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Using limit state:?

Using limit state:

(*UgY The deflections towards axis Y (*OdCiec calculated from member chord *)equal:

                            amax = $14.1.1$ mm             

agr = l / $14.2.1$ = $14.3.1$ / $14.2.1$ = $14.4.1$ mm

                                          amax = $WarSGUy$ = agr

*)(*UgX The deflections towards axis X (*OdCiec calculated from member chord *)equal:

                            amax = $14.1.2$ mm             

agr = l / $14.2.2$ = $14.3.2$ / $14.2.2$ = $14.4.2$ mm

                                          amax = $WarSGUx$ = agr

*)(*UgXY Largest resultant deflection equals:

                            a = $WWyp$

*)(*PrzemW  Horizontal displacement of joint in level height  h = $14.5$ m equals:

                            u = $14.1.3$ mm             

ugr = h / $14.2.3$ = $14.3.3$ / $14.2.3$ = $14.4.3$ mm

                                          u = $WarSGUw$ = ugr *)


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