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Japanese Others recipe: Egg Roll
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Recipe: Egg Roll
Recipe: Others
Egg Roll
In this dish, whisked eggs are blended with dashi
broth and cooked into a moist, spongy roll. This egg
roll can be eaten as is or used as a sushi ingredient.
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Approximate Cooking Time: 20-30 minutes
Serves : 4
Ingredients For Egg Roll
dashi (1/4 of egg amount)
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon mirin
soy sauce
vegetable oil
grated daikon
soy sauce
1 Press down big bubbles
and cook keeping surface
2 Fold into 3, folding from
the farther end.
3 Grease empty space.
4 Slide egg to farther side
and grease empty space.
5 Lift up folded egg slightly
and spread egg mixture
6 Place on makisu and
shape egg roll.
Cooking Instruction:
1 Whisk eggs. Mix sugar, mirin, a dash of soy sauce and salt in dashi broth, then blend
in whisked eggs.
2 Put 1 tablespoon oil in egg-cooking pan and heat over medium to low heat. Remove
excess oil. Oil must be spread evenly to the four corners of the pan.
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Japanese Others recipe: Egg Roll
3 Drop a bit of egg mixture in pan. If it sizzles, the pan is ready for cooking. If the drop
smokes, the pan is overheated; remove from heat and cool by placing on a wet dish
4 Spoon in 1/3 egg mixture and spread out evenly. As it cooks it begins to bubble.
Press down big bubbles with chopsticks (picture 1).
5 When half-done, fold into 3 from farther end and grease empty space in the pan
(pictures 2 & 3). Slide folded egg to farther side (picture 4). Grease empty space made
at nearer side.
6 Spoon 1/2 the remaining egg mixture in empty space. Lift up the folded egg slightly
and spread out egg mixture underneath (picture 5). When half-done, fold with folded
egg inside, making into a roll. Grease pan and add the remaining egg mixture; following
the above steps, make the roll bigger.
7 When egg roll is done, place on makisu (thin bamboo mat) while hot and shape egg
roll into a square or round roll (picture 6). Leave for 4-5 minutes to cool.
8 Cut egg roll into appropriate sized pieces and place in a serving dish. Add grated
daikon on the side and sprinkle with a little soy sauce. The egg roll is eaten with a little
grated daikon on it.
Note: If an egg-cooking pan is not available, a shallow skillet can be sub stituted.
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Japanese Others recipe: Egg Roll
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