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LEVEL 1              WRITING




Look At the table of biographies and write ten sentences abort one of the officers.



Jerzy Nowak

John Kowalski

Date of birth

21st March 1970

3rd May 1973

Length of service

10 years

6 years




Arm of service






Marital status

Married, 2 sons


Job before joining the army

University student


Training courses

Officer training

Officer training

Present job

Battery commander

COMMCEN commander


Windsurfing, music

Computer games









Imagine you are on holiday. Use the questions below to write a letter to a friend telling him/her about your hokiday  (80 – 100 words).


Where are you?  When did you arrive there?  What is the weather like?  Where are you staying?  What things have you done?  When did you do them?  What was each like?  What haven’t you done yet?  What are you going to do? What do you think of the place?  When are you leaving.

















LEVEL 1              LISTENING




You will hear the text twice. Mark one correct answer.


1.       There are ___ programmes devoted to the madrigal.

a.       7                            b.   3                                          c.    4


2.       Thomas Morley was one of the greatest of _______ composers.

              a.  American              b.  British                            c.  Danish


3.       He was born in ______ .

a.       1557                            b.   1558                            c.   1657


4.       He became a(n) _____ of the Chapel Royal.

a.       organist               b. composer                             c. gentleman


5.       Queen Elizabeth I _____ his music.

a.       Hated                              b. admired                             c. never heard


6.       Morley composed songs for Shakespeare’s ______

a.       sonnets               b. poems                             c. plays


7.       Morley was also a _______.

a.       Writer                            b. painter                             c. sculptor


8.       Morley didn’t write

a.       church music               b. piano music                            c. lute songs


9.       Some of his madrigals are called ______ .

a.       ballet                              b. instrumental music                c. opera


10.   The Triumphs of Oriana consist of ____madrigals.

a.       29                             b.   26                                           c.   37



Listen to the text and say true (T) or false (F)


1.       Tony is a teacher.                                                                                                  T   F

2.       Tony is 35.                                                                                                      T   F

3.       He likes travelling very much.                                                                      T   F

4.       He enjoys gardening.                                                                                    T   F


5.       David is 41.                                                                                                    T   F

6.       He doesn’t work at hospital.                                                                           T   F

7.       He hates going to restaurants.                                                                         T   F

8.       He would like to meet somebody who has the same interests.                 T   F


9.       Simon likes walking.                                                                                      T   F

10.     He doesn’t like classical music.                                                                         T   F








LEVEL 1              READING



A.    Read the text and answer the questions.


David Michaels is a manager of a large supermarket in Clacton, England. He is quite tall; about 5 ft  11 in with black hair.  Next month he will be 30 years old. Davids wife is a bit older than he is, she is 32. He started work at the supermarket 6 months ago, before that he was a school teacher. He left teaching because it was very stressful and the money was less than working in a supermarket.

Although Daves life is very busy, generally he likes his job. There are, of course, some problems in being a supermarket manager. For example, he has to get up very early, usually at 6 oclock. This is because it takes him 30 minutes to walk to work (he doesnt drive) and he must arrive at the shop early to take deliveries. The shop opens at 8 oclock on weekdays and half an hour later on Saturdays. Dave has only one day a week free.

Another problem with the job is difficult customers. They are always complaining! Sometimes they are right to complain, but often people just like complaining.

David does not want to be a supermarket manager for ever; he would like to open his own business in the future. Of course, he needs a lot of money to do this. So far he has only saved 800 in the bank; this is not enough! On Sunday Dave is free from the...

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