Learn English in a Quarter Of The Time - Callan Method.txt

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Learn English in a Quarter Of The Time - Callan Method

Book with Audio | PDF + MP3 | 128kbps | 44.1 Khz | 4 Channels | Language: English | Publisher: callan 2008 | 1.3 GB

Callan Method teaches English four times faster than other methods. It is the quickest and the most effective method of teaching English. The method produces excellent results with virtually every student.
Callan Method was invented in the 60 years in the UK and was first used in the Callan School of London (today - is the largest English language school in Europe and is designed for 2000 students). Once the method has been successfully tested, and its use made it incomparable results, it began to be used in other schools in Britain and around the world.

Callan method is the so-called "direct method" (Direct method) of learning English, that is, learning takes place entirely in English. The method assumes that throughout the sessions, students talking, answering questions from the teacher. They learn to perceive speech in the speed with which spoken by native speakers, listening, and respond quickly without thinking about how to properly formulate a response.

Originally given a high rate excludes the transfer of students questions and answers and promotes the development of thinking in English.

The course consists of a 175-Tee lessons (mp3 file), each of which is attached the relevant text in pdf format.


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