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Conceptual Suspension Modeling
About This Guide 3
Introducing the Conceptual Suspension Module 5
Working with Suspension Characteristics Files 11
Working with Conceptual Suspension Subsystems 19
Functional Definition of Suspension Subsystems 39
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Conceptual Suspension Modeling
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Part number: 101PDFCSM-01
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Conceptual Suspension Modeling
About This Guide
About This Guide
Welcome to the Conceptual Suspension Module
This guide introduces you to the conceptual suspension module (CSM). CSM is an
optional module that you can purchase and use as part of ADAMS/Car
, Mechanical
Dynamics’ (MDI) virtual prototyping software. ADAMS/Car creates, catalogues, and
analyzes suspension and vehicle assemblies.
CSM is a method of implementing functional suspension behavior in ADAMS/Car
through pre-defined trajectories followed by the wheel carrier during suspension
travel (vertical and steer) and external forces.
What This Guide Assumes
This guide assumes that:
ADAMS/Car is installed on your computer or network. It also assumes that
your path variable contains the location where ADAMS/Car is installed and
that you have permission to execute ADAMS/Car. If you do not know if
ADAMS/Car is installed or where it is located, see your local ADAMS/Car
expert or system administrator.
You know how to simulate suspensions and interpret simulation results.
You know the basics of using ADAMS/Car. For an introduction to
ADAMS/Car, see the guide, Getting Started Using ADAMS/Car . For more
information on using ADAMS/Car, see the ADAMS/Car Reference Guides .
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Conceptual Suspension Modeling
About This Guide
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Introducing the Conceptual
Suspension Module
This chapter explains what the conceptual suspension module
is and how you can use it to simulate vehicle models. It
includes the following sections:
About the Conceptual Suspension Module, 6
What You Can Do with CSM, 7
How You Benefit From Using CSM, 8
Steps in Using CSM, 9
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