Literatura amerykańska 3.doc

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I. 1. Specify literary generes in the 17th century American Literature and give an example of each of them.

- historical poetry (John Winthrop, William Bradford);

- religious poetry (Anne Bradstreet,);

- meditative poetry (Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor));

- diaries (Samuel Sewall, Cotton Mather);

- captivity narrative – (Mary Rowlandson).


2. Their voyage to Cape Cod and "the Mayflower Compact" are parts of .................................... by  ................. .


2. Prove that Jonathan Edward's "Sinners in the Hands of Angry Got" is an example of persuasion.

              He used persuasion in the beginning verses. The main idea in the poem is God’s suppreme power. He manipulates the Bible, he uniterpretted the Bible, he chose only parts only parts and interpretated. His manipulation consists an interpretating the silected Biblical phrases, rather than explaining them in the broad context. Edward used manipulation to make his sermon effective, emotional to make people fear all the time. He encourage eole. He wanted to go back to the purity.


3. How does Being a Narrative of the Captivity conform to the conventions of jeremiad?

Jeremiad – lament the spiritual and moral decline of the community and interpret misfortunes as God’s punishment.


4.How is Puritan frame of mind expressed in "Upon the Burninng..." by Anne Bradstreet.

First, she was very unhappy, because she remembered her house what it looked like. She felt sorrow, it was painful to her, but she shouldn’t worried, because it is His decision. Then, she wrote about enthusisatic goodbye. Everything belongs to God, it is his wish he can give and take.


5. Comment on metaphysical conceit used by Edward Taylor in "Huswifery."

It’s a transformation from imperfection to purity. Men is transformed from the clothes to ropes. Lyric shows this transformation like a perfect theme, God makes man prepared for salvation, he wants to be as perfect as God.


6. Define Great Awakening.

Was a religious revival in American religious history. It was a movement especially in the American colonies in the early XVIIIth century. It resulted from powerful preaching that gave listeners a sense of personal gilt and of their need of salvation by Christ. The revival began with Jonathan Edwards, the leading American theologian.


7. What are the basic types of images Jonathan Edwards uses in "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Got" ?


1.      God’s anger. He’s really furious.

2.      God is holding man between Heaven and Hell.

3.      Fires of Hell (he lost Heaven).


8. How is the Puritan myth expressed in "Being a Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs Mary Rowlandson".

Puritan myth – the continues struggle between God and Satan for the souls of the men.

Indians on one way are instruments of Satan, not God, because there is evil in their actions, but on the other hand there are also instruments of God used to teach them all a lesson. Not all of the Indians are bad. God helped Indians, he punished Puritans for sins, by helping Indians. Her captivity may by interpretated like a Christian element.


9. Twain’s attitude toward Europe – his attitude was critical, he rejected european culture, because Europe was corrupted.



II. Explain the following:


1. Samuel Sewall – he was a Massachusetts judge, best known for his involvment in the Salem which trials, for which he later apologised. He attended to Harvard University. He wrote the essey ‘The Selling of Joseph’ in which he critized slavery.

2. Mayflower – it was the ship which transported English pople (pilgrims) from Plymouth to Plymouth Massachusetts in 1620.

3."The Selling of Joseph" – it was the essey, in which Samuel Sewall critized slavery.

4. Predestination – is a religious concept in which some pople will be elected by the God and saved. If someone was succesful, it was obvious that he will be chosen by the God.

5.TULIP Total Depravity; Unconditional Election; Limited Atonement; Irresistible Grace; Perseverance of the Saints.

6.Magnolia Christi Americana

It’s a book written by Cotton Mather in which he described everything what had happened till then (from his own point of view). He presented Bradford as a perfect man.

7. Nobeliści:

Sinclair Levis; Eugene O’Nail;Pearl Buck; Toni Morrison; William Faulkner; Ernest Hemingway; John Steinbeck.

8. ‘Of Plymouth Plantation’ it’s a book, written over a period of years by the leader of the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts, William Bradford.



III. Opisać jeden z utworów: "To my Dear and Loving Husband" lub " A Model of Christian Charity".

"To my Dear and Loving Husband" the author – Anne Bradstreet praises her husband and askes Heaven to reward him for his love. The union of marriage is more harmonious and passionate then all others across all of time. Love is compared to gold and rechest. The only thing on earth that compensates my love for you is yours for me. She dares to wish that they love live on forever; love will live in their children – will be continued through the children. It’s about marriage love, it makes different from other poet.

It’s a love poem, the author compares her husband’s love, she believed in her life.


"A Model of Christian Charity" is a sermon that John Whintrop delivered somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on board the Arbella on its way to America. In this sermon Whintrop described his opinion about purposes of God in leading the passangers to America. He believed that God created separation on social classes for a reason, to bring the classes closer together through love of and need for each other.


Still aboard the ship Arbella, Winthrop admonished the future Massachusetts Bay colonists that their new community would be a "city upon a hill", watched by the world.



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