The Four Agreements A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom A Toltec Wisdom Book by Don Miguel Ruiz - Try It Yourself, And Draw Your Own Conclusions.pdf

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The Four Agreements: A Practical
Guide to Personal Freedom, A Toltec
Wisdom Book by Don Miguel Ruiz
Sit at the foot of a native elder and listen as great wisdom of days long
past is passed down. In The Four Agreements shamanic teacher and
healer Don Miguel Ruiz exposes self-limiting beliefs and presents a simple
yet effective code of personal conduct learned from his Toltec ancestors.
Full of grace and simple truth, this handsomely designed book makes a
lovely gift for anyone making an elementary change in life, and it reads in a
voice that you would expect from an indigenous shaman. The four
agreements are these: Be impeccable with your word. Dont take anything
personally. Dont make assumptions. Always do your best. Its the how and
why one should do these things that make The Four Agreements worth
reading and remembering. --P. Randall Cohan
I think the main reason why I like this book is the simplicity it was written
with. As I read in a lot of reviews, some people prefer just to call it common
sense. I think is not commom sense, I say it is, like we use to call in Brazil,
good sense.
The point is: how far are we from all this good sense? How society in
general fail to teach us what really matters? How we are lost in
distractions, turning our backs to our true nature?
Don Miguel Ruiz shows us how shallow we are in such a simple way that
itll be felt like a slap in the face. I caught myself thinking: How dare him, to
be so simple?. And then you start re-thinking all your atittudes, and the
deepest you allow yourself to go, the more surprising it is.
Ive been studying philosophy and personal growth for the past seven
years, and this book was one of the most enlightening ones Ive ever read.
It really helped me shifting the way I looked at things.
Some reviewers here say that the book shows nothing new or nothing
more than what my grandmother thaught me. They can be right, since
everybody understand a message in different ways, and people have
different levels of spirituality and growth. Dont let these reviews get in your
way thought. I strongly encourage you to read this book and draw your
own conclusions, like you should always do if youre following the path of
personal growth.
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