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Caller's Favours Role Cards

Caller Role Cards





You are running late because you had to meet a client.  You need your roommate to put a bottle of wine in the fridge because you are having some friends over for drinks after work. You should be home in about 30 minutes.




You are running late because you had to finish a report.  You need your roommate to put your pants in the dryer because your pants are wet and you will need them to go dancing tonight. You should be home in about 2 hours






You are running late because you had to write some e-mail.  You need your roommate to tidy up a bit because your parents are coming over for a visit. You should be home in about an hour.




You are running late because you had to wait for your paycheck.  You need your roommate to thaw some chicken out because your girlfriend/boyfriend is coming over for dinner. You should be home in about 45 minutes.




You are running late because you were talking to a customer on the phone.  You need your roommate to lend you some money because you are going to a movie. You should be home in about 20 minutes.




You are running late because you had to prepare for a meeting tomorrow.  You need your roommate to lend you his or her car because you are going to a beach party. You should be home in about an hour and a half.






You are running late because you had to finish designing your company catalogue.  You need your roommate to lend you a shirt because you are going out with some friends. You should be home in about 10 minutes.




You are running late because you had to give a presentation.  You need your roommate to record the TV program Enemies on channel 8 because you wont be home in time to watch it. You should be home in about an hour.


The callers have to call their roommates, explain why they are late, and then request favours. 

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