Power Rangers - 01x42 - Reign of the Jellyfish [DVD-Rip].txt

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{1}{75}movie info: XVID  640x480 25.0fps 174.5 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{1530}{1614}Okay class, today|we're going to fill this time
{1616}{1733}capsule with items that|reflect today's world.
{1728}{1819}One hundred years from|now when it's opened,
{1819}{1923}it will showcase our lifestyle|to a future generation.
{1923}{2014}I'm anxious to see what each|of you has brought in.
{2009}{2048}Jason, why don't you start?
{2165}{2243}This is the first trophy|I won in a karate match
{2238}{2300}and it shows what you can|do when you believe in yourself,
{2304}{2356}and take good care of your body.
{2358}{2423}That's a good message|for the future, Jason.
{2514}{2566}Are these like so cool or what?
{2592}{2652}These are to show what|we are wearing, you know,
{2653}{2731}that we had freedom to make|choices of the clothes and stuff.
{2729}{2796}A sense of individual style.
{2792}{2834}Exactly. Who knows,|it might even start a whole
{2836}{2887}new fashion trend in the future.
{2965}{3056}Um, are you including anything|in the capsule, Miss Appleby?
{3062}{3114}As a matter of fact I am.
{3114}{3205}I'm contributing this photograph|of the Power Rangers.
{3211}{3286}They've risked their lives|for our planet so many times,
{3290}{3355}that I wanted to make|sure that the future
{3341}{3419}remembers these|remarkable heroes.
{3521}{3560}Heroes? Finster!
{3570}{3625}I'm the remarkable one|the future should remember.
{3625}{3664}Where's my monster cook book?
{3672}{3776}Ah, here it! Not you. Not you.
{3774}{3854}You need a monster that'll defeat|the Power Rangers once and for all.
{3854}{3945}I have just the thing.|The dreaded Jellyfish.
{3953}{3987}I'll start making him at once.
{3987}{4045}And the name Rita Repulsa|will live forever
{4045}{4123}once the Power Rangers|are defeated.
{4166}{4209}Okay Zack, let's see what|you've brought
{4211}{4250}in for the time capsule.
{4241}{4312}Music touches everybody|and contemporary music
{4314}{4379}usually reflects what's|happening in the world.
{4418}{4561}So I've brought in a|slammin CD with some fat tunes.
{4534}{4573}Good idea!
{4607}{4659}I'm including this personal|computer I designed
{4659}{4702}with the latest software to|demonstrate how
{4704}{4782}advanced our technology|was in this time period.
{4777}{4803}Nice, Billy!
{4891}{4956}I brought in today's|newspapers so whoever opens
{4953}{5014}the time capsule in the|future can read about
{5016}{5081}the events of the day.
{5067}{5158}An excellent choice! Who's next?
{5184}{5249}- We are!|- Yeah, we are!
{5241}{5280}What we're going to bury|in the time capsule's
{5280}{5384}going to change the future forever.
{5449}{5514}We've outdone ourselves this time.
{5525}{5605}It's the Almighty,|hail to the big guy,
{5618}{5735}stuff a gut, super sandwich,|also known as the Bulkwich.
{5769}{5844}And we're going to make|it here live, fresh,
{5844}{5909}in front of your eyes.|Are you ready, Skull?
{5909}{5961}Ready, Bulk.
{6739}{6832}It's supposed to go on the|sandwich, dimwit.
{6824}{6863}Not on me.
{6876}{6941}Yeah, that's really gonna|change the future, guys.
{7043}{7134}Hey Finster. I'm tired|of waiting of this monster
{7131}{7186}I'm supposed to have.|How soon?
{7178}{7243}Yes, you've holding up,|my Queen's evil scheme.
{7256}{7321}I must have the right|ingrediants.
{7334}{7373}There, without this to|give it backbone,
{7386}{7438}Jellyfish would just be a|pile of sushi,
{7444}{7522}instead of my most|wonderful horriblest creations.
{7516}{7568}Then it's goodbye, Power Rangers.
{7590}{7642}I think it's so cool that|Miss Appleby put in a picture
{7642}{7720}of the Power Rangers|inside the time capsule.
{7723}{7827}I know. I wonder what people|in the future would think of us?
{7837}{7928}Watch your backs, coming through.
{7980}{8032}Hey, we got the highest|grades in class
{8033}{8071}so we get to bury the time capsule.
{8083}{8110}You guys ready?
{8115}{8180}Let's do it!|This thing's getting heavy!
{8242}{8281}I'm waiting you, dummies!
{8330}{8405}Do not worry, my Queen,|I will send down
{8407}{8485}the Putties to distract|them while Squatt and Baboo
{8485}{8563}steal the capsule and|put your picture in it.
{8595}{8634}You know,|I've always wanted to do this.
{8634}{8673}Oh, there's a spot, guys.
{8673}{8712}Alright, let's put this down, Zack.
{8718}{8783}That's what I've been|waiting to hear.
{8783}{8874}Don't get too relaxed, we're|just getting to the fun part.
{8939}{9017}Alright, shovels everyone.
{9030}{9082}Hey, I can dig it!
{9082}{9147}Let's get to work, guys!
{9251}{9277}What do they want this time?
{9277}{9329}Same as usual. Us.
{9355}{9407}Ooh! There it is!
{10265}{10304}Hurry! Hurry, if the see us
{10304}{10369}they'll make monster|much out of us.
{10369}{10473}Ooh, yes. Rita could certainly|use new clothes. Very grunge.
{10473}{10525}We'll just take the whole|time capsule back
{10525}{10564}then put Rita's picture in it.
{10564}{10603}Yes, that's a good idea!
{10625}{10664}Let's go!
{11036}{11101}Man, what was that all about?
{11101}{11179}You guys look, Squatt and|Baboo have our time capsule.
{11174}{11200}Come on!
{11207}{11246}Uh-oh! We're in trouble now!
{11270}{11322}Don't even think about it.
{11426}{11491}What could they want|with our time capsule?
{11491}{11582}Question is, what would|Rita want with it?
{11652}{11717}You were supposed to take my|picture with you butterbrains.
{11717}{11756}But you just said.
{11763}{11841}Next time I'll make|hubcaps out of ya.
{11833}{11882}The Jellyfish monster is|finally finished and
{11885}{11963}has been sent to Earth|as you commanded.
{11963}{12028}At last the Power Rangers|defeat is at hand.
{12119}{12171}Ai yi yi! Trouble at Angel Grove Park.
{12184}{12249}Alpha, activate the Viewing Globe.
{12249}{12327}As I suspected it's another|one of Rita's monsters.
{12327}{12379}A very dangerous one,|I'm afraid.
{12379}{12444}Contact the Power Rangers|immediately, Alpha.
{12457}{12561}Right Zordon, patching you through.
{12574}{12600}We read you, Zordon.
{12613}{12691}Rangers, Rita's latest creation|is terrorising Angel Grove Park.
{12704}{12756}We're on it! It's Morphin Time!
{12768}{12820}- Mastodon!|- Pterodactyl!
{12820}{12885}- Triceratops!|- Sabretooth Tiger!
{13251}{13381}I was hoping I'd catch you,|little Power Fishies. Ha ha ha!
{13381}{13433}Oh yeah, we'll your|the one who's slime.
{13446}{13498}Flattery will get you nowhere,|little Mastodon.
{13524}{13589}Now try this on for size.
{13823}{13888}Man, the Jellyfish|has asting alright.
{13899}{13951}Somehow the blast|penetrated our suits.
{13952}{14017}Taking a nap so soon little ones.
{14030}{14082}He's too powerful, guys.|We've got to back off
{14082}{14147}and figure out something|before it's too late.
{14251}{14342}So what's the story|on this Jellyfish, Zordon?
{14342}{14420}Whatever he was shooting|nearly burnt right through us.
{14420}{14472}The Jellyfish is equiped|with a toxic spray that
{14472}{14550}can even eat through|your special suits, Rangers.
{14550}{14589}Well, how do we fight him then?
{14597}{14649}Alpha has been working|on a chemical coating
{14649}{14688}that will shield your suits.
{14688}{14779}I have it here. Hold still, Rangers!
{14831}{14922}There, that should do the trick.
{14922}{14987}Alright, now we can take this guy.
{14987}{15052}Ai yi yi!|Attack in Angel Grove Park.
{15052}{15169}Look, it's Jellyfish|and more Putties too.
{15169}{15221}The Jellyfish must|be stopped Rangers.
{15234}{15299}With his toxic spray|he could destroy the Earth.
{15299}{15338}May the Power protect you.
{15338}{15364}Let's squish that fish!
{15366}{15392}We're on it, Zordon!
{15405}{15457}Let's do it, Rangers!
{15808}{15860}You're through, Jellyfish.
{15860}{15938}That's what you think.|Get him, Super Putties!
{15999}{16025}Let's take them!
{16025}{16051}- Right!|- Right!
{16229}{16281}Fight you, claybrains!
{16567}{16606}Very impressive.
{16606}{16710}But now for a taste of|my toxic spray. Ha ha!
{16870}{16909}Look at what he did|to that bench?
{16912}{16990}We've got to stop him!|Come on, Trini!
{17224}{17302}Stay back, guys!|This flouder's mine!
{17401}{17453}Missed me, ha ha!
{17466}{17518}Over here!
{17616}{17668}Jason, are you alright?
{17671}{17775}I'll think I'll go for a little spin.
{17977}{18029}Where are we?
{18005}{18044}What's going on?
{18031}{18122}Ai yi yi! The Power Rangers|have vanished from my scanners.
{18122}{18187}I've lost contact as well, Alpha.|The monster must
{18187}{18239}have transported them|to another dimention.
{18252}{18304}I'm afraid the Rangers|are on their own.
{18317}{18356}Ai yi yi!
{18355}{18420}Welcome to my humble home,|Power Rangers.
{18427}{18505}Sorry I'm such an awful host.
{18619}{18700}You cannot touch me|but I can touch you.
{18817}{18856}He wasn't kidding.|What's up with that?
{18856}{18908}He's time phased.|Maybe a power burst from
{18908}{18973}your battle axe will knock|us all out of this dimension.
{18973}{19051}Right! Make a wish, Jellyfish!
{19064}{19090}Alright, we're free!
{19103}{19142}Not for long!
{19155}{19220}Right, Jellyfish, now you're mine!
{19324}{19389}It will take more than that,|power weaklings.
{19389}{19454}He's still not finished,|we're gonna need more power.
{19454}{19532}Right! Get set everybody.
{19556}{19660}Watch it world.|Make my monster grow!
{19923}{20027}I'm the bigfish in this pond|now, Power Rangers.
{20040}{20131}Not for long!|We need Dinozord power, now!
{20768}{20794}Let's do...
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