the way that the circuit diagram would suggest, with the timing and
Mark-Space values controlled as expected by the 555 chip designers. However, that is definitely not the case. If the
24V battery is disconnected, then the NE555 chip section of the circuit performs exactly as expected. If the "R1" GATE
resistor is at the correct setting and the 24V battery is then connected, the result is that the normal running of the NE555
chip is overridden and the circuit immediately switches into a completely different type of operation. The Mark-Space
ratio is forced into an approximately 55% setting and the pulsing rate is bounced to over 500 kHz (well beyond the
capability of the NE555 chip, as many actual chips can't even reach 45 kHz in practice) with this waveform:
which you will note has repeating pairs of pulses, neither of which is a square wave. The overall circuit is clearly not
operating as an NE555 chip circuit any longer but is oscillating in an unexpected way. This high radio-frequency pulsing
produces electromagnetic waves which radiate out from the load resistor, an effect which is seen on a nearby television
set. This is not really surprising, as the circuit should really be presented like this:
This is because the 10 ohm "resistor R3" is actually a coil of wire. The specification for this component shows that it has
a length of 150 mm (6"), a diameter of 32 mm (1.25") and is an air-core coil, wound with 48 turns of resistance wire with
a 1 mm gap between each turn. The lack of a core, allows the coil to oscillate at this high frequency, and any coil driven
at that frequency radiates radio waves.
It is almost certain that these electromagnetic waves are inducing voltages in the wiring surrounding the NE555 chip
circuit, causing it to run wildly outside its design. The wire-wound adjustment resistors are little coils which have the
potential for picking up transmitted waves. This pickup mechanism is strongly supported by the fact that only an NE555N
chip will operate in this way and three other makes of 555 chip which were tested, failed to produce this runaway action.
The higher runaway frequency is important for achieving power gain. Don Smith states that the extra power being drawn
into a circuit is proportional to the square of the pulse frequency. If this is correct, then moving the pulse rate up to over
500,000 per second will have a major energy effect and explain why tuning the circuit into this high-speed mode is
The practical method of tuning the circuit into its self-oscillating non-symmetrical, power-gaining mode is by monitoring
the voltage of the "V1" 24V battery. When the circuit is out of tune, the battery voltage gets pulled down quite noticeably.
When the circuit is tuned correctly, there is a slight increase in the battery voltage. If the circuit has been built as
described, using an NE555N timer chip and a high inductance load "resistor" coil, then tuning the circuit is performed as
follows: Connect a digital voltmeter across the 24-volt power supply and note the exact reading. Set the "ON" preset
resistor to its minimum value of zero ohms. Set the "OFF" preset resistor to its maximum value of 10K ohms. These
resistors are generally left at these settings throughout.
The "GATE" resistor is now adjusted very carefully, watching the voltmeter reading. As the circuit comes to its best
possible tuning, the battery voltage will rise. Pick the resistor setting which gives the highest battery reading. The rise in
battery voltage is caused by the inflow of external energy. Some of this flows through the "LOAD" causing heating
effects which can be 17 times greater than would normally be expected. Part of the inflowing energy flows back into the
power supply, and that flow lowers the current draw from the 24V battery, which in turn, allows it to show a higher voltage
reading. This mechanism is exactly the same as described by Tom Beardon when explaining the operation of John
Bedini's battery-charging pulse circuits - part into the load and part back into the power supply.
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Although it is not mentioned in the Parts List, it is very important to mount the FET transistor on a heat sink as the current
flowing through it causes it to heat up. Also important is to use a mica gasket between the FET and the heat sink. A
mica gasket is a thin layer of mica which electrically insulates the FET from the heat sink while still acting as an
extremely good conductor of the FET heat to the heat sink. This is necessary because the "Drain" pin of the FET is
connected electrically to the metal mounting strip of the FET and if the FET is not insulated from the heat sink, then the
heat sink acts as a radio aerial and radiates an embarassingly large level of radio waves. The heat sink can be a simple
sheet of aluminium, or it can be a commercial finned design of which there are many from which to choose. A suggested
physical layout for this circuit is given towards the end of this document, and can be used if you are inclined so to do.
This is a circuit which cries out for replication and investigation by both experienced and inexperienced experimenters.
There are no expensive components in the circuit and the circuitry could hardly be any more simple than it is. If this
circuit can be scaled up to operate as a household heater it would mean that electrical heating costs could be reduced to
a tiny fraction of what they are at the present time. That sort of cost reduction would make a major difference to a very
large number of people, which makes this circuit very interesting indeed.
A website which has a considerable amount of interesting information on this design and the history surrounding it can
The operating methods which are used in this style of circuitry are describe in considerable detail in a patent application
(WO 99/38247) has been filed for this system. Reading those descriptions can be helpful, so here is a digest of part of
that patent:
Patent: WO 99/38247 Date: 22nd January 1999 Inventor: Rosemary A. Ainslie
A method of achieving high efficiency of energy usage which includes passing current through an inductor, causing the
current to be repeatedly interrupted, thereby generating a back EMF in the inductor and thereafter, harnessing the back
EMF so generated , to supply energy to an energy-receiving or processing device. The frequency of interruptions should
be 40 Hz or more and is achievable by rectifying the current. The invention extends to apparatus for harnessing such
back EMF and energy generating means comprising an inductor and a current interruptor connected to an energy-
receiving device.
The invention relates to a method of harnessing back EMF for use in powering a load or replenishing a depletable
energy source and extends to apparatus used in performing the method.
Conventional switching circuits are well known in electrical energy conversion technology, and switch mode systems
have been employed to enhance energy utilisation efficiencies. The concept of absorbing electrical energy released by
the collapse of auto-electronic emissions from a discharge tube is disclosed in US 5,449,989. This document discloses a
circuit which includes an output port connected to a current sink which is able to absorb at least a substantial portion of
such emissions. The current sink may be an electric motor or a secondary battery.
The concept of applying a back EMF in electrical circuitry is also known. For example, in US 5,521,476 there is
disclosed a control circuit for a disc drive motor, in which back EMF blocking circuitry is employed to prevent dissipation
of a back EMF through a power supply. By contrast, publication WO 9,613,892 discloses the use of a back EMF to
trigger a response in a control system for a mechanical system, so that driving pulses are generated to accomplish a
desired displacement motion.
In the present invention, to achieve high energy efficiencies, greater than unity in relation to a conventional test circuit, a
back EMF which is generated in an inductor, is harnessed so as to return energy associated with the EMF, to a
depletable energy source which is supplying such a circuit, or to a load included in the same primary circuit as the energy
source. It is envisaged that a wide range of electrical supply sources will derive benefit from the invention disclosed
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