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   6.6.4  [2009-09-29]
          - auto ISO 80 replaced by ISO 100 to minimize vertical stripes issue in red channel
            works well in most situations without any loss of quality due to higher ISO
            one thing to note: activated AE Lock function (+2.0) still uses ISO 80

   6.6.3  [2009-04-18]
          - fixed all BestPic pictures are the same
          - fixed no flash discharge thru service menu
          - added EM-/+ mode (EM -/+ manual ISO) to work with flash, instead of SEM-/+ only

   6.6.2  [2009-01-14]
          - changes in EV bracketing assistant
            * reduced number of EV steps to 2 values: 1.0 and 2.0
            * initial EV selection is now possible with joystick left/right

           renamed to proper name: Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB) assistant

   6.6.1  [2009-01-06]
          - fixed restoration of the correct contrast and colors saturation after flash shot

   6.6    [2009-01-03]
          - implemented function of EV bracketing assistant
          - decreased flash ISO sensitivity in non-macro mode from 400 to 320
          - increased contrast and brightness in flash shots
          - autofocus in non-macro mode reverted to old metering method due to problems with
            accuracy in some phones (new method has been used since v6.3.3)

   6.5.2  [2008-11-21]
          - increased flash ISO sensitivity in macro mode from 100 to 125
          - increased contrast and brightness in flash shots

   6.5.1  [2008-10-19] Final Release Candidate 2
          - fixed recognition of enabled permanent SEM/EM

          [2008-10-17] Final Release Candidate
          - second attempt to fix autofocus deadlock in some phones
          - new constant LED_IN_DOC which allows to enable autofocus light assist in scene document
          - changes in optional permanent SEM/EM settings (constant E_MODE)
            * added values for hybrid SEM/EM
            * removed old SEM/EM values for 'fine' quality
            * permanent modes are available only in 'normal' quality (selected in camera menu)
              this will not degrade picture quality because fine quality compression will be used

   6.5    [2008-10-09]
          - new hybrid versions of SEM and EM
          - fixed problem with autofocus deadlock in some phones
          - fixed occasional problem of dark pictures (ISO 100) with focus infinity and flash
          - [unofficial] improved stability of jpeg compression

   6.4    [2008-09-18]
          - SEM/EM can cooperate with manual ISO
          - max exposure for shots with flash reduced from 1/8s to 1/40s (except Twilight Portrait)
          - a bit increased file size rules for jpeg compression
          - in macro mode sensitivity on light (moment of activation) of autofocus LED assist (red)
            is reduced to avoid overexposure in focus area in good light conditions

   6.3.3  [2008-07-19]
          - more accurate autofocus (more successful results) especially in macro mode

   6.3.2  [2008-07-07]
          - fixed loss of quick viewfinder after shot with slow (~2s) manual shutter speed
          - separate colors saturation for flash (also introduced in customization section)

   6.3.1  [2008-07-03]
          - flash auto shutter speed range is now 1/5000s - 1/8s (less overexposed daylight shots)
          - flash ISO (for auto and manual shutter speed, macro) introduced in customization section
          - restored manual focus preview on demand in BestPic (no matter of EV position)
          - changes in EV functions list
            * balance orange - light blue moved from -1.0 to -1.3 (removed balance magenta - green)
            * added Custom White Balance at -1.0

   6.3    [2008-06-25]
          - fixed zoom function which distorted manual focus preview
          - simple customization feature is fully implemented (also in documentation)
          - implemented function for Custom White Balance technique
          - removed delays between steps, changes of value are noticeable faster
          - manual sharpness function is fully implemented
          - now it's possible to select type of zoom for driver
            * continuous (fast, accuracy depends on light amount)
            * linear (fast for photo, slow for video, always accurate)

   6.2.1  [2008-06-19]
          - fixed ignoring manual ISO in flash shots with manual shutter speed
          - linear zoom has been replaced by continuous zoom (from original driver)

   6.2    [2008-06-18]
          - fixed all exposure issues known from previous version
          - fixed small issue in SEM and EM calculations
          - fixed camera crash if user returns to focus 0 (auto) when focus preview is enabled
          - fixed no focus LED light in video mode with enabled image stabilization
          - removed all previews on demand (half press and release) in video mode and BestPic
          - small improvement in the core of supermode control
          - driver becomes supermode only. there is no possibility to turn off functions and use
            driver with standard functionality only

          - focus LED light is active in manual focus preview if amount of light is low
          - red eye reduction (RER) is forcing flash no matter of light conditions
          - remembering the position (value) on zoom bar for focus, shutter speed and ISO
          - limited selection of value on zoom bar to avoid crossing max value. solution for
            parameters which aren't using whole zoom bar range (30 steps) to reach max value

          - flash shots with enhanced mode (EM) have ISO 200 now
            no changes for short enhanced mode (SEM) with flash which is still ISO 100 mode

          - solved conflict between previews (focus, shutter speed and ISO) on demand
            * selected EV position of manual focus = focus preview is switchable
            * selected other EV position = shutter speed and ISO preview is switchable

   6.1.2  [2008-06-10]
          - manual focus preview close-up reduced from x4.9 to x4.0
          - flash shots with manual shutter speed have ISO 200 (not 400)
          - fixed loss of manual shutter speed after flash state switching (on, off, RER)
          - fixed no exposure compensation (EV, joy left/right) in video mode
          - fixed autofocus lock after stopping focus process when camera is trying to use flash
            with enabled enhanced mode

          - fixed wrong flash ISO value (is 100, should be 400) for auto shutter speed shots if
            previously was used enhanced mode with flash

   6.1.1  [2008-05-31]
          - fixed problem with manual ISO and flash (low ISO = no flash, high ISO = flash)
            from now ISO changes are not visible in realtime on viewfinder
            use realtime preview on/off on demand (half press and release)
            manual ISO and manual shutter speed are visible together on preview!

          - fixed problem with manual shutter speed and flash (two shots, should be once)
          - a bit longer exposure time for short enhanced mode (SEM)
          - shorter exposure time for photos with enhanced mode and flash
          - fixed no zoom in video mode
          - max sharpness for manual focus close-up preview
            disabling image smoothness (for max sharp effect) is still impossible

   6.1    [2008-05-29] public release
          - fixed very long delay and jpeg corruption when slow shutter speed was used  
          - ISO function (common for normal and flash)
          - reduced delays between next steps during changes of function value
          - manual shutter speed realtime preview on demand can be disabled (default: enabled)

   6.1    [2008-02-05 - 2008-05-24] beta versions
          - a lot of changes
          - new features

   6.0    [2008-01-31] prototype v2

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