Daniels Casey - [Pepper Martin 02] - The Chick and the Dead.pdf

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An Imprint ofHarperCollinsPublishers
Copyright © 2007 by Connie Laux
ISBN: 978-0-06-082147-0
ISBN-10: 0-06-082147-7
First Avon Books printing: March 2007
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
This book is for all the in-laws
and all the out-laws:
Peg & Tim
Jim & Cindy
Michael & Chris
Karen & George
Nancy & Art
Bill & Joann
Mick & Jim
Mick & Jim
Chapter 1
It all started with Gus Scarpetti.
More specifically, it all started when I was leading a tour at the cemetery where I work and smacked my
head on the marble step of the mausoleum where Gus Scarpetti's mortal remains were resting, but not in
High heels. Uneven ground. Gravity.
Not a good combination.
If I didn't know it when I woke up in the emergency room with doctors peering at me and asking me if I
knew my name and what day of the week it was, I sure did after that. Because after that…
Well, after that, I started seeing dead people.
Did I say people ? Let me correct myself. After that, I started seeing a dead person . Singular. As in one
gone-but-not-forgotten Mafia don—the aforementioned Gus Scarpetti.
Luckily, the whole ghostly experience didn't last more than a few weeks. I did some investigating and,
thanks to me, Gus's unfinished business here on earth got finished. After thirty years of his restless spirit
looking for someone who could help, his murder had been solved. By me. Gus had finally gone to the
Great Beyond. Or the white light. Or wherever it was that ghosts went after they served out their time
And like any logical person, I figured that was—as they say—that.
Except apparently it wasn't.
Because just minutes after I said my final goodbyes to Gus, I walked into my office
atGardenViewCemetery and came face-to-face with a blond wearing a cardigan sweater and a poodle
skirt. Saddle shoes or no saddle shoes, I knew we were not talking twenty-first century.
The awareness stung like a shot of Botox, and for a couple of long seconds, all I could do was stand
there and listen to my blood rush in my ears and my heart slam against my ribs.
That, and stare.
At the woman perched on the edge of my desk, her legs crossed and one foot—and the saddle shoe on
it—swinging. At her bobbed, wavy hair. And the pink chiffon scarf tied around her neck. At her pink
cardigan, the one with the loopy D written in rhinestones over her heart.
She was a ghost. I knew it as sure as I knew my own name was Pepper Martin, and realizing it made
me feel, well… I'll leave out the part about being pissed, exasperated, and leery, and just settle with
saying I was not a happy camper.
I backed away, but my office isn't very big and there wasn't far to go. The doorknob poked my butt.
"No. No. No. No way can I see you." I held one hand out in front of me, emphasizing my point. "No
way can you be here. You're not Gus."
She snapped her gum and blew a big, pink bubble. "Don't have a cow! Of course I'm not Gus. Do I
look like Gus?" The woman sat up and pulled back her shoulders, the better to emphasize a bust-line that
was nearly as ample as mine. "No way Gus has a chassis this classy," she said. "Gus is the one who sent
"But Gus is dead." Okay, it was an understatement, but I thought I should mention it, just in case she
didn't know. I looked toward the far wall. If I had a window—which I didn't—I would have been able to
see across Garden View—which I couldn't—toward the mausoleum that was as flamboyant as Gus was
himself. "I solved Gus's murder. This is the rest-in-peace part. For him and for me. No more ghosts."
"You think?" She grinned. "I've got news for you. That's not how it works."
I didn't have to ask, I knew the it in question was my ability to see and talk to the dead. As far as I
knew—at least until right then and there—that dead meant Gus and only Gus.
Which meant that with Gus gone, I was officially out of the private-investigation-for-the-dearly-departed
Or at least I should have been.
Struggling to make some sense of it all, I ran a hand through my carrot-colored hair. "No way this is
happening," I told the woman. "I hit my head on Gus's mausoleum. Not on yours. I don't even know who
you are. I shouldn't be able to see you."
"But you can, right?" Her smile was perky. Have I mentioned that I hate perky? She hopped off my
desk. "Thanks to that accident of yours, you have what's officially known as the Gift."
"Oh no!" I sidled along the wall until I was standing on the opposite side of the desk from where the
woman stood. "Whatever this Gift thing is, I don't want it. Take it back. No Gift. Not for me. I just want
my life back. My regular, old life."
"Really?" She fluffed her skirt and adjusted the knot on the gauzy scarf around her neck. "That's not
what Gus says."
"In case you haven't noticed, Gus is a mobster. One of the bad guys. That means he's not exactly the
most honest person in the world. Whatever world he happens to be in. And besides, when did you have
time to talk to him?" I thought back to what had just happened out near Gus's mausoleum. One second
he was there, the next… poof! "He just went to the big spaghetti dinner in the sky."
She shrugged like it was no big deal. "Time doesn't work the same here as it does there. Gus, he told me
all about you. He said he was pretty sure you'd moan and groan about how much you hated working for
him but that deep down, you're really grateful that he showed up. After all, before he did, I hear your life
was dullsville."
"He told you that?" So, Gus was over on the Other Side talking behind my back. You think he'd give me
a little more credit. After all, I was the only one capable of seeing him. I was the only one able to hear
him and talk to him, too. Without me, Gus Scarpetti would still be hanging out over in his mausoleum
watching the guys in his old crew bring him fresh roses every Thursday, the day he was gunned down
outside his favorite restaurant.
Of course, before Gus showed up, I was pretty much sitting on the sidelines watching life pass me by,
A dead-end job here in dead city.
A fiance who dumped me rather than risk hurting his social status when my dad traded his medical
license and our more-than-comfortable upper-middle-class lifestyle for prison pinstripes.
A mountain of unpaid bills and a social life that gave dullsville a whole new meaning.
None of which made me feel any better about being bad-mouthed by the bigmouthed dead.
"What else did Gus tell you?" I asked the woman.
She grinned. Like she'd known all along that my curiosity would get the best of me. "He said that before
you met him, you never had to prove yourself. And that now, you finally realize how smart you really are.
He said before you met him, you thought your life was good for nothing but sitting by a swimming pool
and getting a really good tan."
And that's a bad thing?
I didn't bother asking the question, mostly because I didn't really care what this throwback from the last
century thought. Partly because after spending a few weeks with Gus dogging my every step, I was
sensitive to the fact that ghosts might be sensitive to how they couldn't tan.
Then again, I suppose I might have kept my mouth shut because there was a kernel of truth in what Gus
had said.
Before I met him, I had resigned myself to my not-so-happy fate. Go-nowhere job. Go-nowhere life.
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