1970 PF19701114 notes.rtf

(11 KB) Pobierz

Pink Floyd

1970-11-14  Ernst-Merck Halle, Hamburg, West Germany


A speed corrected remaster of "1970-11-14  Ernst-Merck Halle  Hamburg Germany  (T-136)" roio (not a new analog to digital transfer) with a few other fixes.



01 Astronomy Domine

02 Fat Old Sun

03 Cymbaline

04 Atom Heart Mother

05 Libest Spacement Monitor*

06 The Embryo

07 Green Is The Colour - Careful With That Axe, Eugene

08 Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

09 A Saucerful Of Secrets


*There is some debate as to the name of track 5. The originator of this roio called it Interstellar Overdrive because he "always thought it had elements of IO". I hear that but I think it's its own arrangement as I've heard it twice and both times segueing into Embryo. If it did evolve from a part of IO, it is none the less performed as its own piece here. Check out the "1970-11-11 Pictures of Pink Floyd Restoration Project" roio for further research. It has also been called "Corrosion". LSM is what I've seen it called the most. This version includes the raving pict towards the end.



This main mission here was speed correction. The tape ran fast (about 30 cents sharp). Digital speed correction is never ideal but until the analog source owner does a transfer at the correct speed it's better than nothing. Additionally some level corrections were made: The levels jumping around in the 1st 4 min (from the master's levels being dialed in). A sudden drop in level at 33:23 (1:23 long). The level suddenly jumped up for :12 at 52:41 (during audience between songs). There may be a few other level changes but I wasn't sure if this was the taper or live PA anomalies so that's all I messed with.


There are edits between songs from the original taper pausing to save tape, the exceptions being the 2 pairs of songs that segue (tracks 5-6 and track 7). I placed the track indexes at the edit points and made GITC - CWTAE one track. Only the beginning of LSM (track 5) was cut off. The taper paused and unpaused 3 times between AHM and LSM and ultimately lost the very beginning of LSM (likely only a sec or 2). Track 5 starts at the 1st edit. The 2nd edit occurs at 1:55 in. On the original tape there was a 2.8 sec long bit of between song tuning followed by another pause. Then the song (sans very beginning) cuts in. I decided to remove this bit as it was more of a distraction than a conceptional continuity clue (not a decision I would normally make - check out the original if you don't believe me - it's literally a 2.8 sec blast of Dave tuning). The "tic-toc" opening to LSM cuts in .036 sec after the downbeat (the "tic-"). I patched this from one of the subsequent "tic-tocs" so the song at least starts on beat. So at 1:55 into the track we are missing the band tuning up and the original opening of the song. There was a 4.6 sec gap of digital silence between tracks 5 & 6. After removing this, the recording appears to be seamless here. There are no indications that the taper paused here and missed anything. This was certainly an artifact from the program being split to 2 CDs at this point (and right at one of the only 2 seamless segues in this recording no less - bad choice). If burning to CD, make the split between tracks 4 and 5.


No EQing or other level manipulation was done. Fairly decent sound here. Just a little tape distortion in some of the louder parts. The high end starts rolling off around 8k so it's a little muffled sounding. This was not possible to correct on this digital source. I actually wonder if some EQing or NR was done to reduce hiss. Can't say for sure. The digital transfer was done well considering amateur gear was used (levels were set correctly and no brick wall limiting was done). I wanted to try some dynamic EQing on the saturated parts but it wasn't possible without causing more damage. Now if I had the analog source...


A really enjoyable show. Roger is in a good mood and has some amusing comments between songs. Any show where Roger brings out the raving pict is great IMHO. Some amusing audience moments also with one fan doing his best RW screams.


Thanks to the originator of this roio for sharing this. Now you can enjoy this show at the correct speed and without the level distractions and that curious digital gap between tracks. (Again, this is a remaster of an existing digitized source. If you are offended by this practice and would rather listen to the original at the wrong speed - by all means download that instead. If you are the original poster of this roio, please don't take this as an attack on your abilities. You did a good job. Think of this as teamwork.) The original roio artwork is included per the originator's request along with his notes. I have no idea if the pictures are from the actual show. Also note that LSM is labeled IO on the back cover image. Again, if burning this to audio CD is your thing, I suggest starting CD2 with track 5.



generation unknown Reel to Reel Scotch 207 recorded at 3 3/4 ips >

Playback Deck: Akai GX-747 >

Nikko 32 Band EQ >

Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder >

Sony PCM-R500 DAT Recorder >

Sony DAT Tape >

HHB CDR-800 Compact Disc Recorder >





disc 1

01 Astronomy Domine

02 Fat Old Sun

03 Cymbaline

04 Atom Heart Mother

05 Interstellar Overdrive

   (This has also been called Corrosion / Pict

    I've always thought it had elements of Interstellar Overdrive

    There is a Rant by Roger at the end similar to the one at

    the end of Pict but I've always thought Roger was sort of telling

    the Germans off about something.  I just can't really justify     calling it Pict.)


disc 2

01 The Embryo

02 Green Is The Colour

03 Careful With That Axe, Eugene

04 Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

05 Saucerful Of Secrets



I did the editing, mastering, analog to digital transfer and the artwork for this version of this show.  Please keep the artwork and text file, unaltered, together with the FLAC'S


For Trade or Give Away only - Do not Sell - Do not encode as MP3



                                                    July 24, 2003                       T________




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