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1.            The morpheme /kaet/ is not a part of the word Catalan /kaetalan/ because: (a) there are no rules in English relating cat and Catalan, (b) the phonological form of the morpheme is unpredictable, (c) it’s meaning is unpredictable, (d) the relation between the form and the meaning in morphemes is unpredictable.

2.            The meanings of the following words are non-compositional: (a) enrage, unkind (b) faster, baker (c) announcement, boyhood (d) conceive, presume

3.            In the word denationalization the base of derivation for the prefix de- is: (a) nationalization (b) nation (c) national (d) nationalize

4.            The derivation of the following words is blocked by semantic/pragmatic constraints: (a) fearlessity (b) re-die (c) smugity (d) sufferal

5.            The suffix –ity does not attach to: (a) adjective ending in the suffixes –less, -ly (b) adjectives ending in the suffixes –al, -ive (c) all underived adjectives

6.            Distributional constraints on bound morphemes are encoded in: (a) both the subcategorization frames and the Root/Word distinction (b) their subcategorization frames alone (c) the Root/Word distinction alone

7.            The noun untruth is ambiguous between (1) “the state or quality of being untrue” and (2) “the lack of truth”. In the word untruth with the first sense, the prefix un- is subcategorized for: (a) verbs (b) nouns (c) adjectives

8.            The English word forgiveness is: (a) well-formed because at the time the noun was derived, forgive could function as an adjective (b) ill-formed because the suffix –ness is attached to a verb (c) well-formed because it results from the truncation of –ing before a designated morpheme.

9.            In English, minimally, the following units have unpredictable meanings: (a) all morphemes and idioms (b) inflected words and the non-native compounds (c) verbal compounds (like peace-loving) and gerundive nominals ( like the killing of animals)

10.        In the following pairs the second member is a suppletive form semantically related to the first member: (a) ox – oxen (b) go – went (c) light – lit (d) goose – geese

11.        On of the meanings of lover is “a person having a sexual or romantic relationship with someone, especially outside marriage”. The meaning of the noun is: (a) completely non-compositional (b) compositional with the added non-compositional meaning component “outside marriage” (c) completely compositional (predictable)

12.        Given the definition of head of a complex word as “the rightmost daughter that agrees with the mother node in terms of categorical features (i.e., that has the same category as the mother node),” the head of the derived verb deaccession is: (a) de- (b) accession (c) neither. (Note: bear in mind that in the present formulation the definition does not mention any non-categorial features. The meaning of  to accession is “to enter in the accessions register of a library, museum, etc.)

13.        The following compounds testify to the fact that the noun is a recursive category: (a) standby (Noun), (b) in-depth (Adj.), (c) printout (Noun.), (d) bathroom towel-rack

14.        The existence of the following structures militates against a strict separation of morphology from syntax: (a) an ate too much headache (b) compartmentalization (c) guaran-damn-tee (d) unkindness

15.        The following is an exocentric morphological structure (a) red-hot (b) blackboard (Noun), (c) printout (Noun), (d) sister-in-law ]

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