40K - Malcador Tank v1.pdf

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PowerPoint Presentation
The Malcador is an ancient tank design, perhaps even predating the Leman Russ, but although it
was once a common sight on mankind’s battlefields, there are relatively few Malcador tanks still
in operation with the Imperial Guard today compared with the commonplace Leman Russ and its many
Named after a mysterious figure from the Imperium’s earliest days, Malcador the Sigillite (-a
close advisor to the Emperor during the Battles of Unification, and the man credited with
founding the Administratum of Terra), the tank is a mobile fortress, heavily armed and armoured
but slow. Mounting multiple heavy bolters for all-round defence, side-sponson weapons and a
demolisher cannon in a limited-traverse hull mount. It has a large crew of eight crowded into
its hull; a driver, main gunner and loader, two sponson gunners, and three heavy bolter gunners,
one of whom is also the tank’s commander.
Bristling with weapons, well armoured and robust, the Malcador’s main drawback is the bulky
engine needed to haul its great mass. This makes the tank’s performance and speed relatively
poor, and somewhat prone to mechanical failure when damaged compared to the Leman Russ, although
many consider this a small price to pay for the Malacdor’s brutal combat effectiveness and
staying power.
Although the Malcador has been all but forgotten in parts of the Imperium, it is believed large
stockpiles of these tanks lay mothballed in Departmento Munitorium stores on several worlds
awaiting the hour of their need. Some Malcador tanks also see regular service with some Imperial
Guard regiments, militia units and local planetary defences forces, who use the Malcador out of
tradition, suitability to their combat needs or simple lack of other supply.
Type: Tank
Size: War Machine
Speed: Lumbering
Structure Points: 2
Crew: (8) Imperial Guard
Weapons: The Malcador is armed with a demolisher-cannon, five hull-mounted heavy bolters and two
sponson-mounted heavy bolters.
Copyright Games Workshop Ltd., 2007. All rights reserved
Options: The Malcador may exchange its side-sponson heavy bolters for a pair of
heavy flamers for +5 pts, or a pair of lascannons for +30 pts.
The Malcador may take the following vehicle upgrades from the Imperial Guard
Codex: camo-netting, extra armour, hunter-killer missile, improved comms, mine
sweeper, rough terrain modification, searchlight, track guards, smoke launchers.
Super Heavy detachment: 1-3 Malcadors are a super-heavy detachment.
Engine Damage: If the Malcador suffer an engine damage result it looses 1D6”
movement rather than the normal D3”.
Copyright Games Workshop Ltd., 2007. All rights reserved
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