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The Catholic Primer’s              

              Study Guide Series:





              CHRIST THE SAVIOR

              Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.





              A Study of the Third Part of The Summa Theologica

              of St. Thomas Aquinas



              Caution regarding printing: This document is approximately 680 pages in length, depending upon individual printer settings.


















              The Catholic Primer






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              The Catholic Primer:





              Preface ........................................................................................................................... 13


              THE THIRD PART OF ST THOMAS' THEOLOGICAL SUMMA ................................... 13

              Prologue......................................................................................................................... 13


              CHAPTER I: THE MYSTERY AND FACT OF THE INCARNATION ............................. 17

              Preliminary Remarks................................................................................................. 17

              First Article: Christ's Testimony Of Himself And Primarily Of His Messianic

              Dignity ........................................................................................................................ 19

              State Of The Question. .......................................................................................... 19

              The Last Year Of His Life ...................................................................................... 22

              Second Article: Testimony Of Christ And The Apostles Concerning The Divine

              Sonship ...................................................................................................................... 23

              Christ Testifies To His Divinity In The Synoptic Gospels[63]............................ 23

              Testimony Of The Acts Of The Apostles Concerning The Divinity Of Christ .. 27

              Testimony Of St. Paul On The Divinity Of Christ ................................................ 28

              St. John's Testimony To The Divinity Of Christ.................................................. 30

              Third Article: Testimony Of Tradition And The Principal Definitions Of The

              Church ........................................................................................................................ 32


              ........................................................................................................................................ 33

              CHAPTER III: QUESTION 1—THE FITNESS OF THE INCARNATION ....................... 41

              First Article: Whether It Was Fitting That God Should Become Incarnate?[190] 41

              Second Article: Whether It Was Necessary For The Restoration Of The Human

              Race That The Word Of God Should Become Incarnate? ..................................... 49

              State of the question. ............................................................................................ 49

              Solution Of Objections Against The Reply To The First Doubt......................... 65

              Third Article: Whether, If Man Had Not Sinned, God Would Have Become

              Incarnate? .................................................................................................................. 67

              What Is Precisely The View Of Scotus?[324] ...................................................... 78

              The Liberty Of The Decree Concerning The Incarnation: A Comparison

              Between The Doctrine Of St. Thomas And That Of Scotus ............................... 85

              Final Conclusion: The Motive Of The Incarnation .............................................. 89

              Fourth Article: Whether God Became Incarnate In Order To Take Away Actual

              Sin, Rather Than To Take Away Original Sin? ........................................................ 89

              Fifth Article: Whether It Was Fitting That God Should Become Incarnate In The

              Beginning Of The Human Race? .............................................................................. 90

              CHAPTER IV: QUESTION 2 .......................................................................................... 91

              Prologue: The Mode Of The Union Of The Word Incarnate ................................... 91

              Second Article: Whether The Union Of The Incarnate Word Took Place In The

              Person ...................................................................................................................... 100

              Introduction Or Ascent Toward A Certain Understanding Of The Incarnation

              ............................................................................................................................... 110

              Two Theories About The Hypostatic Union ...................................................... 116

              Various Scholastic Views About Personality.................................................... 120

              Criterion To Be Followed In The Examination Of These Opinions ................. 121

              Solution Of Objections Against Cajetan's Opinion .......................................... 137

              Third Article: Whether The Union Of The Word Incarnate Took Place In The

              Suppositum Or Hypostasis .................................................................................... 141




              Fourth Article: Whether After The Incarnation The Person Or Hypostasis Is

              Composite ................................................................................................................ 142

              Fifth Article: Whether In Christ There Is Any Union Of Soul And Body ............. 143

              Sixth Article: Whether The Human Nature Was United To The Word Of God

              Accidentally ............................................................................................................. 144

              Seventh Article: Whether The Union Of The Divine Nature And The Human Is

              Something Created.................................................................................................. 147

              Eighth Article: Whether Union Is The Same As Assumption .............................. 150

              Ninth Article: Whether The Union Of The Two Natures In Christ Is The Greatest

              Of Unions ................................................................................................................. 151

              Tenth Article: Whether The Union Of The Two Natures In Christ Took Place By

              Grace ........................................................................................................................ 153

              Eleventh Article: Whether Any Merits Preceded The Union Of The Incarnation

              ................................................................................................................................... 154

              Twelfth Article: Whether The Grace Of Union Was Natural To The Man Christ 161


              PERSON ASSUMING................................................................................................... 162

              First Article: Whether It Is Fitting For A Divine Person To Assume ................... 163

              Second Article: Whether It Is Befitting To The Divine Nature To Assume......... 164

              Third Article: Whether The Nature Abstracted From The Personality Can

              Assume..................................................................................................................... 165

              Fourth Article: Whether One Person Without Another Can Assume A Created

              Nature ......

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