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                               WRITTEN BY RAGNER ROCKER

  Many of you out there probably have fantasies of revenge against teachers,
principals and other people who are justassholes.  depending on your level of
hatred of this person i would advise that you do some of these following

  (1) Pouring dishsoap into the gas tank of your enemy- many of you already
know that gasoline + dishsoap(e.g.  joy, palmolive, etc.) form a mixture
called napalm.  now napalm is a jelly-like  substance used in bombs,
flamethrowers, etc.  now you can only guess what this mixture would do to
someone's fuel line!!!!

  (2) Spreading dirty motor oil/castor oil on someone's exhaust pipe- when
the exhaust pipe heats up(and it will!!)the motor oil or castor oil on the pipe
will cause thick, disgusting smoke to ooze forth from the back of that car.
Who knows maybe he/she might be pulled over and given a ticket!!

  (3) Light Bulb Bomb- see part one of the file

 (4) Simple smoke/stink bomb- you can purchaase sulphur at a drugstore under
the name flowers of sulphur.  now when sulphur burns it will give off a very
strong odor and plenty of smoke.  now all you need is a fuse from a
firecracker, a tin can, and the sulphur.  fill the can with sulphur(pack very
lightly), put aluninum foil over the top of the can, poke a small hole into
the foil, insert the wick, and light it and get out of the room if you value
your lungs.  you can find many uses for this( or at least i hope so.
                               FUN WITH ALARMS
    A fact I forgot to mention in my previous alarm articles is that one can
also use polyurethane foam in a can to silence horns and bells.  You can
purchase this at any hardware store as insulation.  it is easy to handle and
dries faster.

Many people that travel carry a pocket alarm with them.  this alarm is a small
device that is hung around the door knob, and when someone touches the knob his
body capacitance sets off the alarm.  these nasty nuisences can be found by
walking down the halls of a hotel and touching all the door knobs very quickly.
if you happen to chance upon one, attach a 3' length of wire or other metal
object to the knob.  this will cause the sleeping business pig inside to think
someone is breaking in and call room service for help.  all sorts of fun and
games will ensue.

    Some high-security instalations use keypads just like touch-tone pads (a
registered trade mark of bell systems) to open locks or disarm alarms.  most
use three or four digits.  to figure out the code, wipe the key-pad free from
all fingerprints by using a rag soaked in rubbing alcohol.  after the keypad
has been used just apply finger print dust and all four digits will be marked.
now all you have to do is figure out the order. if you want to have some fun
with a keypad, try pressing the * and # at the same time.  many units use this
as a panic button. This will bring the owner and the cops running and ever-one
will have a good time.  never try to remove these panels from the wall, as
they have built-in tamper switches.
    On the subject of holdups, most places (including supermarkets, liqour
stores, etc.) have what is known as a money clip.  these little nasties are
placed at the bottom of a money drawer and when the last few bills are
with-drawn a switch closes and sets the alarm off.  that's why when you make
your withdrawl it's best to help yourself so you can check for these little
nasties.  if you find them, merely insert ones underneath the pile of
twenties, and then pull out the twenties, leaving the one-dollar bill behind
to prevent the circuit from closing.


 This is an anti-personnel bomb meant for milling crowds.  the bottom of a
soft drink can is half cut out and bent back.  a giant firecracker or other
explosive is put in and surrounded with nuts and bolts or rocks.  the fuse is
then armed with a chemical delay in a plastic drinking straw.

      ! !                            After first making sure there are no
      ! !                           children nearby, the acid or glycerine
      ! ! <-CHEMICAL INGITER        is put into the straw and the can is set
   ---- ----                        down by a tree or wall where it will not
   !  !1!  !                        be knocked over.  the delay should give
   ! ===== !                        you three to five minutes.  it will then
   !* ! ! "!                        have a shattering effect on passersby.
   !  ! !  !
   !  ! !  !<- BIG FIRECRACKER
   !  ! !% !
   !  ==== !
   !       !
   !   #   !                          It is hardly likely that anyone would
   !  ---  !                         pick up and drink from someone else's
   !   !   !     <- NUTS & BOLTS     soft drink can.  but if such a crude
   !   /   !                         person should try to drink from your
   !       !                         bomb he would break a nasty habit
   ---------                         fast!

                  Pyro Book ][   by Capt Hack  and Grey Wolf
1) Put 1 teaspoon full of of potassium permanganate in a tin can.
2) add a few drops of glycerine
3) wait 3-4 min.
4) get the hell out..  the stuff will smoke, then burst into flame..

** potasium permanganate stains like iodine but worse [it's purple]
** the reaction will spatter a bit ->it can be messy...
** it doesn't matter if the amounts are uneven [ie.  1 part to 3 parts]


INTRODUCTION: The trouble with text books on chemistry and explosives is the
attitude with which they are written.  They don't say, "Now I know you would
like to blow holy hell out of something just for the fun of it so here is how
to whip up something in your kitchen to do it".  They tell you how Dupont does
it or how the anchient Chinese did it but not how you can do it with the
resourses and materials available to you.

 Even army manuals on field expedient explosives are almost useless because
they are just outlines written with the understanding that an instructor is
going to fill in the blanks.  It is a fun game to search out the materials
that can be put together to make something go "boom".  You can find what you
need in grocery stores, hardware stores, and farm supplies.  An interesting
point to remember is that it is much easier to make a big e explosion than a
small one.  It is very difficult for a home experimenter to make a
firecracker, but a bomb capable of blowing the walls out of a building is

                           HOW TO MAKE ROCKET FUEL

   This is easy to make and fun to play with.  Mix equal parts by volume
Potassium or Sodium Nitrate and granulated sugar.  Pour a big spoonful of
this into a pile. Stick a piece of blackmatch fuse into it; light; and step
back.  This is also a very hot incendiary.  A little imagination will suggest
a lot of experiments for this.

                             ANOTHER ROCKET FUEL

 Mix equal parts by volume of zinc dust and sulfur.  Watch out if you
experiment with this.  It goes off in a sudden flash.  It is not a powerful
explosive, but is violent stuff even when not confined because of its fast
burning rate.

  --- As I continue from this point some of the ingredients are going to be
harder to get without going through a chemical supply.  I try to avoid this.
I happen to know that B. Prieser Scientific (local to my area) has been
instructed by the police to send them the names of anyone buying chemicals in
certain combinations.  For example, if a person were to buy Sulfuric acid,
Nitric acid and Toluene (the makings for TNT) in one order the police would be
notified.  I will do the best I can to tell you how to make the things you
need from commonly available materials, but I don't want to leave out
something really good because you might have to scrounge for an ingredient.  I
am guessing you would prefer it that way.


  Pinch the head near the bottom with a pair of wire cutters to break it up;
then use the edges of the cutters to scrape off the loose material.  It gets
easy with practice.  You can do this while watching TV and collect enough for
a bomb without dying of boredom.
    Once you have a good batch of it, you can load it into a pipe instead of
black powder.  Be careful not to get any in the threads, and wipe off any that
gets on the end of the pipe.  Never try to use this stuff for rocket fuel.  A
science teacher was killed that way.
      Just for fun while I'm on the subject of matches, did you know that you
can strike a safety match on a window pane? Hold a paper match between your
thumb and first finger.  With your second finger, press the head firmly
against a large window.  Very quickly, rub the match down the pane about 2
feet while maintaining the pressure.  The friction will generate enough heat
to light the match.

  Another fun trick is the match rocket.  Tightly wrap the top half of a paper
match with foil.  Set it in the top of a pop bottle at a 45 degree angle.
Hold a lighted match under the head until it ignites.  If you got it right,
the match will zip up and hit the ceiling.

 I just remembered the match guns I used to make when I was a kid.  These are
made from a bicycle spoke.  At one end of the spoke is a piece that screws
off.  Take it off and screw it on backwards.  You now have a piece of stiff
wire with a small hollow tube on one end.  Pack the material from a couple of
wooden safety matches into the tube.  Force the stem of a match into the hole.
It sould fit very tightly.  Hold a lighted match under the tube until it gets
hot enough to ign...
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